The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1590: Ghost worker


The little friends all looked at Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Yes. Now it seems that the grudge needed to create a 13th level Demon Warrior can produce about forty or fifty weak soul creatures. If I choose, I will definitely choose By."

Qi Qiaorui said intently: "You want to use these weak little soul creatures as a skeleton labor."

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "Yes, let ’s call these creatures" ghost workers "for the time being. In fact, on the upper limit of the occupied population, a 13th level phantom warrior needs to occupy 1,300 ordinary populations and fifty level 3 ghosts. The number of workers occupied by workers is basically the same.

"Now in all territories, evolutionary leaders are generally incorporated into the army, while weaker leaders are used for daily production work. As a combat arm, the Phantom Warrior has certain early advantages but lacks growth potential. This is their biggest shortcoming. Learning from ghost workers as a production arm, especially as a hard worker for mining, is a flawless and perfect worker. "

Bai Xiaowen explained the reasons for his preference for "ghost workers", and then said: "Although Bai Huang has thousands of skeleton workers, I still don't feel enough, let alone adding new land after annexing the Great Tang collar. There is this The Bone Mounds can supplement ghost workers, and the labor force in the territory will never be lacking again. "

My little friends all understand that when a new group of ghost workers are added to the territory, the mining efficiency is naturally rising, and other mines previously identified can start mining.

Resources mean profit, and this is the business opportunity that Bai Xiaowen said.

In fact, the business opportunity that Bai Xiaowen said has a deeper level, that is, selling ghost workers to other territories.

Except for those territories that are naturally disgusted with the undead army, such as the Ravendale territories whose elves are the main people, or the special territories that believe in the God of Light, there should be no territories to reject these perfect labors.

Of course, we must meet the needs of Bai Huangling before considering the sale.

These newly created ghost workers, just like the Phantom Army soldiers, are in a stagnant state just after they have entered the "pipeline". The first person to leave a mark on them with spiritual power will become the owner of the highest authority.

After completing this necessary "factory steps", Bai Xiaowen took these ghost workers and Hades soldiers and left the Imperial Palace.

The boundary pillar of the Great Tang dynasty has been swallowed up by the white phoenix boundary pillar, and this palace no longer has boundary pillars.

Bai Xiaowen also obtained data on the territory and population of Bai Huangling after the annexation.

The area of ​​the Great Tang dynasty is 70,000 square kilometers, equivalent to 7 million hectares.

Looks very large, but compared to the area of ​​20 million hectares of Bai Huang collar, it is not conspicuous.

Because the area of ​​the territory is determined by the unification contribution made by the lord when he is promoted. With Bai Xiaowen's unifying contribution in the world of the Three Kingdoms, defeating the princes by all hands, ending the troubled times, and becoming the emperor, he was basically top-ranked, only to obtain 20 million hectares of territory.

Datang collar has never annexed other territories, and the initial area has never increased.

One more thing to note is that under the land annexation mode, the new plot area is linked to the "initial area" of the annexed territory.

If the initial area of ​​the Datang collar was only 1 million hectares, and it rose to 2 million hectares by the annexation of other territories, then after the annexation by Bai Huangling, only 1 million hectares of "initial area" land will be added. Plots will not be counted again.

This also prevents some territories from engaging in harassment operations and the possibility of unlimited expansion.

(No specific details on how to perform this operation here.)

At present, the total area of ​​Baihuang collar is 27 million hectares, and the total population that can be accommodated is 27 million.

Of course, these 27 million are calculated based on the standard of ordinary people on earth (non-awakening people). The awakened person will occupy the population of his own level * 10, and the evolver will occupy the population of his own level * 100.

So Bai Huangling currently has no more than 10,000 people (including skeleton workers), but they occupy a population limit of 10,000.

In the future, the territorial army will be developed to increase the number of evolutionaries. In the long run, Bai Xiaowen's cap of 27 million is not enough.

Of course, this upper limit is enough to envy many old-fashioned territories, and some territories do not even have a tenth of this number.

Plutonium does not exceed the 27 million ceiling and cannot be accommodated, it only affects the concentration of Reiki.

Speaking of the concentration of Reiki, after the annexation of the Great Tang Collar, the concentration of Reiki remained unchanged and was still level 3.

After I was busy with these things, Bai Xiaowen finally had time to open the Blue Star Lord group.

He knew that there must be many people who would find themselves. In order to avoid encountering unnecessary resistance, or to avoid shame, Bai Xiaowen blocked the Blue Star lord group at the beginning of the war until now.

As soon as she opened the shield of the Blue Star Lord group, a row of messages jumped out.

The news in the group showed 99+. Bai Xiaowen flipped through the chat history. Oh, it was 12 pages long.

In addition, there are seventeen private chat requests automatically rejected due to blocking.

Bai Xiaowen looked at the name, and found that the familiar ones were the queen, Candice, and Valaud, and others were unfamiliar names.

"It should be asking for information."

After Bai Xiaowen made his judgment ~ ~, he first sent a private chat request to the bee queen.

The queen queen refused to answer, and then returned in seconds. This detail shows that the queen is still very intimate, because the party who initiates the private chat needs to pay extra spirits, but the party that passively accepts it costs very little.

The two chatted a few words. After the queen confirmed that Bai Xiaowen had annexed the Datang collar, although he wanted to behave lightly and lightly, it was difficult to hide his surprise between the lines.

Especially the queen knew that Bai Xiaowen was happier after choosing the first one to chat with her privately, expressing satisfaction that what "sister didn't hurt you in vain" Yunyun.

Bai Xiaowen shame.

The evolutionary life is different from ordinary people. The peak period is very long. It is difficult to tell the age from the appearance. Of course, some evolutionaries, because of their personal interests, like to appear in older appearances, deliberately dressed up, but they took off their clothes. After that, he had a strong and compact body, just like a strong guy.

The queen bee looked young, and she was certainly not too old. It was enough to say that Bai Xiaowen's aunt was not customized.

After 's private chat with the queen, Bai Xiaowen sent a message in the public chat area, thanking everyone who cared for the concern.

The appearance of Xi Baixiaowen exploded the pot again in the group, and many diving lords were blasted out, asking him what happened.

Bai Xiaowen didn't need to conceal anymore. The abrupt disappearance of Datang's leadership could not be concealed for a long time--in fact, these lords basically guessed the result, but they just met the Lord and couldn't help but want to confirm it.

:. :

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