The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1671: duel

Xia Yan, the master of Dayan Leader, the uncrowned king of the Pan-Asian Alliance, one of the three giants of the Blue Star Evolution Platform ...

Every title is enough to scare every evolutionary.

10,000 years of diving do not speak, once you speak, the weight of the discourse is extremely heavy.

It was precisely because of Xia Yan's remarks that the Tianfu lord Mengchuan, who had originally planned to die, had an instant backbone. At the same time, dozens of lords popped up to speak, all supporting Tianfu, claiming that this was a just action.

They are basically members of the Pan-Asian Union.

Xia Yan's influence is evident, no one dares to disrespect him.

Except for one person.

In the face of Xia Yan's tone that seemed to teach the juniors, Xia Feng just blandly replied "I know."

[Group news Xia Feng-Daxia declares war on Mengchuan-Tianfu! 】

Bai Xiaowen's eyes narrowed. This was already a few hours ago, but he could still feel the arrogance of Xia Feng from the line.

Teach me? You deserve it too!

Xia Feng did not give Xia Yan face.

Judging from the "time stamp" record of the group chat message, no one spoke for at least five or six minutes after Xia Feng declared war.

The active lords were almost frightened.

After a few minutes, the lords spoke one after another.

Someone persuaded Xia Feng

"Xia Feng, everyone is a member of Pan Asia, why bother for an outsider."

"That's right, after all, Lord Mengchuan is for the orphan of the Great Tang leader, to extend justice, Xia Feng, you can't turn your elbows out."

There are also steps for Xia Yan

"Leader Xia Yan, don't care about Lord Xia Feng. He is too young and has a strong temper."

"Yeah, after all, Pan-Asia is a whole, and your big picture is the most important thing."

In Xia Yan's answer, she couldn't seem to be angry. "Oh, I am so old, how can I have a general understanding with the young man. Xiaofeng is aggressive, hardworking, and has a bright future."

The following chat records are basically important lords of the Pan-Asian Union, who came out to mediate the dispute.

The focus of mediation is, of course, Tianfu collar, Baihuang collar, and Datang collar.

After all, it is not yet half a year, and Datang Ling still has the possibility of recovery.

Less than a month later, Datang Ling could never recover. By that time, it is really a historical noun, let alone Li Jinen's heir, even if Li Weichen is dead and resurrected, it is useless.

Later, Meng Chuan proactively proposed a "reasonable" solution.


Each of the leaders of Tianfu and Baihuang sent a representative to the duel.

If Tianfu leads to victory, Bai Huangling will need to abandon the occupation of the Datang Territory, restore the boundary marker of the Datang Territory, and hand it over to Li Jinen, the heir to the Datang leadership.

If Bai Huang leads the victory, Tianfu Leader will abandon the declared war on Bai Huang.

This solution is temporarily pending due to Bai Xiaowen's absence.

However, duel is also the most common way to resolve disputes among various power territories. Really fighting, like the previous Tang dynasty invaded the White Phoenix lords to wage wars in the gates, cost too much, few lords are willing to bear.

Now everyone is waiting for Bai Xiaowen's reply.

This is why Bai Xiaowen has received so many private chat invitations.

Bai Xiaowen swept through the group chat records, and kept seeing the latest news before opening the private chat list.

Most of them are lords who haven't dealt with it, and they are fun.

There are only two that are really familiar-the queen queen and Candice.

Bai Xiaowen is still very grateful to the queen queen, and before Xia Feng spoke, she was the only lord to speak up against Bai Huang. This love Bai Xiaowen must remember.

It is worth mentioning that Xia Feng did not send a private chat. Maybe he didn't think it was necessary.

Bai Xiaowen first returned a private chat invitation to the queen, and then chatted with Candice.

The two female lords didn't panic when they saw Bai Xiaowen, but praised him. After Bai Xiaowen humbled, he asked Mengchuan's territory for information.

Mengchuan's Tianfu collar can be classified into the fourth gear according to Cantis's territorial strength.

It is weaker than the three core territories, and also weaker than other powerful territories such as the Daxia Territory, but in the old-fashioned territories, the strength is still considered upstream, and it is by no means comparable to the Tang Dynasty.

As for Mengchuan's strength, Candice is not quite sure. This is the answer given by the Queen

Level fighting lord.

It was surprising that Meng Chuan was not the lord of the dominion, but he also filed a duel to the lord of the dominion.

As early as the dinosaur planet, Bai Xiaowen's strength, by virtue of defeating the stone lord Shi Yu, was exposed in front of a few people in the Star Alliance. Such information should be intentionally collected by Mengchuan.

In other words, Meng Chuan felt that relying on his own strength and the combat effectiveness of the territorial army, Ping a was enough to defeat Bai Xiaowen when he was on the dinosaur planet.

That's why he puts on a duel with confidence.

Of course, the duel proposal was also put forward by Meng Chuan under pressure from Xia Feng. For Mengchuan, the most stable strategy is to conquer the army, relying on the end of the Tianfu collar to defeat the Baihuang collar.

After Bai Xiaowen ended his private chat, he spoke in the public chat area.

First, Ait took a look at Mengchuan-Tianfu.

[Lv Wang-Lord Bai Huang Mengchuan, your duel proposal is just shit. 】

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the silent lords swarmed suddenly, and their heads lighted up.

[Mengchuan-Tianfu pay attention to your words, newcomer! 】

[Lv Wang-Bai Huang The agreement you bet on is really lacking in good faith. You lost without any loss, as long as you give up the declaration of war? What is the truth? 】

[Mengchuan-Tianfu, but the Datang collar you invaded is not your territory, but you have seized it. You give up Datang territory without any loss. 】

[Lu Wang-White Phoenix is ​​nonsense! As far as I know ~ ~ Tianfu Lord annexed two new territories, why did the Lord Mengchuan not want to return the land to each other? Now it comes to play the messenger of justice. The Datang leader failed to encroach on me, but was annexed by me, taking the blame for it. There is no need to say more about the right and wrong, everyone knows very well. 】

[Mengchuan-Tianfu, what do you want? 】

[Lu Wang-White Phoenix duel is ok, but if you lose, you have to pay a sufficient price-the same as the price of a Datang leader! This is called gambling, and this is fair. I would like to choose one from your vassal territory to be included in the name of Bai Huang. 】

[Mengchuan-Tianfu you dream! 】

[Xia Feng-Da Xia Lu Wang is right, the balance of bets is fair. Mengchuan, if you do n’t even have the courage to gamble, what are you talking about duel? 】

The lord group immediately became lively.

Meng Chuan was bitter at heart, and the Da Yan Lord he expected to support him did not show up.



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