The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1634: And force to kill

[Does it feel new to bullying? 】

Watching the tyrannosaurus lord rushing towards himself, while Xiao Xing and Shi Yu on the left and right wings watched the opera, Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly, took out a long-drawn spell, and tied it to a slap On the big rock.

Then Bai Xiaowen exerted a little force, leaving a mark of spiritual power on the stone, throwing the stone and the spell together at his feet.


The tyrannosaurus lord slammed into the rage, directly hitting the wall of qi gas condensed by giant wooden banner warriors.

In the violent shaking, the giant wooden banner warriors took a few steps backwards uniformly, removing the powerful impact, and at the same time the Tyrannosaurus lord's collision was forced to be interrupted, as if hitting a high wall. Dizziness.

Under the protection of the strong wall array, Bai Baiwen rushed forward. Invisible blade!

He used this gap to cut a sword over the nose of the Tyrannosaurus lord.

Xiao Xiaoxing: "It's blocked. Although a bit reluctant."

Wu Shiyu: "I rushed to be an assassin ... too risky!"

Blowing his nose is the key. Bai Xiaowen's blow is a full-fledged attack, the purpose is to hurt and fear the tyrannosaurus lord.

Alas, blood splattered.

The lord of the tyrannosaurus sent out a scream of horror, endured the pain of severe pain and spiritual disturbance, and Bai Xiaowen, who bit into the air, looked like Bai Xiaowen sent the tyrannosaurus lord into his mouth.


The next moment, in front of the tyrannosaurus lord's mouth, Bai Xiaowen disappeared abruptly. Instead, he appeared as a small stone with a charm.

He clicked, and the Tyrannosaurus Lord bit into the air, but actually swallowed the little stone with the spell into his mouth. For it, small stones with large palms are not even a grain of rice.


Bai Xiaowen, who landed safely using the transposition transposition technique, spit out a word without expression.


The spell in the mouth of the tyrannosaurus exploded, and tinnitus dazzled instantly.

Bai Xiaowen glanced around.

Xiao Xiaoxing and Shi Yu shrugged. Such a good offensive opportunity, if not done, would be a bit too fake.

Rock giant fist, figurative giant sword, one left and one right attack.

Boom banged twice, the left and right ribs of the Tyrannosaurus lord, once again hit, roaring again and again.

I waited until it was over, it gave Bai Xiaowen a resentful glance, but he dared not take Bai Xiaowen as the main target.

Although the Wuxing Banner martial artist took the initiative to retreat a few steps, in the eyes of onlookers such as Shi Yu and Xiao Xing, the performance of the tyrannosaurus lord could not be carried, but in reality, the tyrannosaurus lord knew it.

The newcomers seem to be non-branded soldiers. In fact, the gas defense walls are extremely strong and tough.

Just after the collision, the opponent just backed off the load, but the Tyrannosaurus Lord was bumped for a moment, and the opponent's leader (Bai Xiaowen) sent a vicious stroke to the nose. The explosives that subsequently escaped, also Put yourself together.

Fortunately, the formation of this new army has more than defense and insufficient attack! Regardless of them, it is good to attack other people with weak defenses.

In online games, why a team can push away bosses with attributes far beyond their own is because the tank is carried in front, others can let go and output, and the stupid boss will only stare at the tank.

If the Tyrannosaurus IQ is not high, he may be provoked by Bai Xiaowen and attack the giant wooden banner all the time.

But it is precisely because the tyrannosaurus lord has the wisdom not to lose to humans that he can let go of his anger. Weighing the pros and cons has to say that its stout and brutal appearance is very deceptive.

The previous battle also proved that Shi Yu's side, relying on the yellow armor shield fighter's defensive replenishment, and the Shi Yu lord wearing a giant rock armor, also has powerful defense capabilities.

As a result, the tyrannosaurus lord rushed to Xiao Xing.

Xiao Xiaoxing: "?????"

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen and Shi Yu would not watch the show in vain. When the Tyrannosaurus Lord attacked Xiao Xing, they were also output. Shi Yu's giant rock fist and Bai Xiaowen's combined spirit hit all on the side ribs of the Tyrannosaurus lord.

However, Bai Xiaowen has reservations, and the combined strikes displayed are only 60% of the power under normal circumstances.

This also confirms the speculation of the Tyrannosaurus lord that Bai Xiaowen and his group have more defense and insufficient attack.

Bai Xiaowen looked at Shi Yu sideways. He secretly guessed that Shi Yu must also have reservations. Everyone is not a fool. He must keep some strengths for the competition of spiritual power. When the Tyrannosaurus lord falls, the three will become competitors.

The unfortunate thing is Xiao Xing, the bone-sharing lord. His embodied black warrior in black, can only defend with all his strength, and only defend without attack, so as not to suffer further losses.

In this way, everyone has a small abacus in their hearts and does not work together.

So much so that the three lords led hundreds of army besiegers, and the tyrannosaurus lord persisted for a long time.

During this period, the tyrannosaurus lord has used a large range of flame spray (similar to that of Tyrannosaurus Rex), a pillar of earth fire (injecting flame energy into the ground and erupting at a specified location), a ring of flames (large-scale flame expansion shock wave) ) And other spell-like talents.

These skills, combined with the bite melee of the Tyrannosaurus lord, caused some trouble to the three lords.

However, in the end, the tyrannosaurus lord still could not carry the continuous beatings of the three lords, and was drained of his spiritual power.

The back was simple, and the three lords proceeded cautiously, beheading the tyrannosaurus lord on the spot.

Brothers and sisters Jian Hao and Jian Yu, from a long distance, watching this world-fighting war, are feeling eye-opening ~ ~ Their strength is incomparable with the three lords, that is, Better than the soldiers of the lords, equivalent to the sum of several soldiers.

As for the Tyrannosaurus lord, it is far beyond their existence.

"Lord and non-lord, there are really two kinds of existence." Jian Yu said with emotion.

"The real battle is just beginning now." Jian Hao whispered, watching the soldiers who were mutilating the body of the Tyrannosaurus lord and collecting materials.

The soldiers collected materials, such as the tyrannosaurus lord's big tendons, membranes, eyes, nasal bones, etc., are all types of materials and have unknown uses.

As for the big bones and flesh of the Tyrannosaurus lord, no one is ready to take it. It is too large to take away.

This is actually a rest for the soldiers.

The three lords sat opposite each other. The scene seemed very peaceful, but it was actually a hidden machine front.

"Now, it's time to talk about the convergence of spiritual power." Shi Yu took the lead.

Xiao Xiaoxing and Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly.

Shi Shiyu pointed to the hill-like corpse of the Tyrannosaurus Lord: "The gathering of spiritual power guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Lord has grown a wonderful plant, and you have all seen it."

The two nodded again.

It is a small tree tall by one person. On the barren planet of giant trees, this small tree looks very compact. To put it bluntly, many weeds on the dinosaur planet grow taller than it, but no one gives birth to contempt because it is small. The treasure that can be guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Lord is absolutely extraordinary.

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