The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1674: Infernal Sacrifice

Many of the lords watching the war were a little embarrassed.

"Strange, Mengchuan actually started with a devil?"

"The demon army is really strong, but it's too difficult to tame."

"What is Mengchuan thinking? Shouldn't this stability show up?"

In the second-floor box, the queen looked at Lao Zhong and Tian Monkey.

"I heard that the leader of Tianfu has been attacking the 'Dark Age' plane ... it seems to have gained a lot." The queen's tone was a little dignified.

The old clock nodded: "It seems that Meng Chuan wants to use this battle to show his muscles. After all, he is not very popular with Master Xia Feng, and his face is almost lost."

The sky monkey suddenly said: "Isn't that Lord Lu Wang a mess? It has become the target of Mengchuan Liwei?"


In the duel.

Bai Xiaowen squinted and stared at the projection of the black mist pool opposite.

"It's not the same as the information I learned before. But the strength of the psychic medium he uses should be weak ... wait and see."

By the side of Bai Xiaowen, there was only one Snake Girl.

Because of the existence of Snake Girl, it is no secret that Snake Girl had already played in the battle between Dinosaur Planet and Shi Yu.

In view of the fact that the other party is the leader of the high-level fighting system, and the level reaches level 17, Bai Xiaowen obviously can't let Snake Girl carry out the decapitation tactics, which may be reversed.

As for the new four kings, and the angry claws, a total of five lord-level combat power, Bai Xiaowen does not want to summon all, mainly to hide strength.

He is confident of his dominance level, and the dominance of the dominion leader is a natural advantage.

According to Bai Xiaowen's understanding of Mengchuan before the game, even if he hides the four heavenly kings, he can defeat himself.

This little change on the other side is not enough to allow Bai Xiaowen to change his strategy.

The black pond over Mengchuan was formed first.

"Hawk rattling!"

In a puzzling demonic language, a group of little red-skinned devil half-human tall jumped out of the black pool.

The red-skinned little devil holds a stick in his hand, and Bai Sensen's looks are made of human thigh bones. Their entire body is haunted by a chaotic atmosphere, and the green crust is faintly revealed in the red crusty folds.

Behind this group of red-skinned little devil, there are three little devil of similar size, and they are actually covered with rotten animal skin, shaking the animal hide in their hands.

At a glance of Bai Xiaowen's evolutionary eyes, I immediately knew that these were all the small and inferior demons among the demons, belonging to the monsters of the demons, and the bottom layer.

Demon monsters, Bai Xiaowen rarely see, almost never encountered in the spirit world.

On the contrary, when the strength was weak at the beginning, because of the evolution of the eyes, high-level demons struck across the border. This was one of the few times when Bai Xiaowen encountered the demonic race.

Another time, during the professional trial after being promoted to the evolutionary, I met the demon guard and a group of bad demons in the sixth tomb.

At present, these little demon monsters are all 14 ranks, 800 psionic power, and a single battle power is about 8 crystals.

There is a relatively simple algorithm about the number of spiritual power and the number of combat power crystals, that is, 100 spiritual power is equal to 1 crystal.

Of course, it is not excluded that some individuals with weak spiritual power values ​​but strong basic attributes and skills will have higher actual combat power than the crystal number of the above algorithm, but they are generally accurate.

From the black pool, a total of close to 100 little bad monsters ran, and the projection of the black pool gradually faded.

The last three little bad monsters are obviously elites, named "Little Bad Monster Sacrifice", and they appear to be casting units.

With the wave of Meng Chuan's big hand, a hundred little bad monsters drove in arrogantly and rushed to Bai Xiaowen.

At this time, Bai Xiaowen's "Thick Earth Banner Barracks" projection took about ten seconds to take shape.

As soon as Bai Xiaowen waved his hand, a group of dead bone shooters lined up in front of him, turned on the fast-fire mode, and the cricket bone arrows shot out.

The small and evil monsters formed densely, and were baptized by the rapid-fire arrow rain.

However, the little evil demon standing behind sacrifice, waving the hide, and a black light flashed, there will be a dead little evil demon, and stood up alive.

"Resurrection?" Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised.

The resurrection skills should be very limited and cannot be cast at will.

The revival skills of the minor demon sacrifice are estimated to be limited to the small demon race, even the minor demon.

Bai Xiaowen is not nervous. The sacrifices of the three little evil spirits, can only resurrect three little evil spirits in a round, can not keep up with the killing caused by the dead bone shooter.

However, the sacrifices of the three inferior monsters are only used as shields. After they rushed to a certain distance with the army, they actually waved the hide of the animal, and the flames entangled with black gas flew and projected at the "thick earth flag barracks" being formed.

Chaos Missile!


A dark shadow flashed, Snake Girl stepped forward, and killed three chaotic missiles empty-handed, and then launched Seven Flashes!

The figures of the seven snake girls flashed past, and when they reappeared, they had been cut in front of the small and evil demon sacrifice. The invisible blade swayed in succession, and the heads of the three sacrifice sacrifice fell to the ground.

No one can revive them this time.

The offensive forces of the inferior demons setbacked, and the projection barracks on the side of Bai Xiaowen took shape. Sixty thick-armed warriors were killed.

Subsequently, the thick soil banner warriors cooperated with the output of the dead bone shooters to kill all this little evil.

However, by the time the little demons fought, Meng Chuan had put down a second architectural projection—a black minaret.

Judging from the destruction and sulphur breath that haunts the minaret building, it can be judged that this is a demonic building.

And this building has amazing energy intensity! With Mengchuan's strong spiritual value, the progress is also extremely slow, and it seems to be close to one minute to complete.

After the little monsters were killed, an amazing scene appeared.

From the little demon corpse, a black blood mist poured out and flew to the black minaret projection! The black minaret quickly solidified, and the little demon corpse on the ground quickly turned into a pile of dead bones, as if all the spirits were taken away.

"What linkage is this? Is it a demon sacrifice or something?"

Before Bai Xiaowen turned his thoughts on, he saw the progress of Mengchuan's black minaret speeding up by half.

"Can't delay! While Mengchuan's troops are empty ~ ~, attack immediately."

Bai Xiaowen fired a second psychic, summoning the giant wooden banner military camp projection.

He himself led the thick soil flag, rushed into the array, and immediately approached Mengchuan, and immediately started the spiritual manifestation!

Each thick soil flag warrior has a yellow light rising from the body surface, condensing into a huge gold armor giant above his head, holding a stick weapon. Under the control of Bai Xiaowen, the embodied Jinjia people swept towards Mengchuan with a stick.

Meng Chuan smiled, his body inflated a large circle like a balloon, and turned into a giant two meters tall and skin-like bronze. He raised his arm, and a layer of bronze light condensed at the forearm.

With the strength of the leader of the 17-level fighting system, the spiritual power of 60 thick soil banner warriors is concretely attacked.


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