The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1650: 3 fierce

Bai Xiaowen combined the information sheet brought by Abaddon, and by observing the fluctuations in the atmosphere of the rabbit demon Zhang Xi, he was basically able to determine that this rabbit demon was telling the truth and did not dare to deceive.

Of course, not deceiving does not mean that there is no concealment. Rabbit demon Zhang Xi must have concealed something, and Bai Xiaowen has no way to find out one by one.

In fact, these messages that Bunny Zhang Xi said are enough. Combined with the information sheet, Bai Xiaowen finally got a general understanding of the situation at this time.

At this time, Mongolia has not been renamed the Yuan Dynasty, but is called "Great Mongolia". Founding monarch Temujin (Genghis Khan) is still alive!

Temujin in history had died of illness five years ago. In history, after the death of Tiemuzhen, the three sons who inherited the sweat position of the three sons' nests sabotaged the four sons and thunder, and the Mongolians produced a certain amount of internal friction.

In this plane world, Temujin is still alive, and Jin Guo is even worse than in history. First, he abandoned Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other places and moved the capital south; then he was broken into the new capital city, and the emperor Jin Guo finished his escape. Caizhou has been under siege for months.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the Mongolian army, Cai Jiang Meng Yue and Jiang Hai were besieged in Caizhou.

"Golden Kingdom is over."

I am two years ahead of real history.

Bai Xiaowen said, "Why did the court of the Song Dynasty and the Mongols work together to destroy gold? Don't you understand the reason for the cold lips and lips, once the kingdom of Jin dies, the next goal of the Mongols is the Great Song."

Bian Xiaowen's understanding of history cannot be comprehensive. He can remember the time of the demise of various regimes in history, and some basic overviews, it is already very difficult.

As for the specific details of the demise, I don't know. In particular, the state with a historical influence such as the Golden State.

The rabbit demon Zhang Xi said carefully: "In fact, there has been controversy in the court. The prime minister had proposed to provide assistance to the Golden State to make it a barrier against the Song Dynasty and to resist Mongolia. But ... Golden State did not have a joint anti-Mongolian heart In recent years, repeated invasions of Huainan have not been able to serve as the border of our Great Song Dynasty. Therefore, the Prime Minister cannot resist the public opinion and can only join forces with Mongolia to eliminate gold. "

Bai Xiaowen was a little speechless. Jin Guo was probably used to bullying in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the case of a fire in his backyard, his mind was still disturbing the Southern Song Dynasty.

What Bai Xiaowen didn't know is that this is also true of the Golden Kingdom in history. In the face of Mongolia, a strong enemy in the north, and Song, a weak enemy in the south, the Jin people ’s calculations were “replenishing the north and losing the south.” After giving up two rivers and Shandong, the Jin people were severely lacking in money and food, so they wanted to occupy the wealthy Huainan, that is, "Greedy to the Huainan Reserve" ("Jin Shi · Shi Zhi Zhi").

However, the Song Dynasty was not aggressive enough, relying on the city walls and mountains and rivers to protect themselves. Jin Jun's multiple attacks not only failed to gain, but caused heavy losses to his family. Jin Xuanzong's southward expedition, "Simas and horses are consumed ten times," "The national elite is almost lost," and "the hub martial arts are all in the south" ("Golden History").

原来 "It turned out that Jin Guo took his own death and it is no wonder that Song Ting was willing to join forces with Mongolia," said Bai Xiaowen. "The prime minister in your mouth seems to have a little knowledge. I remember the prime minister now, should it be Shi Miyuan?"

Bunny demon Zhang Xi repeatedly nodded: "It's Shi Xiang!"

Xi Baixiaowen secretly said that in the heart, Shi Miyuan is a famous adulterer in the Southern Song Dynasty and can almost be compared with Qin Yun--the two nicknames are "loyalty", which is no coincidence.

However, a rabbit demon called Shi Miyuan so honorable that Bai Xiaowen caught the flaw. He snorted and said, "Shi Miyuan, is it also a demon?"

Bai Xiaowen no longer converges on spiritual fluctuations, urges it, and immediately makes rabbit demon Zhang Xi feel a lot of pressure.

The bunny demon Zhang Xi immediately persuaded and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, Shi Xiang is ... a tree demon."

"The court of the Song Dynasty is really a demon. Why didn't you mention it just now?" Bai Xiaowen said coldly.

Abaddon stepped forward with great eyesight, revealing a three-meter-high figure, the black mist tumbling in his hands, and a giant rifle appeared on the palm of his hand, pointing at Zhang Xi's neck: "Dare to hide from the great master, you ,guilty!"

Zhang Xi raised her hands in shock: "Let's live!"

"Shi Miyuan is a party, how many demons are there? They are recruited from the real!" Bai Xiaowen said.

Rabbit Demon Zhang Xi: "Little villains know much ... important figures of the historical party Dang Yu, such as the privy minister Li Zhixiao, are the wolf demon; the servant of the Ministry of Justice Liang Chengda, the pig demon; and the imperial division dominates Moze They are rat monsters. These three are called the "three fierce" by Shi Xiang's political opponents. As for others, there are also some demons who are not high in cultivation. Like the villains, they all take a puppet at Jiyi, and Li Master Zhixiao has jurisdiction. "

Bai Xiaowen asked again, "You said that the wolf demon is ten times as high as you, but what about the pig demon and the rat demon?"

Zhang Xi said: "All are similar to Lord Li."

Bai Xiaowen said: "Where is the history far away? It should be stronger than three?"

Zhang Zhangxi bowed her head and said, "I don't know."

As for "Jiyi Division", it belongs to the espionage department of the Privy Council. This is not only described by Zhang Xi, but also the domain of Bai Xiaowen's knowledge reserve. He knows that there were two espionage agencies in the Song Dynasty. The Division is under the jurisdiction of the Emperor.

After asking these information, Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly.

Apatton asked in a deep voice: "Master, how does this demon deal with it?"

The bunny demon Zhang Xi quickly knelt down and nodded his head: "Master forgive me ~ ~ Master forgive me!"

Seeing this rabbit demon who can only call for life, Bai Xiaowen shook his head silently: "Don't kill him for the time being, I'm going to pass him and see the party of demon lurking in the court of the Southern Song Dynasty. Abaddon, send me to Lin'an and his party."


Aya Barton converged on a three-meter-high body, still turning into a two-meter-high armored knight image, and raised the rabbit demon Zhang Xi. The Frost Dragon bowed his head, Bai Xiaowen first climbed on the back of the Dragon, Abaddon followed, and then the Frost Dragon's magic trembled, shaking the bone wings and flying to the sky.

Uh ...

South Song Capital, Lin'an.

In a mansion on the western outskirts of the house, Bai Xiaowen met the other three kings.

After the three days of King Wang's visit, Sigrida stepped forward and reported: "Master, you have another order. Let us test the skills of the ethnic leader. We have already tested it."

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly: "Say it."

"At present, it is Abaddon's 'necrosis', which is the most efficient. As long as the deceased was infected with necrosis before his death, Abaddon can regenerate them as bone servants in batches," said Sigridari. "This amount of There is no way to measure the upper limit because there is not enough samples. "

Bai Xiaowen's requirement is that the four heavenly kings test their skills and can't shoot at innocent humans. They can only choose those criminals, bandits, or enemies. Therefore, the number of samples is insufficient, and the upper limit of Abaddon's gangrene skills cannot be tested.

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