The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1625: Reason and emotion

Bai Xiaowen actually feels that these two evolutionaries are likely to become snacks for two Tyrannosaurus Rex, and even the dead body will not be left, and there may be no need to collect it ...

【Bottom! I'm not cursing you, don't pit me! 】

Bai Xiaowen was stunned. The two evolvers ran towards him in the direction of hiding, and seemed to want to use the topography of the dense forest to cover themselves.

The two Tyrannosaurus Rexes at the back, naturally followed.

Alas, one of the Tyrannosaurus respirations took a deep breath.

Its nose suddenly turned red and burst into Mars. The eyes of Bai Xiaowen's evolution can see a lot of spiritual power, and quickly converge to the throat along the thick meridians inside the Tyrannosaurus Rex body——


The crimson flame burst out like the same arrow.

The tyrannosaurus relies on its powerful lung capacity, sucking a large amount of air, forming a compression cannon in the throat, and spraying out a large amount of flame energy, making his spit attack into a trick with both physical impact and flame damage.

After the flaming arrow of fire hit the tree, it was destroyed directly before it began to burn.

晓 Bai Xiaowen said that Tyrannosaurus can breathe fire, which is not surprising.

After all, the god-dwelling creature Atelier Lansall can cast spell-like abilities like "Spring Fountain", so it is normal for Tyrannosaurus to spit fire.

The forest in front of me was suddenly a sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, Bai Xiaowen's concealment no longer exists. His "stealth" is only to converge his spiritual power fluctuations, relying on the priority of superiors, so that the enemy can not sense his spiritual power.

On the premise of converging spiritual power fluctuations, hiding in the leaves can achieve an effect similar to stealth.

However, after the leaves were obscured and burned, Bai Xiaowen's figure would be exposed to the view of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and of course the view of the two evolvers.


Bai Xiaowen had to hand in another dead-bone shooter, using the combination of fixed-point airdrop and the transposition technique to disappear into the fire.

Bai Xiaowen can teleport to kilometers away to avoid this battle, but he did not do so, but teleported behind a stone mound beside him.

[I am floating or is Tyrannosaurus rex ...]

[I always feel that these two Tyrannosaurus rexes are just like their strengths. 】

Bai Xiaowen touched his chin, silently looking at the data scanned by the Eye of Evolution.

[Tyrannosaurus Rex (Boss Level 18)]

种族 [Race: Ancient Dragon / Tyrannosaurus]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 200, Dexterity 135, Constitution 180, Spirit 75]

[Health value: 98%]

[Spirit value: 3050]

The other Tyrannosaurus's attribute value is similar to this one, and the health value is also dissatisfied.

Dissatisfaction with health value should be the counter-attack of these two evolutionaries, which caused minor damage to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Bai Xiaowen compares his strength. He is now level 14, with strength, agility and physical fitness around 100 points.

Compared with Tyrannosaurus Rex, there is of course a difference in attributes, but the main differences are reflected in strength and physical fitness. These two points must be the advantages of Tyrannosaurus as an ancient dragon species; the most important spiritual value is Bai Xiaowen's 2660 points. Just after 3000, the gap is not that big.

Bai Xiaowen even wants to kill Tyrannosaurus Rex—honing his strength and combat specialization. Of course, he must choose the right opponent. The 18-level leader Tyrannosaurus Rex is quite suitable.

As for two ends?

It ’s okay, Bai Xiaowen also summons the army of creatures, of which Snake Girl is the Lord of the 15th fighting department.

The two Tyrannosaurus rexes came from the direction of the first convergence point of the spiritual power. In other words, the monster with the first convergence point of the spiritual power had a high probability of being the same Tyrannosaurus. Fighting against them can also collect some valuable intelligence on their talents.

The only thing that made Bai Xiaowen hesitate was the two evolvers. He singled out the scene of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and did not want to be seen by the two evolvers ...

Why not wait until Tyrannosaurus kills the two evolutionaries?


He was again shot by a blaze of flame arrows, and the two evolutionaries were trapped in the fire field, relying on spiritual protection to prevent them from being burned to death.

But their health values ​​are also falling rapidly, and their speed of escape is getting slower and slower.

Seeing the tragic situation between the two in the sea of ​​flames, Bai Xiaowen felt a little uncomfortable.

I just sat and watched two humans and was killed by a dinosaur? Under what circumstances can you save?

This is different from the situation in the previous encounter with Atelier Lansor. The strength of the Protoss is absolutely irresistible, and he can only escape on his own. In the case of other evolutionaries dying, Bai Xiaowen used them to explore his own path and remove dangers without any psychological burden.

But in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Bai Xiaowen was sure to kill.

In order to conceal his identity as Lord Bai Huang, I watched as the two evolvers were eaten by the dinosaurs ... Bai Xiaowen's heart rose a little intolerance.

This kind of impatience is not a virgin, but also a human being, and seeing other human beings being ravaged by monsters, the empathy hidden in the depths of human nature.

呼 "Hoo ... from a rational point of view, it's best to wait until they die before you can do it? You can avoid my identity exposure. Using dinosaurs to kill witnesses is not a basic operation for me?"

Bai Xiaowen got up and closed his eyes.

Uh ...

The two evolutionaries managed to escape the fire, but they have been continuously burned by the fire, causing serious injuries.

他们 The speed of them suddenly decreased, and they were unable to escape from the dinosaurs. Soon, two Tyrannosaurus rex drove them to the corner.

Behind him was a huge rock about ten meters high ~ ~ there was no return, the two shivered.

The blood-red eyes of the tyrannosaurus rex revealed a touch of human drama, which is a proof of their wisdom.

Then one of the Tyrannosaurus rex opened his mouth—


The vermiculite splashed with dirt, but there was no blood.

A dark shadow stood on the side of a large tree tens of meters away, one in each hand, each carrying an evolutionist.

Is a snake girl.

The two evolutionists suddenly opened their eyes and looked stunned. After looking at the snake girl who rescued them, they discovered that they were a corpse corpse, and then looked around.

"Get, be saved, who is ..."

Above the stone mound, Bai Xiaowen stood up straight and looked at the two Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"I can't really be as sane as a machine ... or, as cold as a machine."

Bai Xiaowen took a breath and reviewed himself.

Feelings are the weakness of human beings, and Bai Xiaowen already knew the correctness of this sentence.

However, deep in his own heart, that trace of emotional drive, Bai Xiaowen still cannot ignore.

"Forget it ... after all, I have already thought about the retreat after my identity was exposed. The current situation still allows me to be slightly willful ..." Bai Xiaowen shook his head and no longer reviewed the impact of emotion on himself. Zhenyuan Li slowly rises, he and the four blood pupils of two Tyrannosaurus Rex are facing each other.

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