The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1680: Falcon

The latest web site: This Ali brother is also quite famous in history. He once contended for the position of Khan with the ancestors of Kublai Khan, and once won the support of the three big Khanates, but Kublai Khan received only one Khan's support.

Later, Ali Bu Ge defeated and surrendered, Kublai Khan became a sweat, and the great Khan states also announced their independence. The division of the Mongolian empire across Asia and Europe has an inseparable relationship with the two brothers.

Ali Bu said, "Grandpa, have you heard? Two huge eagles were lowered from Tengger. They perched in Altai, and even the most brave hunter could not hurt one of their feathers."

(Tenggeri: Changshengtian, a **** worshipped by Mongolians)

Temujin laughed, "How many military affairs does Grandpa have to deal with every day? How can I have time to ignore such rumors of true and false?"

"This is not a rumor!"

Ali Bu said earnestly: "A lot of herders have seen, eagles larger than yaks and horses, soaring above the Altai Mountains every day."

"Okay, it's real." Temujin laughed. "Ali, what do you want to do? Want Grandpa to take you to hunt?"

Ali Bu nodded earnestly.

Tiemu really moved a little bit. He was busy with the Western Expedition, destroying gold, etc. some time ago, and he was exhausted. Now that Jin Guofang is extinct and Song Dynasty has not yet begun, it is a rare leisure time. Hunting with Ai Sun is also a joy.

In particular, if there is such a giant eagle, it will surely make Tiemu really famous, shoot through the grassland, and win the support of countless Mongolians.

Unlike the dying Temujin in history, Temujin of Shao's positioning surface, although not too young, is extremely powerful. He has no doubt that he can open the toughest bow and shoot the fiercest prey.

As a result, a sweat hunting activity began.

Temujin is not a caster. He didn't realize that his love for his grandchildren seemed to be shining with a light different from ordinary teenagers.


The next day, a hunting team led by Temujin marched towards the Altai Mountains.

Tiemuzhen and his several sons and a dozen grandchildren are located in the center and are the most honorable royal family. There is also a great general Zhebei accompanying him, with a hundred elite Mongolian warriors.

The Mongolian horse is not fast, but the Altai Mountains are not far from the king's account of Tiemuzhen. It has been in the distance for more than an hour.

"Look, grandpa!" Ali Buer pointed at the distant sky and said excitedly.

Everyone exclaimed in cooperation.

Over the Altai Mountains, two black dots are slowly hovering, and howling sounds from time to time.

With such a long distance, you can see such a large black spot, and it's okay when you get closer?

Temujin was also interested, Haha laughed: "Ali Bu, you are right, these two eagles are taller than the steeds." He looked back at the team and said loudly, "Who can shoot two eagles, Who is the first warrior on the prairie! "

More than a dozen children and grandchildren, and one hundred Mongolian warriors, raised their machetes and bows and arrows in response.

Temujin looked at Zhebei again and said with a smile: "You can also try."

Zhebie shook her head rigidly: "I'm only responsible for defending sweat."

Temujin laughed and stopped persuading.

The team came to the foot of the Altai Mountains. From a close look, the huge size of the two giant eagles is more obvious. Below them, there are other hawksbills, which are several times smaller than them.

Seeing so many human knights coming, the other hawksbills were frightened away.

But the two giant eagles screamed disdainfully and flew to the higher sky. Under the cloud cover, they can barely see their feathers, only the vague outlines.

"This giant eagle is flying so high, I'm afraid that it has more than 300 feet! No wonder we have to be afraid of us. The bow and arrow range of ordinary people can never reach this height." Tiemuzhen's second son, Chahetai said.

More than three hundred feet, is about one thousand.

Even with spiritual blessings, these elite-level Mongolian warriors can hardly shoot more than 500 meters, let alone a thousand meters.

It is necessary to know that the range of archery against the sky and the range of "flat shot" are two concepts.

Tiemuzhen glanced up and laughed, "Everything on the grassland should be subject to me. I don't need to look up at any creature except Changshengtian. Give me these two giant eagles who don't know how to fear. Shoot it down! "

The Mongols haven't had much red tape, nor have they made the prince and king Sun Xian shoot. After hearing Temujin's orders, the Mongolian warriors opened their bows and arrows, and one hundred arrows flew into the sky at the same time.

These arrows are encased with a trace of blood-red energy, which is infused with the Mongolian's unique spiritual power-the "blood gas" energy.

In fact, this kind of blood energy is similar to the "fighting energy" of soldiers in the western fantasy background, but it is different. In terms of lethality, blood gas is stronger than fighting spirit, and it has a stronger explosive power; but in terms of functionality, blood gas is not as good. Even the strongest Mongolian warrior cannot control the flight of blood gas.

These fired arrows are near three or four hundred meters and far five or six hundred meters. No arrow can approach two giant eagles.

The giant eagle did not change its circling posture, and still flew in the sky.

Temujin's children and grandchildren, one by one at least the leader-level masters fire arrows. They are a lot better, but the arrows are still out of reach. The giant eagle howled, and seemed to laugh at it.

"Take my bow!" Temujin sang loudly.

In fact, he had already expected it. Of the people who accompanied him, no one could shoot two giant eagles except by saying goodbye. And Zhebei is a disliked character, so the glory of shooting down the giant eagle will ultimately be attributed to the great Genghis Khan!

The attendant presented a luxurious bow inlaid with gold and precious stones.

Temu Shinji bowed an arrow, squinted slightly, and aimed at one of the giant eagles.


A popping sound, the air burst ripple visible to the naked eye, Temujin's arrow easily broke the sound barrier ~ ~ wrapped in a long **** light and shadow, flying into the sky.

"Sweating is good!"

Mongolian nobles and accompanying warriors exclaimed.

The arrow flew up to a thousand meters high, and the power continued unabated, and it went straight into one of the giant eagles.

However, the giant eagle flicked its wings and shot down the flesh arrows with its claws.

The Mongolians are a bit discolored.

Zhebie said, "Big sweat, these two eagles are very powerful."

Tiemuzhen nodded and said, "Yes, even if they are thousands of meters apart, it would be great to shoot down my arrows. Even if these two eagles fight on the ground, they can beat many Mongolian generals."

Alas, something fell from the air.

"Big sweat, be careful." Zhebie just said something, the thing has flew off and ran straight to Temujin's head.

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