The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1627: Pop

| |->-> Bai Xiaowen stared closely at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The tyrannosaur's spiritual power flows through the veins, and the most dense position is on the head.

也就是说 [That is, the head is the key to Tyrannosaurus ... 咦, this sentence seems to be nonsense? 】

Bai Xiaowen laughed at himself and continued his previous tactics to dodge the attack of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which could not be beaten. He shifted the distance to open the distance, and then carried out palm-thunder bombardment.

If Bai Xiaowen summoned all the other summoned creatures, it would make the battle easier, but the original intention of this battle was to collect information about the "Tyrannosaurus" dinosaurs and hone his combat expertise, so he did not do so.

It is easier for Viper to deal with the other Tyrannosaurus Rex than Bai Xiaowen. She is a 15th-level lord of agility, and has practiced her body skills. Although the "Seven Flashes" stunt is costly and intensive, the front-end skill "inch step" is enough to deal with such melee scenes.

The effect of inch step is "instantaneous acceleration of movement". It is almost impossible to capture the movement in the opponent's retina, and only the afterimage can be seen.

Although this accelerated movement is not as good as the "teleport" effect of the transposition morphology, the "inch step" consumes less.

According to Bai Xiaowen's observation, each time Snake Girl uses "inch step", the spiritual power consumed is only about 50 points.

It is estimated that the proper one-star skills have been practiced and the consumption will be so low.

Bai Xiaowen felt that he should also pay attention to this kind of melee skills.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex could not hit the Snake Girl, the Snake Girl did not have a good way to take the other one. After all, the film of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was extremely tough.

Now it ’s just a tentative trial, and Snake Girl has n’t used a high-powered invisible blade. Instead, she uses a blue-quality machete given to Bai Xiaowen to make a flat cut. As a result, only a few white marks were left on the Tyrannosaurus membrane, causing minimal damage.

[The physical defense is extremely high ... In this case, the invisible blade does not have a good effect. 】

Bai Xiaowen continued to gather intelligence, thinking silently.

The penetrability of the invisible blade is aimed at the spiritual body. For such a monster with a tough membrane and a natural high armor, the penetrating power is difficult to exert.

"Change the tactics, cooperate with the battle, and reduce the opponent's threat as the priority goal."

Bai Xiaowen issued this instruction to Snake Girl through spiritual link.

After the Snake Girl once flashed a rebite of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, her body quickly moved horizontally and rushed to the battle group where Bai Xiaowen was located. The two met.

The two Tyrannosaurus rex also gathered together.

However, it is more advantageous to cooperate with each other than to fight individually. The cooperative ability of Snake Girl and Bai Xiaowen is much stronger than that of two Tyrannosaurus rexes.

Viper Girl is responsible for melee containment. Bai Xiaowen is at a long range, casting a weakened version of lightning strikes, which interferes with the sight of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

多次 After many teasings, the anger of the two Tyrannosaurus resurrected more and more-although he was not injured, he was always beaten but could not fight back!

Two roars sounded almost simultaneously, deafening, and both Tyrannosaurus respirations took a deep breath.

的 The two evolutionaries hanging on the tree cried out almost simultaneously: "Be careful ..."

"This moment."

Bai Xiaowen was extremely calm.

Boom, boom!

Two powerful arrows of flame arrows.

Then, at this moment, the bodies of Bai Xiaowen and Snake Ji appeared simultaneously over the heads of the two Tyrannosaurus rexes.

Hey, hey!

Four invisible blades, burst from the fingertips of the two at almost the same time, directly piercing the blood-red eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex!


Blood splashes of blood!

The two Tyrannosaurus rexes were blinded in an instant, biting wildly.

Bai Xiaowen grabbed Snake Ji's hand, and his body disappeared in an instant, avoiding the violent counterattack of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Bai Xiaowen's thinking after changing tactics is to blind the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex through cooperation and reduce their threat to his own side.

However, after several trials of Snake Girl, Bai Xiaowen found that Tyrannosaurus' protection of the eyes is still very thorough. The thick film alone has a high physical defense force-as long as the eyes are closed, Snake Girl Blue scimitar in hand.

You know that this blue scimitar has A-level sharpness. Among the middle-level lord-level warriors such as Snake Girl, it is impossible to break the eyelid defense of T-Rex.

Of course, it is also because Tyrannosaurus Rex attaches special importance to eye protection, and a considerable part of the spiritual power of the body is used on the eyes.

Their offensive methods also basically rely on brute force and physical advantage. The body's spiritual power can only be transferred away a small part, and the defense against spiritual power is still unambiguous.

Therefore, Bai Xiaowen deliberately switched to the castration version of lightning with low power and low consumption, and continued to exert mental pressure on the Tyrannosaurus Rex-the castration version of lightning was not very powerful, and the sound and light effect was quite good.

After the Tyrannosaurus rex was irritable, he found that he couldn't hit the enemy with his fangs and claws, so he naturally chose another way—

Spell-like talents, flame spray!

In this process, a large amount of spiritual power must be adjusted, and the physical power of Tyrannosaurus's body will be greatly weakened. Moreover, the head of the Tyrannosaurus cannot be moved when the move is made!

This is the opportunity that Bai Xiaowen has found.

With two Tyrannosaurus rexes, and the ability to fire flames at the same time, most people cannot run away. It's good to be able to carry the flame jets, let alone fight back.

Bai Xiaowen's transposition tactics came in handy ~ ~ and Snake Girl flashed to the position of the second "Soul Mark" stone at the same time-the top of the original mound, dodging The flame jets.

After flashing to the top of the stone mound, the two jumped directly, launched an invisible blade in the air, and blinded the eyes of the two Tyrannosaurus rexes.

Then, Bai Xiaowen used the third "Spirit Mark" stone to break away from the two Tyrannosaurus' wounded counterattack.

呼 "Hello, I didn't expect that there would be such a large amount of extra consumption for bringing people to transpose."

Bai Xiaowen sighed and took the Snake Girl twice to transpose, which consumed a total of 780 true strength, which is equivalent to a single nearly 400 points! Equivalent to the consumption of more than Samsung skills.

The two Tyrannosaurus revolved in the field, causing them to madly attack everything nearby, even the stone mound was demolished by their brute force.

"Awesome, awesome ..."

Whispered the two evolutionaries hanging from the branches.

The burly evolutionist shouted suddenly, "This brother, before Tyrannosaurus regains calmness, let's run away! And also, can you bring us two ... our lord will surely come up to your satisfaction Thank you! "

Bai Xiaowen tilted his head: "Why run?" He had already burst the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The skinny evolutionist called: "Tyrannosaurus' self-healing ability can recover eyes for a few hours at the most. And most importantly, they can continue to fight even within these hours of losing sight ..."

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