The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1733: Power of 1 Strike Terror

If the sages of the book "Tai Xu Jing" are powerful, knowing that Bai Xiaowen understands the Sanyang Method in this way, he will most likely sigh to the carelessness of others.

From the perspective of Bai Xiaowen, who has a super brain, he actually prefers the way of data, everything can be calculated. However, after entering the world of evolution, there are fewer and fewer data and calculations, which is regrettable.

"Attack the throne of pride, end the home of the king of pride, and take a break."

Immediately after Bai Xiaowen's order, the coalition launched an attack. Abaddon led the army, carrying a volley of the opponent's defensive array, magic guides, etc., stabbed with a rifle and smashed through the gate.

The pride of the throne of pride is empty, and there is only one demon lord to look after.

However, the demon's individual quality is very strong. With the help of the walls of the proud throne, the defensive circle, etc., he actually temporarily held the offensive of the joint army.

After all, in the case of siege warfare, fewer soldiers can invade the city at the same time, which is not good for the attacking side. The defensive side, however, was able to use its geographical location to start street fighting.

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes slightly, and the qi-breathing method automatically operated to gather the breath of the true elemental power that naturally dissipated and contained the qi-breathing machine.

Herbart felt that it was more difficult to see the Lord the Redeemer. From his induction at this time, Bai Xiaowen was like a piece of dead wood and a statue. Except for a slight long breath, he could hardly detect the signs of survival.

"Master Christos, is it your offensive to dominate the way? This will reduce our losses." Herbart said.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. This kind of small scene doesn't need the spiritual force to strike. It is also necessary to properly exercise the combat effectiveness of the army.

"Defensive, defensive! Crush these humble humans, the low-level undead!"

Before the main building of the Pride Throne, a female demon with a batwing roared loudly. She is three meters tall, and looks very similar to the King of Pride. She is only one size smaller. It is one of the most trusted magicians of the King of Pride and is responsible for defending the city when the army is out.

Bai Xiaowen suddenly opened his eyes.

For a moment, the Qi machine accumulated by the Qi-breathing method erupted, and the powerful true power flowed in the palm of Bai Xiaowen, and then a dazzling thunder light fell suddenly.

Ben Yuan Thunder!

This thunderbolt went off very fast, like a lightning spear, rushing through the heavenly cover of the female demon lord.

There was no scorch, and the female demon lord flew for a moment, then fell straight down, and among the seven tricks, a smoky smoke appeared, looking like an out of control fighter.


The female demon lord's body fell to the ground and was no longer able to stand up.

That Yuan Yuan thunder had already destroyed all her vitality from the inside.

"Long live Christos!"

The morale of the militia has doubled.

The King of Three Heavens saw this scene with surprise and joy.

The angry claws beside Bai Xiaowen's mane stood up, and a thrilling spirit: "Boss, why are you so perverted! That's a high-ranking lord!"

Bai Xiaowen looked at the palm of his hand.

"A demon lord is dropped in one shot ... In fact, my true strength is not so exaggerated. The increase in the Qi-breathing method is equivalent to a damage crit."

Bai Xiaowen froze for a moment, "I just used that three or four hundred points of real power just after that blow, but the damage caused seemed to be the explosion effect of thousands of points of real power."

Higdri said: "The moment the master just shot, the momentum seemed to climb to the top, but after the shot, the momentum quickly fell back and returned to the previous calm state."

"This is the method of nourishing qi ..."

Bai Xiaowen remembered inexplicably that during the awakening stage, a piece of equipment that once accompanied him, Yamazaki Ryuji's fighting gloves, will increase the crit rate over time until he reaches 100% crit. Effective in the next attack.

However, that piece of equipment is only effective against physical attacks, that is, ordinary attacks.

There is no limit to the nourishment method, which is great.

As we all know, the basic attack damage is relatively low, which is incomparable with skill damage (there are counter examples).

Therefore, the damage of the skill "Critical Strike" is far more than that of normal attack.

Just like Bai Xiaowen's primal thunder this time, he received the blessing of the Qi-breathing method. He concentrated the "qi" that he had saved in the previous state—that is, the dissipated true primal power, and attached it to this primal The release of the mine has greatly enhanced the explosive power of this mine.

However, although there is a bonus of nourishing qi, Bai Xiaowen is equivalent to using one thousand points of real power to cast the original yuan thunder, but under normal circumstances, it is difficult to smash a demon lord in one shot. After all, the other party has a fel shield.

The second important reason is Bai Xiaowen's special specialization: mastery of spiritual power, which has risen to expert level.

Bai Xiaowen's ability to control Zhenyuan's power is stronger. In the first blow, there was almost no waste of Lei Fa ’s power. After breaking the opponent ’s body's evil energy, he directly dipped into the opponent's body and broke out all the power in his body.

Externally, the female demon lord was not injured.

But inside her body, her body tissues and organs have been destroyed.

"If only the exact data could be used to calculate the formula for the increase in the damage of the nourishing method."

Bai Xiaowen sighed slightly. He prefers the digitalized spirit world. Everything is fair. Those who are good at calculation and good at calculation can get intellectual rewards.

In comparison, the real world of spirit is a bit more uncertain.

At present, Bai Xiaowen can only roughly estimate the damage explosion range of the nourishing gas method through multiple experiments.

After slaying the demon lord in one blow, the demons of the proud throne lost their fighting spirit and collapsed.

Soon, the coalition forces occupied the city and began a short break.

The tireless undead army is wandering between the large and small palaces of the proud throne, collecting all kinds of psionic treasures that seem to be valuable.

The treasure house of the throne of pride was also smashed open ~ ~ The United Army launched a search quickly.

"Abaddon, you lead a group of capable slaves who gather the dead corpses and draw their blood."

"Sigridley, you go to count the spoils of throne of pride, and bring all the relevant materials on my list."

"Helbat, you and other militia leaders, take the militia regiment to rest."

"Witch, keep an eye on the movements of the demon army and divinate if necessary."

After the orders were given, Bai Xiaowen began to be busy in the main hall of the proud throne.

Regardless of whether Bai Xiaowen is willing or not, the decisive battle with the King of Silver will start sooner or later.

After all, the Dark Age plane is their territory. It is impossible for Bai Xiaowen to persist in guerrilla warfare, and he will be caught sooner or later.

Therefore, we must cherish precious time and be prepared for war.

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