The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1608: Teethless Pterodactyl

"Mostly a pterosaur's lair."

Bai Xiaowen made a judgment, "It has a certain value of exploration, but it is impossible to determine whether the pterosaur is present."

Kitts laughed and said, "Boss, you just closed your eyes and calculated, I saw a pterosaur taking off from the platform and flying over there ... far away."

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes, his heart moved slightly: "That is to say, there may be no defense inside the pterosaur's lair ... well, go and explore."


Kitts had been aching for a long time, and the bat wings suddenly rushed down, dived down, and fell straight on the raised stone platform.

Bai Xiaowen summoned Delifa again to guard himself. He closed his eyes slightly and shared Kitts' vision.

Kitts landed on the stone platform, and there was a cave in front of him. The cave is very spacious and exceeds five meters in height.

If it is not such a large stone cave, it is estimated that it cannot accommodate a big guy like pterosaur in and out.

Kitts crept into the cave while converging on his own spiritual fluctuations. After all, he is a vampire who has cultivated blood nerves in the awakening stage. He has a higher talent for energy control and can deceive the perception of many leaders when he converges.

The cave was not deep, and Kitts soon saw the end of the cave.

Bai Xiaowen could not help but startled.

In Kitz's field of vision, you can see a bunch of crystal clusters shining brightly, with strong spiritual fluctuations.

Under the light of the clusters, some more precious mineral materials can be seen, mostly with a golden luster.

However, what surprised Bai Xiaowen was that on the side of the crystal clusters and mineral materials, there was a behemoth lying on the side--a pterosaur in sleep state!

I actually have one more!

Isn't pterosaur paired?

Also, these psionic crystal clusters are nothing more. It is estimated that the energy breath in them is also good for pterosaurs, but why are so many gold concentrates used?

说 Did dinosaurs, like western dragons, lack resistance to these glittering things? !!

Bai Xiaowen felt that he had found the truth.

After all, dinosaurs also have a very intelligent existence. If you think about the racial classification, they are not classified as beast species, but are classified as "Ancient dragon species" ... and the Terrorist Dragon that has just killed, will Playing tactical sneak attacks is also a small evidence.

灵 Smart dinosaurs, like some beautiful looking gadgets, seem to be quite normal.

"Boss, do it, do it!"

Kitts sent inquiries through a spiritual link. In other words, Kitz, Delif, or Angry Claw, such a high-level summoned creature, can use the spiritual link in turn to actively communicate with Bai Xiaowen, and the level of the autonomy of other summoned creatures is too low.

Bai Xiaowen thought for a moment: "Ready to start."

嘞 "Okay, I promise not to alarm this big guy!" Kitts got down and prepared to move forward.

"Wait for me."

Bai Xiaowen stopped Kitts, then flew Zhenyuanli, slowly landed on the stone platform, and stepped into the cave.

嘶 "Boss ... Boss, how did you get off the horse yourself?" Kitts was a little puzzled. "Is it good to let you work?"

"The thief has nothing to offer ... if you are not ready for battle, if you wake up to it, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly, "You let go, while this big guy is still sleeping, do it together."

Kitz obeyed obediently and raised a thumb at the same time, thinking to himself that the boss was fierce enough.

Bai Xiaowen's ability to converge spiritual fluctuations is only higher than that of Kitts. He came to the sleeping pterosaur, and the eye of evolution scanned it.

【Toothless Pterosaur (Boss Level 17)】

[Race: Ancient Dragon / Fly Dragon]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 103, Dexterity 205, Constitution 100, Spirit 64]

[Health value: 100%]

[Spirit value: 3080]

The key part of the Pterodactylosaurus, that is, the part where the veins of spirits are concentrated, was actually on the wing claws, which surprised Bai Xiaowen slightly.

Are you attacking the wing claws with concentrated spiritual power, or attacking the theoretical key head?

晓 Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes, looked at Pterosaur's apparently thick skull and a beak that was more than one meter long, and shook his head slightly. He is still willing to believe in the Eye of Evolution, and the pterosaur's head is obviously not split openly.

Even if the pterosaur has only 100 points of physical fitness, but others have powerful spiritual passive protection, don't think about the beauty of one hit.

At this moment, the pterosaur's huge body moved, as if to wake up.

Bai Xiaowen's eyes were frozen, and the invisible blade lighted up without thinking. One step rushed for a distance of seven or eight meters, and the invisible blade crossed the wings of the pterosaurs!


It's that kind of hard feeling of cutting old leather. The pterosaur's film is thicker than that of Deinonychus! Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen is fully prepared this time, and has long stored energy. He stiffly pierced the pterosaur's membrane, and the invisible blade oscillated at high speed, messing up the spiritual veins under the wing claw membrane.

Of course, "old cowhide" is just an analogy that Bai Xiaowen can think of. In fact, pterosaur film is ten times stronger than old cowhide! For example, Han Xu's defense is strong enough, "as strong as steel". In fact, when Han Xu was in the awakening stage, his defense was more than steel in the ordinary sense.


With a sharp howl, the pterosaur's wide flesh wing suddenly pushed, and a gust of wind that could not be more suddenly appeared, fanning Bai Xiaowen and Kitts directly several feet away and popping out of the hole.

This is the instinct of Pterosaur, it has gone crazy ~ ~ 咚, 咚, 咚!

The cymbals were as loud as drums, and the cliff walls seemed to be trembling, and the rocks and gravel fell down and fell into the deep valley below.

"It's hitting a wall?" Kitts fluttered his wings.

Bai Xiaowen certainly saw it. He secretly rejoiced that he didn't attack the head—Pterosaur's head was really hard enough, and he rammed his head against the wall of the stone cave, smashing cracks.

Eye of Evolution can see the pterosaur's health value, which has been shot down by 30% in a single blow, and it has also fallen in one section.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen can see the reason for the continuous decline in health. It is not a bleeding injury. The blood that cut off the wing claws is nothing at all for this behemoth. The real reason is caused by mental disorders and collisions. Backbite damage.

While dying, Bai Xiaowen's wrists flipped, and the crackling thunderbolt energy began to gather in the palm of his hand.

Kitts was scared to hide aside.

Three-order thunder method-this elementary thunder! Also known as Palm Heart Thunder, as an important means of spell attack for monks, it showed its power for the first time.

A dazzling electric light hit the injured pterodactyl! Hit its health value again by about a tenth.

"It's really thick and thick, and you can imagine that the physical attack is even worse."

Bai Xiaowen secretly pondered, then the second thunder palm thunder again.

However, the toothless pterodactyl in severe pain opened its pointed beak towards the opening of the cave, and suddenly a ring-shaped sound wave burst out!

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