The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1714: Follow-up countermeasures

Latest URL: This amulet of hellfire, if given to Bai Xiaowen, can be used as a belt, obviously he can't use it.

It can only be used by "large" creatures, and Bai Xiaowen assigns it to the Higdrelli method.

In this way, all three heavenly kings have gained something. The butcher received an epic weapon [Evil Fire Saw Blade], Higdrifa got an epic necklace [Hellfire Amulet], and Abaddon received a complete four-piece set [Demonic Plague Set].

It is quite generous to bring down such a harvest to bring down a calamity monster.

Scourge Devil and Temu are really different. Although Tiemuzhen is not as good as the evil devil, it is the total boss of Shao's camp. So there was a cursed artifact in the booty that Temujin finally broke out of, and the evil devil had no artifact.

Although the calamity demon is strong, the total BOSS from the plane is still one level behind.

The Three Heavenly Kings then led a team, looted the palace of the disaster city, and seized a large number of spiritual crystals and precious spiritual materials, with an initial estimated value of more than 500,000 spiritual crystals.

Bai Xiaowen secretly said unfortunately. The evil spirit's finest spiritual material and the highest quality spirit crystal must be stored in a container such as a storage ring. The treasure left in the palace is just something he doesn't look at and doesn't need to carry with him. That's it.

These insignificant fractions are worth 500,000 spirit crystals. The value of the treasures in the plague devil's storage ring may be calculated in millions of spirit crystals.

After all, it is the king who rules a territory.

From the palace collection, Bai Xiaowen found a prop-the devil's eye.

This kind of prop is the item used by the Devil to pass orders and monitor the battlefield. It is of great strategic significance.

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes.

Now that you have the Eye of the Devil, the next step can be implemented.

"The magical general with the troops outside is called Gordon, isn't it?" Bai Xiaowen confirmed. "Kelvin, help me see where the magical Gordon and the Demon Army are."

Witch Kai Luowen agreed, took out the crystal ball and began divination.

Soon, in a hazy mist, you can see a scene of a demon army marching, and the speed is fast, and the background is a series of rolling hills.

"It's the hills of Cohun, about two hundred kilometers from the city of calamity. At the speed of the demon army, it can be reached in an hour."

The three heavenly kings, such as Higdelif, followed the Demon Army to the Valley of the Forgotten River, and they had deep memories of the terrain and landforms along the way.

Herbart saw from the crystal ball the dense number of demonic forces, a little scalp, and said, "So many demons ... Lord Christos, your undead army is hard to counter."

Moreover, such a gap in power cannot be smoothed by the 200 militiamen in Wutu Town.

After all, the numbers of the demon army and the undead army are now counted as "ten thousand".

Bai Xiaowen said: "Be calm and calm, there are already countermeasures."

Having said that, Bai Xiaowen commanded, "Higdelph, go and catch a few demons back. Below the leader level, the higher the status, the better."

Higglifa promised, shaking his wings and passing the battlefield.

The battle at this time was basically over, and the remnants of those disaster cities were basically killed or captured. Soon, Sigridari took out a few high-ranking leader-level demons and took them to Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen started mind control one by one.

The leader-level demon's will resistance is still very strong, especially the high-ranking leader, which has a higher level than Bai Xiaowen and has stronger resistance.

Bai Xiaowen killed three captives in a row, only one of them was successfully controlled, and he was a big suffering demon leader.

Bai Xiaowen rubbed his face and launched the transfiguration Tao. His half-length outline turned into the appearance of the evil devil.

The scene was weird. Bai Xiaowen still had a human shape below his waist, but his upper body was twice as swollen, and became the bloated figure of the evil king.

Even the mouth, like the evil devil, is a crab mouth.

"How does it compare to the evil monster?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Higglifa felt the following: "Master, your eyes are a little bit fiercer."

"Hmm ... how about this?"

"In terms of temperament, it's better to be more violent."


Bai Xiaowen has a special skill: mastery of spiritual power, so it really seems to be more restrained. Under normal circumstances, all belong to the master style, but it is not enough to simulate the evil devil.

Bai Xiaowen felt the fine control of the spiritual force, slightly urging the Zhoutian cycle to make his own psionic particles become active. Gradually, an air of irritability and destruction permeated.

Finally, Bai Xiaowen's simulation of the evil demon king achieved similar results to a certain extent.

After repeated fine-tuning, Bai Xiaowen put away the transfiguration. He gave a demon eye to the controlled Pain Lord and made a series of arrangements.


Gordon, the demon general, is leading more than ten demon lords and their divisions, a total of 100,000 demon army, marching in haste.

This was an order from the Devil, and Gordon was loyal to the Devil.


Suddenly Gordon waved.

The demon lords stopped.

Ahead, a pain demon leader flapped his wings and hurried up.

"Master Gordon the Lord!" Cried the leader of Painful Devil, "the king of disaster has the latest order!"


Gordon recognized the name of Pain Devil, and Shen Shengyue asked ~ ~ what happened? I am ordered to drive back to the city of disaster. "

Huo Dan, the leader of Pain Demon, exclaimed: "The news came from the messenger sent to the King of Pride, and the situation has changed ... The King of Pride rejected the request to postpone another battle!"

"What ?!" Gordon frowned. "It's troublesome, we have to go back and guard the plague city."

Huo Dan said: "No, the undead lord who has committed the crime has been shot and killed by the king himself. The city of disaster is no longer dangerous, so the king orders you to continue to the Forgotten River Valley to fulfill the battle with the army of His Majesty King . "

"The king of calamity actually shot himself?" Gordon was surprised. "The city of calamity doesn't have much troops."

"There is a new monster army that has been devoted to it. It has played a big role. The new monster lord has become the mount of the king of disaster."

On Huo Dan's fat green face, there was a touch of human helpless expression: "It is not because the arrogant king refused to postpone that the king of calamity made an exception. But this is also a good thing. Now that the worries are gone, you can continue Lead an army. "

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