The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1698: Admission

"The strength of Feishan's ace army seems to be insufficient." Higdelia's evaluation.

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes: "This may not be necessary."

His evolutionary eyes have seen the internal structure of the lava colossus, not as simple as a stiff stone statue on the surface.


With a loud noise, the first lava colossus collapsed and became a gravel.

However, no demon soul appeared, and a pug-sized monster rushed out of the gravel.

This monster looks like a dog, but has a very strong jumping force. It jumps out of dozens of meters with a crackling sound.

Just ten seconds or so, the dog-faced monster digged into the ground, and then another ten seconds later, the black cracked earth shuddered, cracking a gap, and another giant lava statue crawled out of it.

"That's it!"

Sigridley understood, "It turned out that the body of the Feishan family is such a small Warcraft."

"These Warcrafts are called 'Flame Jumpers'. They are demons with dual attributes of earth and fire. They can penetrate the earth and use the power of lava to arm themselves." Bai Xiaowen said. Information on the "Molten Jumper" has been seen in the intelligence manual provided by Lord Cantis.

For the Molten Jumper, the best thing is attrition. When they are really fragile, the lava shell on the surface is broken, exposing the vacuum period of the body.

However, the body of the Molten Hopper is as flexible as a flea, as long as it avoids battle and drills the ground during the vacuum period. As long as you get into the ground, after ten seconds, you will be a good man again. It will take a small amount of spiritual power to launch this "spell-like talent".

On the contrary, their enemies, the group of saboteurs, need to spend a lot of energy to split the lava shell. During this process, the demon also endures flame splash damage from the lava shell.

Despite the strong offensive ability of the saboteur, they still can't eat the endless lava shell of the "Molten Jumper". They can't ignore the lava shell, because the sulfur breath of the lava itself will form the passive AOE effect of flame sputtering (similar Fatty rot).

The demon lord on the opposite side, the six-arm pain demon couldn't sit still, and his body more than three meters tall suddenly stood up and whistled into the battlefield.


A dazzling sword rainbow cut the battlefield like a whirlwind.

First and foremost, the lava shells of the two Molten Hopper demons shattered like tofu.

The two Molten Hoppers intend to repeat their tricks and jump to a safe zone, but the blade arm of the six-arm Pain Lord is like a spinning wheel without stopping. The strong wind pressure brought directly to the Molten Hopper ’s body , Inhaled the knife net.

Blood splattered and the fragile defects of the two Molten Jumpers were finally exposed. They were chopped into pieces of flesh without supporting them for a second.


As soon as the Lord of the Six Armed Demon Lord entered the field, Bai Xiaowen stood up.

"It's time to go. You go to Abaddon and Pudge immediately and take the undead servants to the battlefield!"

The end of the lord himself meant that the war had reached its climax.

Fei Shan side obviously cannot sit idly by and the situation collapses. Fei Shan, the lord, will inevitably end.

After the climax is the endgame. During this time, the undead slaves marched and entered the field, after Bai Xiaowen calculated it.

Even if the leaders on both sides of the demon found the Three Kings and the undead forces coming from the march, it was too late. The devil itself is an unruly temperament, and he is far from being able to ban it. Even if Fei Shan and the six-arm pain lords have ordered it, it will be difficult for the anxious war to stop immediately.

Demon corpses were everywhere in the valley, with slightly corrosive green blood, and even pooled in the field.

All the demons have red eyes.

In a sense, the demons of the Dark Age plane are the races that are least afraid of death. Even if they die, they can be reborn.


Fei Shan's huge body, ten meters high, entered the battlefield.

Compared with the five-meter-high leader-level troops, Feishan's lava shell is undoubtedly more rigid and sturdy. It is actually a flash of black-gold luster and dark red flames. It's also hotter.

At each step, black flame footprints were left on the ground, and Fei Shan met the Lord of Six-Armed Pain Demon in this way.

The two lords attacked and defended, and the scenes of the fierce battle must be quite exciting.

The lord's end in person also made His Majesty's demonic forces more morale, fighting desperately.

There are fewer and fewer intact demon soldiers and officers standing on the field.

Bai Xiaowen has been using the eyes of evolution to monitor the status of the two demon lords.

Just as Fei Shan, the six-armed Pain Lord, spent more than half his spiritual power, there was agitation in the corner of the valley.

Teams of bone soldiers entered the battlefield.

After hundreds of bone races, it was the elite army stitching monster. In the shadow of the bloated body, a ghost was lurking.

The three-day king led the army of undead, and joined the battlefield with the conquered little evil as a guide.

Although these small and bad monsters are weak, they are actually not afraid of death.

Just like players in online games, level 1 trumpet dared to flash the blood bar on question mark-level BOSS-when I die, when I haven't died?

The reason that this little evil devil is surrendered to the Three Heavenly Kings is not that they are afraid of death, but that they think that the Three Heavenly Kings are stronger and more "faced" to follow. It is their nature to follow the strong.

After them, the Three Heavenly Kings appeared.

According to Bai Xiaowen's instructions, the Three Heavenly Kings launched an attack on the demonic forces under Fei Shan's priority, rather than attacking both parties at the same time.

Fei Shan froze, and then yelled, "Kiefer! You even found a helper?"

The six-armed Patriarch Lord ~ ​​ ~, named "Kiefer", is actually very aggressive, but seeing this new undead army has been helping himself for a while Know what's going on, let alone how to answer.

Following the admission of the Three Heavenly Kings, all of them appeared undisguised, three lord-like atmospheres emerged, and they surrounded Feishan.

Fei Shan saw the three newly emerged undead lords, his eyes shrinking.

Although the breath of the three is a little weak (three kings are at level 15 and Feishan and Kiefer are at level 17), they are three lords after all! The combined forces are difficult to defeat even when Feishan has a lot of spiritual power, not to mention the state where most of his spiritual power is lost.

"Who are you? What benefit does Kiefer give you, I can give it too!" Fei Shangao drank.

When Kiefer heard it, he was not calm, and six knives hurled and threw.

Sigridari remembered Bai Xiaowen's instructions and never said nonsense. After killing the two Lava Jumper leaders, he rushed directly to Fei Shan and beat him up.

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