The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1610: Good returns

After the toothless pterodactyl shot down, he stumbled and wanted to turn around.

However, this cave is very spacious for a human like Bai Xiaowen, but for a toothless pterosaur, it is an uncompromising snail house. In addition, the single wing is severely damaged, and it turns slowly.


Bai Xiaowen's invisible blade succeeded again.

齿 The toothless pterosaur hissed sharply, the health value plummeted again, and the spiritual power in the body was disordered for the second time!

The wing is the densest part of its spiritual veins.

Is like the two sleek things between the legs of a human man.

In a short period of time, two egg pain-level injuries can not be sustained without toothed pterosaurs!

With a click, the wings of the toothless pterodactyl shrank into a ball and fell to the ground. Under the backlash of the spiritual disorder, the health value fell off!

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand decisively, and the invisible blade shot for the third time. Under the precise positioning of the eye of evolution, he hit the heart of the toothless pterosaur, and lost its final health value.

要 Here to say, for this flying monster, full blood directly attacks the heart. Even if the invisible blade can hit and cause the most damage, it cannot kill the toothless pterosaur.

齿 The toothless pterodactyl can completely seal the bleeding of the heart by squeezing muscles and moisturizing the spirit.

Therefore, it is the key to Bai Xiaowen's victory that attacking the wing claws of the convergence of spiritual power twice, causing the opponent's spiritual power to be disturbed, and suffering backlash.

"Boss, you are too good! The leader-level monsters at level 17 have been easily killed by you!" Kitts rushed in and consciously applauded.

Tong Bai Xiaowen sighed, and his true strength spent more than a third.

"Don't blow it," Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. "Although it was a 17th-level leader, it was the first thing I was attacked by, and it was still in the cave where it couldn't fly ... It is normal to kill it, and it is not worth boasting. If it's caught in the wild, it's us who ran, and it may not run away. "

This battle, Bai Xiaowen has learned a lot, after all, he single-handedly killed a 17-level leader. He was quickly prompted.

Fighting Specialization has been upgraded to Proficiency Level 2!

Transpositional transposition, reach the next level! The launch time is shorter, the distance is longer, and there is an additional special effect.

New special effects, so that Bai Xiaowen can start a transposition with the moving target! No matter how fast the target moves.

But "target on the move" is premised.

If it is a self-conscious target-whether it is a person, a beast, or another creature-you must change the position with the consent of the other party. In other words, it doesn't work to pit people.

If it is an object without self-consciousness, it must be printed with Bai Xiaowen's spiritual mark in advance.

Bai Xiaowen tried it. He picked up a small stone, engrave the mark of spiritual power, and threw it away.

When the small stone flies ten meters away ...

The next second, Bai Xiaowen appeared ten meters away, and the small stone replaced his original position.

"Boss, this trick is good." Kitts consciously clapped and praised, "What kind of skill is this?"

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "This is a new special effect of transposition and transposition, not an independent skill."

He glanced over the rules of the spirit world to give a name to the new special effect.

It's too easy to pick up the name. Bai Xiaowen waved his hand: "The new special effect is called ... Fei Lei Shen!"

Kitts: "???"

"Cough, the name is not important, the limit range of Fei Shen special effects, and launch conditions, consumption and the like, go back and test again," Bai Xiaowen quickly put the body of the toothless pterosaur into the storage bracelet, Taking a look at this cave has been delayed for a long time, and if its companions come back, we will be trapped inside it. "

Kitts quickly helped to pick up the crystal clusters and gold ore materials accumulated in the cave and gave them to Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen's eyes of evolution glanced.

古代 [Ancient crystal clusters: strange objects, crystal clusters containing pure spiritual power, can replace ordinary spiritual crystals for cultivation and absorption. Use the replaceable (107) Spirit Crystals directly. 】

[Hengjin ore: Grade 6 dark gold material, metallic treasures, can be smelted. 】

Sirkin Ore: Grade 5 dark gold material, metallic treasure, can be smelted. 】

Uh ...

After Bai Xiaowen swept the pterosaur's lair, he drove quickly.

However, Bai Xiaowen's mind is also making a simple assessment of the recent gains.

Luheng gold ore and thirkin ore are dark gold materials of a higher grade than "fine gold ore", and because this is a high-level secret, the ore produced is of high grade.

After smelting, you can obtain "Every Gold Ingot" or "Sirkin Ingot". It is estimated that the quality will not be improved. It is still a dark gold grade material, but the level may be upgraded to level 7 or higher, becoming a genuine high-grade dark gold material.

As for how to estimate the value, Bai Xiaowen has a comprehensive view of the material market prices in Star Alliance, which is also well known.

The same is the dark gold material, the quality and type are the same, the grade is one level higher, and the price will rise by%. If it just happened to cross a large level-for example, a 6-level material is upgraded to a 7-level material, the price rise is 100%, which is more than double.

In addition, it is "ancient crystal cluster". It seems to be an enhanced version of Lingjing. Bai Xiaowen has never seen it.

But think about it with your mind. Since the ancient crystal clusters can be used for cultivation, it must be a more efficient cultivation resource, just like the difference between high-grade spirit stones and ordinary low-grade spirit stones in the AD era of Xiuxian novels ~ www. ~ Such a small cluster of ancient crystals can replace 107 spirit crystals, which means that it contains 107 times more energy than ordinary spirit crystals.

Bai Xiaowen quickly thought of the value of ancient crystal clusters. If used for a breakthrough, he would do more with less!

From the nest of pterosaurs, a total of seven ancient crystal clusters were collected, ranging in size. Among them, four small crystal clusters are capable of replacing a phantom crystal, and three large crystal clusters are capable of replacing about 100 phantom crystals.

Luheng gold ore and thirkin ore are also of different sizes. If they are divided according to the standard of 1 cubic decimeter ore blocks, there can be about 1,200 pieces.

In summary, the additional gains of sweeping the pterosaur's lair are already very good, not to mention the corpse of a high-ranking leader-level pterosaur.

After escaping the cliff, Bai Xiaowen came to a safe tree-lined open space, took out the pterosaur's corpse, then peeled it with Kitz, collected materials, and finally got the pointed beak of the pterosaur and pterosaur. Pieces of gold-grade material. It is worth mentioning that the pterosaur membrane is actually a forged material of dark gold level 8 and is very valuable.

Pterodactyl's body was handed over to the butcher. The fat boy was very happy to tear and chew. From his superficial subjective consciousness, there was a burst of joy and gratitude. Bai Xiaowen could even perceive the content through the spiritual link— —

"The service between the host and the boss is so attentive. The prey caught must be open-mouthed and peeled off the unsightly skin and then given to 俺! Moved, 嘤 嘤 嘤!"

:. :

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