The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1707: Demon Rally

After entering the 16th level, Bai Xiaowen's strength has also been greatly improved.

The attributes of strength, agility, and physical fitness have each increased by 20 points, all of which have reached about 150 points.

The spiritual attribute has increased by 25 points and has reached 171, which pleases Bai Xiaowen.

The vital spiritual power increased by 440 points, and the total spiritual power climbed to 3800!

Bai Xiaowen's majestic spirit at this time has surpassed the general level 17 lords, which is enough to compare with the level 18 lords.

You must know that in order to upgrade and strengthen the ability to summon creatures, he devoted most of his energy to the Tai Gong Bing Fa (has been trained to level 16), so the accomplishments of Tai Xu Jing are still very shallow (only equivalent to 13 Level), the real strength of the dual profession is only just demonstrated.

In terms of skills, the new "sacrifice flag" skill has spawned three small branches, namely sacrificing the sky, sacrificing the ground, and sacrificing the gods. Depending on the method of flag sacrificing, the army will be given different emphasis.

"The psionic power has been increased to 3800 points, then my other plan can be implemented."

Bai Xiaowen raised his hand gently, and a dark cricket-like shadow appeared in front of him.

Bai Xiaowen took a flashing purple dagger from Snake Girl's hand. This is the epic weapon from Tiemuzhen "One Heart, the Blade of the Prairie Brothers".

"Unfortunately, I can only temporarily give up the combat power of Snake Girl. However, I have basically learned the skill of Snake Girl, and I will not lose it."


Three days later, Abaddon, Higdelif, and Pudge came to the city of disaster with an undead army of two thousand undead.

The catastrophe demon Tifast did not meet the three men, and still sent messengers to issue orders, planning the three garrison areas.

The outer defense line of the disaster city can be roughly divided into four main directions: east, west, south, and north, and four corner directions: southeast, southwest, northeast, and northwest.

Abaddon was arranged in the northeast direction, Higdrifa was in the northwest direction, and Pudge and a group of stitching monsters were arranged in the south line.

In this way, the three men and His Majesty's Legion were separated.

Fortunately, each of the three heavenly kings has a copy of the note for thousands of miles, and the contact has not been cut off because of this.

Garrison in the city of calamity also let Sigedelifa learn new pieces of information.

The calamity of the evil devil is said to be in order to prevent the invasion of another army of demon kings.

The opponent is the "Arrogant Demon" among the four subordinate demon kings, and also belongs to His Majesty the King of Silver.

As for Her Majesty the King of Silver, why kill each other?

The reason is simple, idle is idle.

The devil will not really die, and he can be reborn if he is dead. He usually engages in this kind of combat exercise. In addition to training, he can also please their supreme king, Ismen, why not do it.

The demon king who won the exercise will also be rewarded by the king of silver, Isman, and expand his sphere of influence in the dark continent of the West. In this way, it will also gain a greater advantage in the next war.

Therefore, the city of disaster in this period is quite lively. Every day, the demon lord leads the headquarters of the headquarters to the city of disaster.

Such a battle, seeing Higdelif also secretly shocked.

In less than ten days, more than ten demon lords assembled in the city of disaster! Every demon lord has a group of demon troops, a few hundred or a few thousand more, which turned out to be a demon army of nearly 10,000 people.

Although the Three Heavenly Kings madly expanded their military power during this time, they also developed more than 10,000 undead slaves. But it must be admitted that the undead slaves are still weaker than the real demonic soldiers.

First of all, after the gangrene skills of Abaddon are pulled up, the template of the bone slaves will be reduced by one level, and most of the 10,000 undead slaves are bone slaves.

Secondly, the level of the undead troops recovered by the Three Heavenly Kings is still not high enough. Although Bai Xiaowen's upgrade caused this army of 10,000 undead soldiers to rise to level 16, compared with the demonic soldiers, there is still a gap of at least 1 level, and a gap of intermediate to high levels.

Taken together, 10,000 undead slaves against 10,000 demonic soldiers can only end in a fiasco.

Not to mention, there are so many boss-level demons, lord-level demons, and the calamity-like demons.

In terms of strength, the disparity is huge.

However, the Sigurdeli method is also unthinkable, and can only choose to trust Bai Xiaowen's judgment.


After the evil devil waited for the army to gather, he issued an order to march.

It is worth mentioning that the two thousand undead soldiers brought by the three heavenly kings were left in the city of disaster.

The reason given by the Devil is simple.

"These dregs are too weak. Putting them on the battlefield will only make the arrogant king smile. Let them stay on the periphery of the disaster city and be responsible for patrolling! This is also considered waste utilization."

As a result, Higglifa, Abaddon, and Pudge became three bare-pole commanders, following the army of demons. The target of this march was the "Forgotten River" valley, thousands of miles away.

The Valley of Forgotten Roads is the battlefield agreed upon by the two demon kings.

For ordinary people, thousands of miles are far away, but for the demonic army of per capita high-level evolutionary strength, it is only two days of normal marching time.

On the top of the Demon Army, there is also a green eyeball suspended, which is the "Devil's Eye" used by the Devil to watch the battle.


Disaster city, in an underground palace.

The gigantic calamity demon Tifast, watching the march picture from the "Evil Eye". In the camera, the positions of the three undead lords, such as Abaddon, Higglifa, and Pudge, are clearly visible.

"Ru means ~ ~ The three undead lords are here to challenge me?"

The plague devil turned his head and said to a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man leaned slightly and said, "Yes, the great king of disasters."

"But their strength is very weak. Even if they go together, they will not pose a threat to me, let alone I have a demon army. Messenger, why are you so careful? Be sure to assemble the army before dealing with them."

"The three great kings of calamity are certainly not powerful, but their masters are unfathomable and must not be taken lightly. I have already mentioned this to you," said the middle-aged man.

The evil devil nodded: "It is for this reason that I agreed with Ru's plan. It seems that my real opponent is the master of these three, another king! Then start by cutting off each other's wings."

After a pause, the Scourge said: "The two thousand skeletons they left on the perimeter line of defense will soon be destroyed."


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