The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1629: Fighting! Breakthrough in Sword Specialization

Bai Xiaowen and Snake Girl gave their noses a sharp blow at the key nodes of the spell formation and have not yet erupted. It is probably equivalent to being castrated when a man's cavernous body is congested. The bore is almost the same.

The flame energy that has been stored and waiting to be launched has lost the eruption mouth, naturally phasing out Tyrannosaurus Rex, and directly phasing inside the most vulnerable cranial cavity.

Although the creatures such as tyrannosaurus evolved a strong coating, sharp minions, and even a large range of fire arrows, they still have a fragile interior, and their defenses rely on only one layer of skin.

His brain suffered a full-scale "fire arrow" full damage without any defense, coupled with the severely disturbed spiritual damage of the attacked, two Tyrannosaurus rexes died on the spot, and even the near-death counterattack No action.

I successfully killed two Tyrannosaurus Rex, Bai Xiaowen was like a writer who suddenly came to inspiration, thinking like a spring. He didn't care about the two evolutionaries hanging on the tree, and sat directly cross-legged, turning over the pictures of this battle page by page in his mind, taking stock of the gains of this battle.

The snake snake stood by, silently protecting.

Tadpoles and high-ranking leaders are facing each other, and tactics are indeed an important part. When Bai Xiaowen didn't need to summon the army of creatures, his hard power was weaker than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but in the end he could fight back, that is, he had the right tactics.

Furthermore, the combat expertise, sword skill, and inch-step skills of Snake Girl were all reflected in this battle.

This is equivalent to a powerful martial arts instructor demonstrating in person how to dodge the battle in the battle, and at the same time use these fleeting opportunities to launch these demonstrations, but it is more reflected in the first half of the battle.

How Viper Snake escaped the attack of Tyrannosaurus Rex, leaving white marks on the opponent's membrane.

If it wasn't the thick-skinned Tyrannosaurus Rex, and replaced it with another humanoid species, I would have been beaten by the Snake Girl long ago, and it would be bloody.

Bai Xiaowen's insight is as powerful as a video recorder, especially in the recent battle, Yu Guang has recorded the battle scene of Snake Girl.

"It's not enough to have a demonstration of the" instructor "! I will also combine the fragments of the memory of the" instructor "about combat specialization to understand together."

Bai Xiaowen continued to sit on the ground with his eyes closed, and chose to share Snake Girl's fighting specialization and sword skill specialization, and then combined with the recent battle, Snake Girl's demonstration actions.

Time passed by every minute.

The two evolvers finally recovered from severe burns, but they did not leave, waiting for Bai Xiaowen.

Given that Snake Girl is guarding, the two are not close.

"Brother, who do you say he is? It doesn't look big, why is it so powerful." The thin female evolutionist asked in a low voice.

The burly evolutionist shook his head: "The evolutionist cannot judge his age by his appearance. Maybe this is a very senior senior."

Both of them saw Bai Xiaowen's true appearance, because Bai Xiaowen did his best in the battle with Tyrannosaurus Rex, and did not have the energy to maintain the survival of the art of change. Because of this, Bai Xiaowen was so hesitant to save.

When determined to shoot, Bai Xiaowen directly removed the camouflage of the art of change, so the two evolutionists did not know the relationship between the person in front of him and the "Hei Er".

"If you are a senior, you should already be a high-level evolutionary, right? But you can come in at this stage, only middle-level evolutionaries below level 16."

"Hush, keep quiet, don't just speculate on seniors, especially our life-saving benefactors."

"Brother, let's take a closer look. This senior looks so good."


It was too late, and the two evolutionaries did not dare to light a bonfire, fearing that they might attract the dinosaurs to watch, so they rested near Bai Xiaowen's practice site. On the one hand, you can be alert for dinosaur attacks, on the other hand, you are waiting for Bai Xiaowen to wake up.

Uh ...

Spirit Realm Rule Tips:

"You have a new understanding of 'fighting.'"

"Your fighting specialization has achieved a breakthrough, currently level 3, proficient."

"You have a new understanding of the sword art."

"Your sword specialization has made a breakthrough, currently level 3, entry level."

Bai Xiaowen sighed and opened his eyes slowly.

In the evolutionary world, whether it is a breakthrough in professional classics or a breakthrough in combat specialization, it is not accumulated by proficiency, but by understanding progress.

Therefore, when the realization progress is in place, it will naturally have the corresponding fighting / sword skills. In this way, whether it is proficiency level 3 or entry level 3, it has become a spiritual mastery under the rules of the spiritual world. A judgement of strength.

Therefore, the evolutionary world has more stringent requirements for qualifications, and mediocre people often pay ten times as much effort, and they are not as good as those who are smart and intelligent.

Bai Xiaowen will appear in the battle specialization "jump level", because his understanding is high enough, and he can "memory share" to summon the battle specialization of the powerful souls of creatures, such as the previous Delifa and the current snake ji .

Other evolutionaries, it is almost impossible to have a warrior-type profession with a high meditation specialization, or a legal profession with a high melee specialization. This special case can only be achieved by Bai Xiaowen.

"Senior ~ ~ You are awake."

A slightly rough voice sounded.

As soon as Bai Xiaowen opened his eyes, he saw a strong and thin two evolutionaries, who were guarding nearby one after the other. When he saw that he was awake, he came over.

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand to stop Snake Girl from saying, "You haven't left yet?"

The burly evolutionist said, "The predecessors joked, our evolutionists of Da Xia Colleagues have the rewards, how can they just walk away like this ..."

Bai Xiaowen's breathing slightly accelerated, and then calmed down.

There were no waves on his face, but the waves in his chest were turbulent.

[Large summer collar! Da Xia collar ... Xia Feng, kill her sister's old enemy? 】

[Sure enough, I'm still not sensible. It would be nice if I sat and watched the two die! I really regret emotional matters. 】 A thought, flashed Bai Xiaowen's mind.

There was a flash of regret, but Bai Xiaowen quickly suppressed it, and now it is useless to regret to save the two. It is the best policy to not reveal the flaws.

As for killing?

Bai Xiaowen felt that he couldn't do it yet. The two guys didn't look bad, so it was a shame to kill them.

And because the prophet is an evolutionist, rash killing is not the best policy. If the other party can call the soul of the deceased through means such as soul backtracking (one of Qiao Rui's abilities), or reproduce some of the pictures of the dead before it, Seeing the true appearance of Bai Xiaowen must be directly exposed.

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