The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1660: Song-Mongol War

The two court officials transformed by Vladimir's use of a night-holding ceremony were both 50 and 60-year-olds.

For them, there is something more important than power, and that is health.

I was transformed into a blood race, and they felt that their bodies had a long-lost vitality, and they reappeared the glory on those young and beautiful young girls.

Of course, the two court officials did not know that the blood family's desire for that area would gradually diminish (just like Kitts), and they were still immersed in the excitement of returning to youth.

When Bai Xiaowen came forward and asked the two court officials to cooperate with Shi Miyuan for the benefit of Changshengmen in the future, the two still put on a stand and wanted to refuse.

Vladimir directly thought, so that the blood of the vampires in the two was boiling, this kind of pain like being exposed to ultraviolet rays, let them have a good feel of what is called purgatory on earth.

Only then did the two know that they had become slaves, and life and death were in the hands of others. They suddenly became discouraged. They could only promise to become members of the Changsheng Gate and serve the Changsheng Gate.

By the way, Xiao Baiwen understood the situation. These members of the court have the latest first-hand information from the front.

The Mongolian Army and Song Army have broken Caizhou.

Mongolia snatched most of the gold and silver treasures of the Jin Dynasty royal family, and Song Jun snatched back the bones of the last emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Wan Yan Shouxu (Jin Aizong), together with the captured Jin Kingdom Prime Minister Zhang Tiangang, and escorted it to the Lin'an sacrifice. The "Shame of Jingkang" was destroyed in the Northern Song Dynasty and the two emperors were exiled.

In this battle, the Southern Song Dynasty made a lot of profits, regaining the four states of Shou, Si, Su, and Wu. It can be said that the whole area of ​​Lianghuai was basically restored.

The annihilation of the world feudal gold kingdom, so that the whole nation of the Southern Song Dynasty, immersed in excitement and joy.

This excitement and joy also made Song Lizong's heart full of ambition, and he had the idea of ​​reviving soldiers to the north and recovering the lost land in the Yellow River Basin of the Northern Song Dynasty.

After the annihilation of gold, Mongolia bordered the Southern Song Dynasty. Territorial boundaries, the eastern borders are in the front lines of Sizhou and Zhengzhou, that is, Shandong and Henan today, and the western borders are in today's Qinghai.

Mongolia gradually withdrew north of the Yellow River due to the gradually hot weather and insufficient food and grass.

At the Chao Dynasty Church, a group of young and vigorous officials proposed that they should send troops to the North while taking advantage of the withdrawal of Mongolia from the north and the emptiness of the Central Plains. The slogans they proposed were "Fuding the Central Plains, sticking to the Yellow River, occupying Tongguan, and regaining Sanjing."

Sanjing refers to the three capitals of the former Northern Song Dynasty: Tokyo Kaifeng House (ie Kaifeng, Henan), Xijing Henan House (ie Luoyang, Henan) and Nanjing Yingtian House (ie Shangqiu, Henan), all in Henan.

However, most of the senior officials are opposed to sending troops.

The reason is very simple. The current Central Plains region has been turned into wasteland by the Mongol slaughter policy, and there are only broken empty cities.

In the past, a city with hundreds of thousands of people had only a few hundred households. The bones are exposed, corpses fill the river, and the epidemic is endemic ... If you want to restore the prosperity of the past, you don't know how much blood you need to import in the Jianghuai area.

He not only objected to the old-school officials in the court, but even the generals outside knew the Mongols' power and opposed the sending of troops.

The controversy did not last long.

Because of Song Xizong's sacrifice and support for sending troops, he must revive Sanjing, especially the Northern Song Emperor's Tomb located in Henan House (Luoyang) of Xijing. After recovering Sanjing, imitating the Jin people to defend Tongguan was enough to resist Mongolia.

After the puppet emperor made up his mind, even the prime minister could not object.

If Shi Miyuan is going to oppose, even the aspect will be let out.

Bian Xiaowen also had no objection. At this time, his control over the court of the Song Dynasty was not deep enough, and it took time to slowly infiltrate the influence to all ministries and divisions.

Xu added that Song Jun and Mongolia were fighting Bai Xiaowen's heart. If Song Lizong was not the same as in history, he became heavy-handed, sticking to Huainan and other places, Mongolia might start the war a few months later, and Bai Xiaowen would not spend that much time here.

As a result, the South Song Army sent troops north for the second time.

Bai Xiaowen was directly prompted, he triggered a large historical event-the Song-Mongol war!

"Hero level quest: [Ping Ding Huaidong] open."

"[Mission objective: annihilate the loyal army of Huai'an.]"

"[Task difficulty: D +]"

【"[Mission Duration: None (equivalent to your remaining time on the Shao positioning surface)]"

"[Quest reward: 150 Lingjing.]"

Huaidong, where Yaba Patton is located, also ushered in the first war-not with the Mongolians, but with the "Loyalty Army".

The so-called loyalty army is actually a local armed group that revolted against the rule of the Jin people.

At first it was called the "Red Army Army". Later Song Ningzong conquered the Golden State and recruited volunteer troops in Anlu. The Red Army generals Li Quan, Yang Miaozhen, and others, led the army to the Song Dynasty, and crusade against the Golden State.

It is worth mentioning that Li Quan and Yang Miao are really a husband and wife, and they are good at using guns. Li Quan called himself "Li Tiegun", with strong body and skillful bow; his wife Yang Miaozhen was even more powerful, known as "twenty pear flower gun, the world is invincible". The pear flower gun method created even passed on to future generations, and was received by Qi Jiguang and He Liangchen Admired by Ming militarists.

Wu Zhongyi's name is of course very good, but unfortunately the taste changed later. Over time, the Li Quans and his wife have long forgotten their original intentions and become profitable. On the surface, they surrendered to the Southern Song Dynasty and obtained the money and food from the Southern Song Dynasty. They secretly cling to Mongolia, not only trading materials with Mongolia, but also burning down the Southern Song Dynasty's Imperial Armory.

At the back, Li Quan even openly invaded Yancheng, plundering all the treasury materials, and asked the Southern Song Dynasty court to remove Zhao Yanxiang, the Huaidong chief soldier Yue Ke, and others. This has touched the bottom line of the Southern Song Dynasty court ~ ~ and finally triggered the Southern Song Dynasty's crusade against the Loyalty Army.

Of course, the psychological changes in Li Quan and Yang Miaozhen over the years are also related to the improper employment of the court in the Southern Song Dynasty. Xu Guo, a member of the court who had been sent to appease the loyalty army, was short and arrogant. Insolent and rude to Li Quan's generals, the result aroused Li Quan's rebellious heart.

Regardless of the past, now Li Quan has become a wicked dog of the Mongolians. If he wants to send troops to Huaidong and go north to Qingzhou, he must destroy Li Quan.

Bai Xiaowen triggered this task, apparently because Abaddon was in Huaidong.

According to the rules of the spirit world, Abaddon is Bai Xiaowen's summoned creature. When Abaddon is in Huaidong, it means that Bai Xiaowen's combat power is in Huaidong; so he was triggered for this task.

任务 This task can have the difficulty of "hero branch", it must be because of the existence of large-scale war scenes that has improved the "quality" of the task.

But in judging the strength of the enemy and me, the rules of the spirit world determine that Bai Xiaowen's camp is very advantageous, only giving D + difficulty. In other words, even without Bai Xiaowen's participation, this war is a steady win.

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