The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1636: Bai Xiaowen vs Shi Yu

"Then, it is necessary to limit the scope of the test," Shi Yu said. "I propose that the current summoned military power should be used as a benchmark for fighting. The two sides must not use another spirit medium to summon new territorial troops to avoid falling into endless On the consumption. "

Xiao Xiaoxing shook his head slightly: "Lord Wang Wang has only sixty soldiers by his side, but your Majesty has as many as a hundred people. The number is not balanced, which is unfair."

Xi Shiyu shouted, "He has half of the middle-ranked warriors above the 14th level, and a middle-ranked warrior leader! In terms of combat power, it is enough to make up for the number disadvantage."

Xiao Xiaoxing looked at Bai Xiaowen: "Brother Lu Wang, what's your opinion?"

Xi Bai Xiaowen was also unwilling to turn this test into an unlimited war, and the loss was too great. He smiled cheerfully: "I have no opinion."

"Well then," Xiao Xing got up, restraining his black army from retreating, "then make room for the two."

Quickly, Shi Yu led his army and re-formulated the formation.

Hundred-person troops under the control of Shi Shiyu are shield soldiers who cultivate the fighting spirit of the earth. There is a name called "Earth Shield Guard". Shi Yu himself, the cultivation of soil attributes is also fighting, this hundred earth shield guards, and his attributes are very good, but also took a lot of effort to recruit Shi Yu.

The sixty warriors under the command of Xiaobai Xiaowen are a bit like miscellaneous troops. Fortunately, although these giant wooden banner warriors have a variety of practiced radon attributes, they all include wood attribute radon.

The properties of alder and restraint against earth are Bai Xiaowen's prepared ambush.

For the five attributes of the Five Elements Banner, Bai Xiaowen specially summoned the Jumu Banner for reasons of attribute restraint. Of course, the wooden attribute itself has a good defense and strong recovery ability. The formation of a strong wall is more resistant to snoring and resistance. In the battle with the Tyrannosaurus Lord, it can reduce losses, which is part of the reason.

"I'm not a dominion lord."

Shi Yu, who stood in front of the Earth Shield Guards, opened the prelude to this contest. "What I am best at is fighting the lord of the dominion!"

Bai Xiaowen's face was calm, and he didn't put any ruthless words to enhance his momentum, just waving the flag.

The giant wooden banner soldiers quickly formed a ring formation.

"Fighting perspiration!" Shi Yu shouted loudly.

Hundreds of earth shield guards behind him, shouting at the same time, each shield guard glowed a yellow fighting spirit.

A ray of yellow fighting spirit lingered on Shi Yu's body surface, covering him with a layer of yellowstone armor, turning it into a three-meter-tall armor giant.

With a touch of Shi Shiyu's hand, a knight's scepter appeared on his right hand.

Corresponding to the knight's scepter, the three-meter-tall armored giant also appeared with an enlarged version of the giant scepter.

"Dark gold war gear, gold stick."

Xun Shiyu stepped forward step by step, rising momentum. He was determined to make Bai Xiaowen bow his head, and Shen Sheng said: "Equipment designed for war, with powerful items to reverse the situation of war! Of course, against you, I don't even need to use its precious usage times."

Bai Xiaowen smiled and shook his head slightly: "It's really a lot of hidden tricks."

"You lost! First strike, I will break your formation!"

The armor giant transformed by Xun Shiyu raised his scepter and fell suddenly.


A huge crack occurred at the moment when the scepter hit the ground, and it quickly extended forward like a strange python. Wherever it passed, the ground burst open and shattered.

This blow, as Shi Yu said, is to smash the ground beneath the giant wooden banner warriors, and to break Bai Xiaowen's formation.

Obviously, this kind of formation formed by relying on the ground veins has obvious weaknesses.

Bai Xiaowen raised his right hand.

"Spiritual coordination has been completed."

"Giant wood fight!"

The emerald green radon condensed, and under the blessing of the Water Mirror array, the power suddenly increased by 20%, and then was combined by Bai Xiaowen into a giant emerald palm and pushed forward flatly.

The rift in the earth stopped in front of giant wooden banner warriors.

I seem to have an invisible barrier, blocking the impact of this riot.


There was a loud noise, and the impact of the riot spread to both sides, almost blowing a demon wind against the ground, mud and stones flying.

He is just the place where Bai Xiaowen and his Majesty Giant Banner soldiers stand, intact. The remaining two areas were damaged by the aftershocks of the shock.

Xi Shiyu was not surprised, but laughed and said, "Is the chance of a combined attack used up? But I can make a second attack within two seconds. I see how you pick it up!"

Obviously Shi Yu is familiar with the method of dominance of "spiritual coordination", knowing that after a period of spiritual coordination, a certain period of slowdown is required.

Shi Yu apparently used his full strength this time. The three-meter-tall armor giant jumped high, and the giant scepter smashed directly into Bai Xiaowen's home.

However, in the air, Shi Yu's eyes were already shrinking.


Bai Xiaowen's face was still calm. He opened his right hand and spit out four words in front of Shi Yu who leaped high and waved over.

"Spiritual figuration."

虚 A slightly blurred green giant phantom appeared on the heads of sixty giant wooden banner warriors!

The figurative green giant, with his hands flicking a giant fist, gave the armored giant in the air a hard blow from the bottom up!

Shi Shiyu wolf tumbling back and turned back ~ ~ Snake Girl. "

Bai Xiaowen waved, a group of summoned creatures appeared on the flanks of the Earth Shield Guards Corps, and the leader of them was the level 15 fighting lord, the dark resurrected snake girl.

This is not a violation of the rules. The rule agreed in advance by both parties is that you must not use spirit media to summon territorial troops to participate in the war. These summoned creatures are Bai Xiaowen's personal ability as a summoning profession, not the territorial army, and of course they are not included in it.

"No, why did you have another lord-level combat power!" Shi Yu was taken aback. Although his ground shield was very strong, it depends on who the opponent is! In the face of mid-level lord-level combat power, the Earth Shield Guard with only 13-level elite templates is simply a lamb to be slaughtered.

Because Shi Yuxue's only **** skill is “fighting perspiration”, which is to let the earth shield guards concentrate his fighting spirit on him alone.

The defense of the Earth Shield Guard itself was not strengthened, but weakened. The cluster defense of Bai Xiaowen's strong wall is incomparable, and it cannot protect the lives of individual soldiers.

As the hope of the whole village, Shi Yu, the strongest combat force, wanted to return to the front line and expel Bai Xiaowen's surprise attack troops, but he could not do it at all.

Because of the positive green gigantic giant Bai Xiaowen's spiritual power and vine-like green qi, he has entangled his armored giant.

The alder has the property of radon. When it encounters the soil property, it still absorbs and transforms subtly and makes itself grow. It is more difficult for Shi Yu to get rid of it. After breaking out of the vine radon, a new vine radon appears.

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