The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1596: Lord's Advantage

Bai Xiaowen replied: "Can the lord also summon the territorial army in the universe secret?"

The queen bee explained in detail:

"Exactly, except for the Spirit Plane, the Territory Army can be summoned in most other cases. Here we have to say that the principle of the Lord calling the Territory Army is different from the summoning profession, which is equivalent to using The psionic medium projects some territorial buildings.

"The process of projection molding is the process of resonating with the territory. The stronger the lord's own strength (compared to the number of psychic crystals), the faster this resonance process.

"After the resonance is completed, it is equivalent to opening a temporary portal at the projection position, and the territory army of the associated building can be reached naturally. Of course, the transmitted army, regardless of the individual strength or the overall number, is subject to the crystal number of the spirit medium itself. limit."

Bai Xiaowen quickly asked: "Can the spirit plane not summon the army? Then I encountered the army led by the Tang Dynasty when I last explored the spirit world. There are a total of 400 people."

The queen: "The summoning of the army in the spirit plane is a cross-border teleportation. The Datang leader army you encountered in the spirit world is definitely not the one that Li Weichen summoned with the psychic projection, but he is getting the corresponding plane. After the trust of the Aboriginal people, the two sides can cooperate to build a resonance matrix, so that his cross-border transmission can be successful. "

After a pause, the queen sent a message again: "Cross-border transmission can be much more expensive than psychic projection, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It cannot be used for sudden battles! So unless it is used to attack a certain spiritual plane. Outside of strategic actions, lords generally do n’t do this. "

Bai Xiaowen finally understood this, and he later said: "What is that psychic? How can I get it?"

The queen bee likes to chat with Bai Xiaowen in private, and explains it with great care:

"Spiritual medium is the source of spiritual power. It has different strength and attributes.

"Let ’s talk about the strength of spiritual power, which is measured by the number of crystals. For example, the source of low-level spiritual power of the golden rank is usually a few hundred crystals; the dark gold rank is a thousand crystals, and the epic rank is Wanjing started. Of course, it does n’t mean that the higher the rank, the better. It depends on the strength of the lord. If the strength of the lord is weak, the time required to play the psychic projection and form resonance will be very exaggerated. The opponent has defeated you ten times before summoning a mighty army.

"In addition to the attributes of spiritual power, generally there are conventional attributes such as yin, yang, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, etc. The divine court uses dark and light to replace yin and yang, which are actually very similar. Attributes are very critical, especially for some territorial troops with a single spiritual attribute. If the psychic attributes are not the same as the barracks attributes, it will not be able to resonate. However, if the psychic attributes match, you can also shorten the resonance place. Takes time. "

Bai Xiaowen's understanding ability is very strong, and soon came to understand.

For the epic spiritual power source "Thousand Soul Jade", as the spiritual medium has the "yin" attribute (equivalent to the dark attribute), it cannot be used to project the "barracks" of flames-the pool of flames.

The Wuwu Banner martial arts soldiers are not so picky about spiritual media because of the complex nature of cultivating radon.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to radon. Troops with chaotic attributes will definitely not enjoy the benefits of shortening the resonance time. Moreover, in combat, spiritual coordination is much more difficult than a single attribute territorial army, relying solely on the commanding ability of the commander.

The psychic medium, or the source of spiritual power, is not so easy to find. The currently known use of this treasure is to build the core of the large-scale defense of the territory. It is already very valuable, and there must be other uses.

Until now, Bai Xiaowen has also found a source of spiritual power-Qianhun Jade. The process is not hard or hard. In short, most people can't do it. After all, they have to face more than a dozen Hei Tian elders and two lords. Grade Hei Tianjiao protection law, and follow-up hunting of the Hei Tianjiao sub-rudder, as well as the hunting and killing of a lord-level Hei Tianjiao traitor ...

领 Those lords, when they use warfare projections for war, are probably in pain.

Bai Xiaowen then wanted to buy the coordinates of the Mysterious Realm of the Wiya domain from the queen-after all, this queen is certainly not obtained for free.

The queen queen replied quickly: "Forget it! You have just finished the war, when Ling Jing is nervous. One coordinate is not worth much, owe it first, wait until you get mixed and return it to me . "

Then, the queen sent a coordinate very easily, and then commanded: "You just need to open a boundary door according to this coordinate."

Open the boundary door to the secret realm of Wiya domain, don't worry if someone will kill Bai Huangling along the boundary door. When someone tries to enter the gate, the spirit rule will send a warning to the lord who opened the gate, whether to refuse the other party to use the gate.

的 The lord who opened the gate, if for some reason, did not make a choice within 30 minutes, it was agreed by default.

Because of this, Bai Xiaowen was able to use the gate at that time to attack the Tang leader in the reverse-because Taizong had been stricken by Li Shuyi, he could not refuse the use of the gate by Bai Huang's army.

In other words, if Bai Xiaowen is going to Wuyayu ~ ~, as long as he is careful not to be struck by the enemy, he does not need to worry about being used by the White Phoenix Territory Gate.

Bai Xiaowen thanked the queen, and then asked: "What secrets will be born in the secret area of ​​Wuyayu? Have any news spread?"

Queen Queen: "The source of spiritual power can generally be found in the cosmic realm, and there are also opportunities to discover the spiritual crystal veins. Refining the spiritual crystal veins in the cosmic universe into the" seeds of the spiritual veins "and planting them in your own territory can not only add one The accumulation of lingjing veins can also increase the concentration of aura in the territory. "

Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised: "This is not equivalent to plundering a territory?"

When he first gained control of the Datang Territory Monument, Bai Xiaowen was reminded that there are three processing modes.

Among them, the "predatory mode" is to refine the Datang collar into the seed of the spirit vein, of course, the cost is also very high, Datang understanding directly burst out.

The queen replied: "Yes, so many lords are enthusiastic about the cosmic secrets. Fortunately, the entrance to the secrets is generally limited by the level of spiritual strength. For example, lower order secrets are only allowed to For low-level evolvers over level 13, middle-level secrets only allow intermediate-level evolvers (including low-level) up to level 16; there are no restrictions on high-level secrets, as long as they are evolutionaries. "

Bai Xiaowen was happy, wasn't this prepared for an invincible person like him? My Xiaowen Luwang Bai is indeed the most beloved cub of God.

Bai Xiaowen hurriedly asked, "Is the secret of Wuya domain low-order?"

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