The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1642: Higgdlifa

"Sorry, I lived up to the expectations of my master," Delif said with a hand.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "I don't blame you."

Maybe these blocked memory pictures are so shocking that they are passively hidden deep in Delifa's subconscious.

It is for this reason that Bai Xiaowen is more curious about these memories.

"Don't rush to give up, there is another way now," Bai Xiaowen said, "I will promote you to the leader of the soul tribe, and you will be promoted to the lord level. The picture in your mind should become clearer by then. . "

Ted Lifa quickly thanked him.

Bai Xiaowen's 10-point death force has been used up, but he knows how to regain it, which is to use the true power to inject the sea of ​​knowledge to try to flip the "black book".

As the result was not true, the black book swallowed up the true elemental force injected by Bai Xiaowen, and after swallowing a hundred points, it formed a pure black energy ball again.

Bai Xiaowen's power of death has changed again.

Then, is to choose Dreyfa, as the goal of strengthening the idea, the power of death is also injected into Dreyfa's eyebrows.

Delifa's strengthening time is longer, and it takes 20 minutes to complete the strengthening.

I was also swollen and became a giant female with a height of more than two meters and pale wings on her back.

The **** wears a black face armor, and the indigo purple hair is sprinkled down, and the body is strong and strong. It is wrapped only by a simple black breastplate and armbands, exposing a strong abdominal muscles.

加厚 A thick black belt inlaid with a skull and skull, covering the waist.

This makes Bai Xiaowen a little curious, is Delifa's abdominal muscles eight?

However, Bai Xiaowen was also embarrassed in front of Zhen Yan, and asked De Lifa to take off his belt to look at the abdominal muscles.

Originally, there was a bit of delicate Delifa. After being selected as the soul king, it turned out to be this strong and fit female Viking warrior style-I do n’t know if there are female Viking warriors in history, but if there is In that case, Bai Xiaowen felt that it should be like Delifa.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen has no prejudice against various beautiful styles. Either petite and cute, tall and soft, or strong and fit now, he can appreciate the charm.

看了 Looking at it with the eyes of evolution, Delifa's personal attributes are also greatly enhanced:

[Derry Method (Lord 14)]

[Race: Undead / Soul Race]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 122, Dexterity 164, Constitution 107, Spirit 178]

[Health value: 100%]

[Spirit value: 2500]

相比 Compared with the death knight, Delifa's attributes tend to be balanced, the highest of which is spirit, but the agility is almost the same as the spirit; the power of 120+ is also considerable. This means that Delifa's melee combat ability is also very powerful and belongs to the type of double martial arts.

From the comparison of spiritual power, we can also see that Delifa's strength is stronger than that of Death Knight Lord Abaddon. Also a 14th-level lord, Abaddon has only 2300 psionic power.

Bai Xiaowen asked about Delifa's skills again.

In addition to being the banshee's king, she has the skills of "soul screaming" and "fog of erosion", and Delifa has another skill for the leader of the community-dark draw.

Dark draw is to draw negative energy and create soul undead servants.

The so-called drawing of negative energy is divided into two cases.

For a living body, it refers to the energy of the target's despair, pain, hatred, and other negative emotions;

非 For non-living organisms (dark creatures), it refers to drawing the dark energy remaining in the target's body after death.

两者 Both of them can be used to create soul tribe minions, such as the grudge of ordinary templates, the ghosts of elite templates, banshees, etc., depending on the quality of "dark draw".

"Delifa, now your template has been promoted from leader to lord. Has your strength strengthened, has your memory become clearer?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

There was a smile on Cheek's black cheeks covering his cheeks: "Yes, master. I remembered my real name ... my real name was-Higdelifer."

"Higdeli method?" Bai Xiaowen recalled, "I remember ... At that time, when the **** of death Niegel appeared in the Guangchengzi Dongfu, which was connected to the world of the Three Kingdoms, he once called this name.

Sigrida nodded: "Yes, but at the time, I didn't expect the name and the weight it carried."

"Bearing weight?"

Higdrefa stretched out his palm: "The memory picture I remember is not very coherent, and it is difficult to say a word. Please ask the owner to read it through memory sharing so that he can see it more clearly."

Bai Xiaowen held Higdelif's hand and closed his eyes.

Initiation of memory sharing, Bai Xiaowen's consciousness infiltrated into the memory of Higdelif.

From the subconscious mind of Higdelífa, a new "unlocked" picture came into the eyes of Bai Xiaowen.

This is a vast battlefield. The sun and the moon are dim and the stars are falling in the whimper. They are tall and burly, with great figures like gods. They control the supernatural energy such as light and thunder and lightning, and travel through the universe.

A group of three-meter-high goddesses with twin wings and horns blew their horns and pointed the spear of war downwards.

Beneath below, under the shadow of these extremely tall and mighty shores, thousands of troops are fighting each other.

Memory screen ~ ~ here comes to an abrupt end.

Higridari said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Master. All I can think of now is all that."

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly and said, "I have always had a guess about you."

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said: "Among the myths of the AD era, there is the name Higdelif, which is one of the Valkyrie Valkyrie in Nordic mythology. The so-called Valkyrie is actually a 'choice war' The deceased women ', legends that they are of noble birth, will give the heroes the last kiss of the heroic war dead on the battlefield, and bring their souls to the Hall of Heroes in Odin to expand their military power and deal with the dusk of the gods '. "

Higdelfa was bewildered.

Seeing his own narration did not remind Higglifa more, Bai Xiaowen could only shake his head and said:

"Originally your name was Delifa, and you once said that your profession is Valkyrie Valkyrie. I had imagined that maybe your predecessor was Valkyrie Valkyrie, and these dusty memories are actually That war called 'Gods of the Dusk'.

不过 "However, this does not explain why you will become a subordinate of the **** of death Nigel. If it is a Nordic deity, the person in charge of the responsibility of the **** of death should be the daughter of Odin, Hella ..."

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaowen added: "Of course, Nigel claims to be the seventh death, then Hella should be the death before him. In any case, this kind of message is very important, maybe it involves the psionic age. The truth. "

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