The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1669: alarm

"It's almost going back."

At night, Bai Xiaowen looked up at the starry sky of Shao Dingfang, thinking in silence.

Counting the time, it has been almost a year since Bai Xiaowen arrived at the evolutionary plane.

One year is exactly the time when the Earth orbits a week and is about to “pass” Bai Huangling.

Now that I have free time, Bai Xiaowen can just return to the earth for a few days off. By the way, look at what happened to Xiaojun and the Super God Guild.

The war on Shao Dianping has opened. The two great kings of Abaddon and Vladimir, even if they could not destroy Mongolia, would be able to maintain half of the mountains and rivers of the Southern Song Dynasty, not to mention the help of Higdelif and Butcher Pudge.

In real history, the Southern Song Dynasty sustained for decades.

It was able to support such a long time because of the civil unrest in Mongolia, Wokuotai, Mengge, and Kubilie came to the stage one after another, giving the Southern Song Dynasty breathing time.

But the situation of Shao positioning surface is different. Genghis Khan Temujin, who should have died four or five years ago, is still alive now. With Temujin's iron-fisted rule, the Mongols will not have civil strife, and will rarely fight internally, and more powerful forces will surely erupt.

Bai Xiaowen was thinking, and suddenly he got a reminder message, which actually came from the "Blue Star Lord Group"!

"Warning, warning!"

"Mengchuan-Tianfu issued a declaration of war to your territory!"

Bai Xiaowen was shocked.

When the lord broke through the spirit realm, he could not receive the chat message of the blue star lord group.

The chat message that suddenly came now is obviously a special case. The spirit world rules specially issued a warning message to the war-declared party.

After being surprised at the beginning, Bai Xiaowen calmed down quickly.

Declaring war does not mean starting war immediately. After a declaration of war has been issued among the lord groups, it will take ten natural days before the target territory can be attacked. This is a convention between Blue Star lords. These times are enough for Bai Xiaowen to arrange the affairs of the positioning plane and return calmly.

"Tianfu must have found an excuse for war. What excuse is it ..."

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes, he thought of the group who had escaped from Datang collar.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Yuan Lin, the leader of Tianfu, died on the dinosaur planet.

However, the killer of Yuan Lin was the protoss creature Atelier Lansor. Bai Xiaowen was only present. He also used the technique of change to conceal his appearance, and it was unlikely that he would be caught.

"Anyway, go back and deal with it."

"It ’s not a bad thing that Tianfu Leader is in trouble now ... My undead army is growing every day, and the Mongol invasion is at least two months away! I can transfer the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings to deal with Tianfu Leader's invasion!"

Bai Xiaowen sighed, saying that it is impossible without pressure. After all, Tianfu collar is not comparable to Datang collar. As a strong man in the old-fashioned territory, there is no doubt about its strength.

However, the White Phoenix Collar is not the original White Phoenix Collar, especially after the new promotion of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Punch a punch, lest a hundred punches come.

Compromise does not come with respect and peace. Only fighting can make the enemy fearful.

Bai Xiaowen simply arranged for the other three Heavenly Kings to stay in Chuzhou. He himself took Higdelif to the Qing dynasty.


Shangqing sent the inner door, Huxin Island.

Chen Rong's coquettish face seemed to be as if she were "you ... you still know?"

Bai Xiaowen said, "Vulgarity was plagued by customs, and I didn't return from Caizhou until a few days ago."

Chen Rong said softly, "I know. Your subordinates were in Huaidong, pacified the rebels Li Quan, and wiped out thousands of Mongolian elite riders."

"It turns out you already know." Bai Xiaowen smiled.

Chen Rong naturally said, "You are a visiting elder of the Qing dynasty, and of course I should pay attention to your actions, lest you do things that degrade the reputation of the Shang dynasty."

Bai Xiaowen was ashamed. To say that the reputation of the Qing Dynasty was insulted, the resurrected dead must have passed the line.

I don't know if Chen Rong ignores or understands the actions of the four heavenly kings such as Abaddon.

Bai Xiaowen tends to be the latter. Chen Rong should have learned about the Song Army's war through the secular forces of the Chens in the south of the Yangtze River. The resurrection of the Four Heavenly Kings and the expansion of the army of the undead are relatively vague, not even the high level of the Song Army.

Of course, even if Chen Rong knew this, Bai Xiaowen didn't think it mattered. With Chen Rong's style of work, he is fully able to understand and accept Bai Xiaowen's approach. The two are essentially the same kind of people, but their abilities are different.

"You're here to take the musical note of a thousand miles?" Chen Rong gave Bai Xiaowen a glance. "Otherwise, you're afraid you can't remember the faction."

"How could this ..."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head. "I came to say goodbye to you."

Chen Rong's action was "What happened?"

Bai Xiaowen sighed, "My territory will be caught in the flames of war again ... A stronger enemy has declared war on me. Within ten days, I must fight."

"There, Song Ting and the Mongol war, what should I do?"

"If the Mongolians want to march south, they must wait until the spring is in full bloom and the forage season is at least two or three months."

Bai Xiaowen slowly said, "Within two months, there must be an end to the territorial war."

Bai Xiaowen did not say victory or defeat. Chen Rong was aware of this sensitively and said, "You don't seem to have much confidence. It doesn't look like you. Is the enemy strong?"

Xiaowen Bai said, "Much stronger than our last opponent."

Chen Rong knew that he was talking about the Great Tang leader who belongs to the Giant Barbarian Army and the Devil Army, and nodded. "You can rest assured that you are a visiting elder of the Qing dynasty. If ... , You can come to the asylum. "

Bai Xiaowen joked, "I thought what you were saying was that you would fight alongside me."

Chen Rong gently bit her lip ~ ~ lowering her head and saying "Sorry."

Bai Xiaowen hurriedly said, "I said jokingly, I can understand that the Qing dynasty is the foundation that your master and your grandfather passed to you. You can't take the martial arts and it is normal. You have done enough for me. "

Chen Rong silently took out a batch of runes and handed them to Bai Xiaowen. "This is a note I made for a thousand miles in a month, and a flying crane ... you take it."

"Thank you for your help," Bai Xiaowen laughed.

As for Zongmen's contribution, Bai Xiaowen planned to use the money and grain allocated by the court of the Southern Song Dynasty to hand it over to the Qing dynasty. These worldly materials are still helpful for the construction of the Qing dynasty.

Chen Rong took out another jade bamboo slip and handed it to Bai Xiaowen. "This is what I researched. The magic mark was incorporated into the basic sword rune. I named it" Sword Mark ". The sword mark is still only a Channel, according to your requirements, I try to simplify the rune circuit required by the sword mark to reduce energy loss. "



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