The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1726: Angoulesh, Twisted Bone

"Ancient gods? What is that?"

Surprisingly, Isman, the king of silver, did not understand this.

The King of Silver is different from another thinker, the "Thinker", Rochelle.

Thinkers like to study human society, often transforming into human appearances, entering human cities and towns to conduct "experiments", of course, the results of experiments all end with destruction.

The King of Silver is high above him, enjoying the pleasure and thrill of commanding the army, and dismissive of the weak humans. Therefore, He knows very little about human society, let alone that some humans worship him as a god.

It was after the human man's explanation that Eastman understood.


Ismen sneered, "Humans, if you think, worship me can get forgiveness. It's impossible. Now, you can say your last words."

"no, do not want!"

The human man shouted, "The great King of Silver does have an important thing to report to you! In a human town, there is an outsider who threatens you. The King of Disaster falls to him. Underfoot! "

Ismen snorted: "It's nonsense. Tifast's useless guy was rebellious and killed by his three undead lords. He has nothing to do with humans."

"No, this is just a blindfold to you and other gods! In fact, this alien is a powerful summoner, and the three undead lords are all his servants! And, he is called by the prophets as' He Christos', the savior ... "

"Hahahahaha ..."

Eastman laughed loudly, and his voice echoed throughout the hall, as if hundreds of people were echoing his laughter.

The human man covered his ears in pain and fell to his knees and mourned.

Ismen put away a laugh: "Savior? What a lovely word. Humble humans, too, had such unrealistic delusions."

"This is not a joke, the great king of silver! It is said that the demons killed by the savior cannot be reborn, and their souls have been destroyed!"

After a pause, the human man said in a hurry, "This point, as long as the Lord of Disaster and his Demon Lord have not been reborn, you will understand! However, I am afraid it is too late at that time because the Outsiders for the Savior are continually gathering troops and growing ... "

Eastman's face became slightly solemn.

"Can't be reborn ..."

Human man nodded desperately.

"What's your name," Ismen suddenly asked.

"The great King of Silver, your humble servant's name is Abert, Abb Love," said the man excitedly.

"The news you brought is very interesting."

Ismen groaned and said, "I have a way to check in advance whether the souls of demons and other demons still exist. If the truth really is what Ru said, I will give you a reward."


"Traitor" Abbot actually had a little drumming in his heart, and now he can only pray that the rumor that the "savior" can destroy the demon soul is true, otherwise he is the unlucky one.

Eastman knocked gently on the throne, and suddenly the top of his throne separated left and right, extending a tray from it.

Above the tray was a gray skull.

Isman held the skull in his hand and closed his eyes slightly.

Time passed minute by minute, just a few minutes, but it was so long.

In the end, "Bad" Abbot waited until Eastman opened his eyes.

"Ru is telling the truth. In the realm of the demon, it is true that the souls of Tifast and his Majesty demon lords cannot be sensed. It seems that they have been destroyed."

The demon guard Gordan, who had been silently standing by the side, was taken aback by the words, and immediately felt a little panic.

However, Ismen's expression was still calm. He got up, put the skull back into the throne, and said, "Since the threat has been confirmed, then send an army to get rid of it."

Demon Guardian Gordan immediately said, "Great Lord, please order!" He pointed to himself, "willing to work for you, and eliminate all enemies who dare to stand in front of you."

This demon guard Gordan is a close relative of Ismen. Although he does not have the strength of the king level, he has a rare template of the lord level. The strength is basically the strongest under the seven demon kings.

"No," Ismen vetoed Gordan's call, "send orders to Alimand and Saffron to summon their army of demons!"

Gordan was slightly surprised: "You are sending two demon kings?"

Ali Gandi is the real name of the King of Pride, and Saffron is the real name of the King of Pain.

After the death of the King of Disasters, Tifast, these two secondary demon kings are His Majesty's only king-level powerhouse. Of course, their most powerful is His Majesty's Demon Army. Each king has Thousands of magic troops.

"More than that, I will personally lead the demon army of the Silver City as the main force to launch an attack!"

Ismen laughed. "Let the subordinates go to death one by one. It has no use other than to strengthen the enemy's power. So when facing the enemy, you must do your best! The 30,000 demons surrounded from three directions, that Human aliens must catch him alive! He is very important. "


Demon Guardian Gordan immediately retreated.

"As for you," Ismen looked at "trafficking" Abbot Love, "I have already said that I will give you a satisfactory reward."

"Thank the ancient gods! Praise the ancient gods!"

Abbot Love immediately knelt down.

Ismen smiled strangely, and suddenly a black-red flesh and blood tentacles extended from the ground, and suddenly stabbed into Abbott Love.

"Rao, Rao Ming, great ... ah ah ah!"

Abbot Love issued a miserable ~ ~ learning to torture, only then can you be qualified to accept my reward and apply this torture to more souls. "Ismen returned to the throne, and he taught.

The surface layer of Abbot Love's skin flickered with blue veins, still writhing. His body gradually grew taller, his back came down, his hands began to grow dark nails ...

By the time the tragic sound had subsided, Abbot Love had changed his appearance.

At a height of three meters, the back looks like a giant sarcoma, with a twisted face, and sharp black claws under the thin arms. As for the legs, it becomes two rows of beetle-like appendages. With a strong breath, it evolved from a leader to a leader-level powerhouse.

"Very well, it seems that the degree of corruption and distortion of Ru's heart is deeper than I expected."

Ismen nodded with satisfaction. "That humble human name, don't use it anymore. From now on, your real name is Angoles, Twisted Bone!"

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