The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1580: Counterattack

The body of Datang Lord Li Weichen, a layer of red light flickering and sinking, never succeeded in completely occupying it.

Bai Xiaowen continued to inject real strength, and gathered multiple ideas to invade Li Weichen's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, Li Weichen's consciousness was very high. Despite the assistance of Zhenyuan, Bai Xiaowen's invasion idea could not be eliminated.

"Huh, that failed."

Bai Xiaowen opened his eyes and exhaled long.

Knowing that there is nothing to do, if too many ideas are gathered and an offensive is forcibly launched, it is very likely that Bai Xiaowen's spiritual knowledge will be greatly damaged, leading to permanent effects such as a permanent decline in mental attributes.

Li Weichen's eyes stared fiercely at Bai Xiaowen. If he could commit suicide, he would certainly not hesitate.

Since Bai Xiaowen wanted to manipulate him, Li Weichen realized what Bai Xiaowen wanted to do.

This is in turn going to annex your territory!

No! Even if you make your territory unown, you will be cheaper or lucky, or you will be cheaper.

But his chin was removed and his whole body was bound. Even Li Weichen, who was imprisoned in spirit, could not even commit suicide.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen's manipulation failed.

Li Weichen said coldly: "Lü Wang, you toad, also want to eat swan meat, swallow into a fat man? Stop dreaming, high-level heroes are not so easy to be controlled by the mind, let alone I still master The lord of a boundary monument! You don't look at the mirror, or you open the property panel and see your poor grade? Daydream! "

Li Weichen took the initiative to provoke death.

Bai Xiaowen took a look at Li Weichen and got up and said: "The simplest and labor-saving plan failed, starting the backup plan ... Li Weichen's mouth was so annoying that he would be put into dying first. Who is sure?"

Li Shuyi raised her hand: "I'm coming!"

The health value of the evolver affects various indicators of the body's ability to move.

The health value must be above 60% to ensure that the ability to move is not impaired.

If it is lower than the passing line, the lower the health value, the worse the mobility ability. With reference to the injuries of various parts, different deductions will be produced.

For example, injury to the leg will affect the speed of movement; injury to the arm will affect the speed of attack; injury to the internal organs will have more serious consequences (blood, organ failure, etc.).

When the health value is lower than 30%, the evolver must enter a serious injury state, and his strength is halved. However, it should be noted that when the evolver enters a serious injury state, his health value may not be lower than 30%. For example, just after Li Weichen ate Bai Xiaowen's invisible blade attack, he was directly injured. At that time, his health value was More than 50%.

The dying state mentioned by Bai Xiaowen refers to the evolutionary being hit below 1% of the health value, but not killed.

The evolutionary under this health value will enter a near-death and coma, and will not be able to respond to everything outside, refer to the vegetative.

This fault tolerance rate is very small, so people who have super confidence in their damage control ability can execute it.

Li Weichen's face changed. He wanted to die instead of torture. He did not expect that he would still be tortured before he died. He hurried to speak.

However, before a word was uttered, Li Shuyi started.


Each piece of finely broken sword gas woven into a magnificent sword screen. After Li Shuyi practiced the "Huanhua Collection", the sword became more and more gorgeous with the cultivation.

Li Weichen's health decreased rapidly, and the huge pain almost drowned him.

By the time he hit 10%, Li Weichen had fallen into an intermittent coma.

Li Shuyi put away the sword.

Li Weichen has a strong vitality and slowly wakes up.

He thought it was over, but did not expect that Li Shuyi just happened to enter the next step.

Abandon the sword and use your fingers as the sword to control the damage more finely.

Slender fingers stabbed out, and a finely broken sword slammed into a sword flower.

The gurgling voice sounded, and Li Weichen passed out again.

"Hoo, finish work." Li Shuyi wiped a non-existent sweat, in fact, the work is not tired, but the mental load is a bit large.

This time, Li Weichen was really unconscious and could not wake up.

"Old Han, take Li Weichen. Be careful, don't pin him to death."

Seeing Han Xu pinching Li Weichen under his arm, Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly, and then said, "Sister Qiao, Shu Yi, and Zhen Huan remain in Bai Huang collar. Cecilia and Lao Han, as well as the rest of the Five Elements Banner, all follow me. Expedition ... Sister Qiao, I grant you the authority to manipulate the territory, and after we leave, open the territory shield. "

Qiao Rui and the three agreed.

Bai Xiaowen also handed Qiao Rui a magic charm: "This is the magic charm given to me by Chen Rong, the head of the Qing dynasty. If the territory is in danger, use it ... there will be masters from the Shang dynasty to save the field."

Bai Xiaowen took the Wuxing Banner warrior, wrapped in Li Weichen, and ran to the boundary mark of the territory.

Bai Xiaowen first granted Qiao Rui the secondary authority to manipulate the territory array, then manipulated the boundary monument and sensed the boundary gate.

Soon, news came from the rules of the spirit world:

"The closest boundary gate was detected, a distance of 79.8 kilometers. Is the team teleport mode turned on? Each evolutionary covered by your spiritual power needs to consume at least one phantom (the specific number is related to the teleportation distance)."

Bai Xiaowen took a deep breath: "Turn on team teleport mode, target locked ... teleport!"

White light flickered.


Blue Star Lords.

Seeing a large number of troops suddenly appearing at the gate, as well as the "Lv Wang" headed by them, all the crowds who were eating melon all confirmed the speculation.

This war was indeed won by Lv Wang!

"Where is Li Weichen?" One of the lords asked in a voice, "Has he been killed?"

They didn't see it, because Han Xu's cloak completely covered Li Weichen's body, and because Han Xu was located between the Wuxing Banner warriors, other lords would only treat him as a bloated and fat warrior.

"What is Lu Wang doing?"

Seeing that "Lv Wang" led the army directly into the gate and disappeared at the entrance of the space passage, the lords were boiling.

"Inconceivable! Lu Wang actually wants to counterattack!"

"That's right ~ ~ He is going to use the border of Datang Leader to counterattack Datang Leader!"

"After all, the gate is two-way."

Not to mention the discussion in the lord group, Lord Ravendale's Candice received several private chats in a split second.

"Lord Cantis, you are also in the double uterus star area, right? Now the coordinates of Lord Bai Huang, Li Weichen has helped you detect it."

"Lu Wang's appetite is wide open, and greed is not enough to swallow elephants, and Bai Huangling is in the emptiness. If I were you, I wouldn't sit still."

"If you don't go, can you share the territory coordinates of Bai Huangling?"

The lords were not instigated, they were just inquiring about Candice's tone.

With a smile, Candice replied directly in the lord group: "You don't have to ask anymore. We the elves from Rivendell are peace-loving."

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