The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 169: Return to Fukuoka

[M4 Reinventor (Elite 3) / Challenge 3]

[Race: Humanoid / Human Race (Semi-Mechanized)]

[Attributes: Strength 22, Dexterity 10, Constitution 18, Spirit 10]

[Skill: M4 Cannon Boxing: After the charge is charged, a heavy blow will be issued, causing moderate physical damage to the single enemy in front of it. Targets smaller than themselves will be knocked back slightly; targets smaller than their size will be knocked off. . 】

"Dr. Makihara, how many energy points do you need to start each of these two types of reinforcement transformation?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"2500 points."

Li Shuyi frowned a little. She thought that the energy quota of 15,000 points was not too small. Who knew that starting a transformation warrior would require so much energy! In this way, no matter how it is distributed, it will eventually be able to start 6 elite transformative soldiers.

It looks like these elite transformative fighters are all level 3, but don't forget that they only have one skill! Whether it's Gomon Goro or Nikaido Hongmaru, they can be easily killed. How long can the six elite transformers support in front of the two strong plotters? Ten seconds or twenty seconds?

It is indeed an S-class elite mission, which is more difficult than the S-class mission of the Three Kingdoms plane raid on Le'an!

However, Bai Xiaowen didn't frown. He quickly gave his own plan: "Activate 1 K9 transformer, and the other 5 places, all choose M4 type!"

Having said that, and letting Bai Xiaowen choose the team, Dr. Makihara did not raise any objections. After a few operations on the console, a slight roar sounded.

The nutrient solution of the six preparation containers was pumped away, and the hatch door was slowly opened. Then six eyes opened.

"I have given you sub-permissions, you can try it," said Dr. Makihara.

Bai Xiaowen was also prompted by the spirit world.

"You are authorized by the character of the plot: Dr. Makihara. You can control 5 [M4 Modified Warriors] and 1 [K9 Modified Warrior.]"

"These six transformation warriors do not enjoy your summoner class bonus, nor do they enjoy your mental power bonus."

Bai Xiaowen had already anticipated this. He quickly put aside his disappointment and said to Dr. Makihara: "You have been monitoring the Kusagi family. After the volcanic eruption, have the family members and guards from the Kusaba family escaped? "

Dr. Makihara said: "There are surveillances for important family members and senior guard captains, but there are too many ordinary guards and servants, and the organization does not have so many human and material resources ..."

On the computer, Dr. Makihara brought up a profile with a list of 14 important members of the grasshopper family currently being monitored.

"Mr. Shirai, are you going to get rid of these people? It's a good idea. As a result, Cao Jingjing returned to the South Island and became deaf and blind." Dr. Makihara praised.

Bai Xiaowen glanced at the list: "This list is not enough. There are two close-up servants of Caotuo Chaizhou, who are not prominent in the Caotuo family, but have deep trust! The two must also be cleared." He then reported two People's names and physical characteristics.

During the tour of Caoyu Manor, Bai Xiaowen had already spied a lot of information, no matter how big or small, these information were firmly memorized by his extreme human memory.

The two personal servants of Caoyu Chaizhou, equivalent to his secretary, have grasped many channel secrets of the Caoyu family and must be cleared.

"Is the organization in touch with the South Island Police?" Bai Xiaowen continued to ask.

Dr. Makihara shook his head: "This is an upper-level relationship, and we have no right to use this operation."

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes and thought for a few seconds.

"We need to make a trip to Fukuoka as soon as possible."


The headquarters of the Morioka Formation has moved to Chikuzen-cho, the city's most prosperous area, which was once the site of Matsuzaki Corporation. From this point of view, the Morioka team has basically absorbed the remaining forces of the Matsuzaki Corporation and began to digest the fruits of victory.

In the new headquarters of the Morioka team, Bai Xiaowen met Morioka Yoshihito and Morioka Hirano.

"Master Shirai, what advice would you give to Fukuoka this time?" Morioka Yoshihito said.

"The last time I left Fukuoka, I said I wouldn't come back, but unfortunately I broke my word," Bai Xiaowen sat in a chair and said leisurely, "But I came here to save your life, leader Morioka. . "

Morioka Yoshihito was naturally unbelieving, but his face made a prudent expression: "Please, Lord Shirai."

"You know, where were the explosives we traded last time used?" Bai Xiaowen laughed.

Morinoka Yoshihito's face turned dark.

"It seems that Team Morioka has seen the news," Bai Xiaowen said with a smile, "Yes, those high explosives have blown over Kirishima volcano. Have you heard of the grasshopper family? That is their **** mountain. . "

Bai Xiaowen continued: "Now the grasshopper family is almost dead, and there is still a powerful guy named Grasshopper Beijing ... you may have heard of it, maybe you have not heard of it. However, I can tell you that this guy is very strong . "

"I seem to have won some fighting championships?" Morioka Yoshihito shook his head ~ ~ IMHO, I am usually not very interested in these fighting events. "

"Oh, let's use an intuitive comparison," Bai Xiaowen snapped. "Three generals of Matsuzaki, are there any impressions? Like that kind of thing, Kusao Kyokyo can play ten. If he finds Morioka If so, I guess you better wipe your neck yourself. "

Morinoka Yoshihito's face changed a little this time.

"Master Shiro, although the explosives were provided by the Morioka formation, the detonator was you."

"Yes, the detonator was me," Bai Xiaowen said leisurely. "The problem is, I can hide, Cao Jingjing can't find me."

Morioka Masao indignantly: "Master Shirai, you are a curse ..."

Morioka Yoshihito stopped him, and his expression became solemn: "Master Shirai came over this time and wouldn't say these things for no reason. Would you like to ask Morioka team to help you kill Kusanagi Kyo? IMHO, if Kusanagi If Jing is really as scary as the large population of Shirai, the strength of the Morioka Formation is also insignificant. "

"I find that you are the leader of the group and Masao Morioka is the second leader. There is no reason, because you are clever enough," Bai Xiaowen applauded. "I will not go round the corner. The Morioka team only needs some assistance. I do n’t need it. You are directly facing Kusanagi Kyo. In addition, there should be a relationship between the Morioka team and the Fukuoka Police Station? You also asked the Morioka team leader as a middleman to introduce senior police officers. "

Morioka Yoshihito said embarrassedly: "These guys are all vampires and have a big appetite."

"Rest assured, I recently made a fortune, no matter how big their appetite, I can fill it up. If you help me introduce them, it will be a matter of personal love."

Li Shuyi opened the code box with a bang, with neatly arranged bars of gold, and the brilliance of gold could not be removed. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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