The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1652: Jin Tak Soo

Bai Xiaowen stared at the Four Heavenly Kings, and after thinking for a while, slowly spoke:



今后 "In the future, without my permission, you must not use night-holding skills."


Vladimir has no objections.

Bai Xiaowen did not explain. He valued Vladimir's night-hold skills very much, and because of his importance, he could not use them casually.

Bai Xiaowen then said: "This is your first mission, including investigating intelligence and testing the skills of ethnic leaders. You have done a good job of investigating intelligence, and you have also captured a key entry character. However, in terms of testing skills, You haven't done enough. "

The four great kings bowed their heads simultaneously.

Butcher Pudge said, "Master, Pudge will find elite and ordinary corpses as soon as possible and test the effect of mixed sutures."

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly: "Considering that this is the first time that you have performed the task independently, it is not bad to have such a degree of completion. I give my opinion in the hope that you can improve so that our power can continue to grow."

The four great kings are at the same time. All four of them have more or less "performance" pressure.

The strength of their current lord class is derived from Bai Xiaowen's "Death Force", and their Majesty has one or more candidates who can take their place.

Once you don't do well, or anger Bai Xiaowen, you will be knocked down from the dust and reduced to ordinary leader-level creatures.

Higridari asked: "Master, what should I do next?"

Bai Xiaowen raised his hand, and a cord of true strength condensed the trembling rabbit demon Zhang Xi over.

"Higedley Law, this demon is entrusted to you ... I want to meet with the Southern Song Prime Minister Shi Miyuan, but it cannot be noticed."

"Follow the order." Higgidari said in his mind, this is a task that tests the ability to do things quite.

At present, the newly established "Changshengmen" organization has no foundation on Chaotang, and no one can help with referrals. It can be said that it is all in vain.

Pingping people, it is not easy to meet the prime minister, not to mention Shi Miyuan is a generation of power ministers.

If you break into the door regardless of the situation, you can of course meet, but it will inevitably lead to riots.

Higridari can be sure that the meeting the host said was not at the cost of riots.

Uh ...

One day later, outside the city of Lin'an, Wuyun Mountain.

Bai Xiaowen looked at the bloated suture creature in front of him, and seemed to see the shadow of the butcher in the beginning.

This is an elite stitching monster, the same level as the butcher, both are level 14.

"It can be determined now that the butcher's stitching skills do not need to use all the elite enemy's corpses. As long as the main body is elite, the rest can be pieced together with ordinary templates to get elite stitchers." Bai Xiaowen nodded.

Butcher Pudge laughed and looked very proud.

"However, the stitching skills take a long time. An elite stitching monster takes an hour ... On the battlefield, there is not so much time for the butcher to stitch out a large number of monsters. Such opportunities can only appear after the war. , When cleaning the battlefield. "

Bai Xiaowen made the final decision: "After each battle, determine the number of butchers' work according to the number of elite templates of enemy corpses ... the remaining common template corpses will use Abaddon to launch the necrotic skills to create the sea of ​​skulls.

The body of the ordinary template, the sea of ​​skulls, the individual strength is not even the ordinary level, which is logically not as good as the "corpse recovery" ability of the dementor chant.

However, the sea of ​​skeletons made by necrosis can be maintained for a long time as long as it is not destroyed, and there is no time limit.

In the distance, from the direction of Lin'an City, a giant who was more than two meters tall and shaped like an angel vibrated with pale wings and gliding.

Sigridari flew to the foot of Wuyun Mountain, converging her wings, turning into a human-female figure of one meter nine, and landing on the ground.

"Master, I failed."

Higridari fell to her knees in front of Bai Xiaowen and said.

"Say the process," Bai Xiaowen said.

Higdrida started worshipping in the normal way, in the name of fellow scholars, hoping to be summoned. However, Baitie was directly thrown out by the concierge.

Later, Higdelif also changed the name of the rabbit demon Zhang Xi, and finally made the concierge willing to pass on the name of "Reliance on History".

However, the concierge brought back only one sentence from Shi Xiang:

"Go to the secret ambassador Li Zhixiao for something, don't report it beyond the ranks!"

Higdeley's method was really helpless. She had seen Shi Miyuan ’s sedan chair, but under the blue sky and white day, she could n’t reveal her appearance and forcibly intercepted it.

要 It should be mentioned here that scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty rarely used sedan chairs, because sedan chairs used manpower to treat people as livestock to move for themselves, which did not conform to the philosophy of scholars. After Nandu, the wind of sedan gradually began to prevail.

Shi Miyuan was sitting in a sedan because his "superficial age" was close to seventy years old, and he must give the impression of being old, so as not to cause people to doubt.

Seeing that Sigridari was a little uneasy, Bai Xiaowen said, "Don't be nervous ~ ~ I know that for a while, it's not easy to see Shi Miyuan. Since this history is so big, he doesn't want to open the door to accept customers. ... then let him see me. "

Higlidfa said in surprise: "How is this possible?"

Bai Xiaowen just smiled indifferently and looked in the direction of Lin'an.

A distant batwing, a thin shadow like a bamboo pole, flew forward, throwing an official-like person to the ground.

This is obviously an ordinary person. It looks like he is in his fifties, has no spiritual energy, and has fallen into a coma.

Bai Xiaowen said: "This man is called Zhen Dexiu, a famous scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty. This man has been promoted by Shi Miyuan, and has now become the servant of the Ministry of Rites, but he is Shi Miyuan's political enemy."

Higridari asked: "Since he is a political enemy, why does Shi Miyuan still use him?"

Bai Xiaowen said: "Shi Miyuan, as a power minister, supported the emperor without authorization, and the world vilified him. For the sake of his reputation, he vigorously promoted Zhu Xi's Confucianism. As a scholar of science, the true virtue show was promoted to an official under this background. Being an official, he is firmly opposed to Shi Miyuan's unauthorized approach. He has resigned many times, but the result is that the official position is getting larger and larger, which is also a strange number. "

Vladimir asked aside: "Master, do you want to wake this person up?"

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "You first change me into a human form before talking."

Vladimir put away his fangs and bat wings, and his body changed from a thin bamboo pole more than two meters back to an ordinary person. He waved his hand against Zhen Dexiu's forehead to wake him up.

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