The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1735: What king are you going to be?


"Silver City?"

Everyone was shocked.

The point where Bai Xiaowen's finger fell is a crimson area marked "extremely dangerous" on the map, which is the old nest of the King of Silver. It is located in the city of Silver on the icefield northwest of the mainland!

However, after the initial surprise, Herbart responded quickly, saying, "Master Christos's strategic idea, I understand that it should be the same as attacking the proud throne, and attacking when the enemy's nest is empty. . "

Another militia leader said, "I agree. Now that the Demon Army is destroying our homes, we have to pay back."

Due to Bai Xiaowen's advance arrangement, the five human settlements were already empty, leaving only houses and bulky items that could not be taken away for the demons to destroy and burn them to vent their violent emotions.

However, there is no such preparation in the Castlevania pool, and the feasibility of changing tactics is very high.


Continuous marches.

Bai Xiaowen, sitting in a bone-bound chariot, did not enter a cultivation state at this time.

He diffused his consciousness on a large scale, and temporarily served as the army's radar.

At this time, Bai Xiaowen's spiritual coverage has been greatly improved, and he is under full control.

This is due to the enhancement of the power of the mind by the branch of immortality, the method of raising the mind.

Training the mind to the deepest level, you can make the gods know the tricks and swim in the heart. Bai Xiaowen is just in the beginning stage now.

Sigridari led a group of flying banshees, waiting for Bai Xiaowen's order at any time.

Once the Demon Sentinel spies are found, Higdrifa will use his strong mechanical power to go to the strangling, and firmly keep the army's whereabouts from being exposed.

In this way, the human and undead united army marched secretly to the northwest ice field.

"A beautiful city. I thought that as the most evil place in the dark continent, it should be full of distortion and darkness," said Witch Kelvin.

Appearing in front of him was a multitude of silver palaces. Under the mapping of the ice field, the silver palace group shone with a silvery sheen.

"Master Christos, do you want to attack?" The two militia leaders challenged.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "No, we need to investigate in advance. When the order goes down, the army camps in place."


A day has passed.

Two days have passed.

Even Herbart couldn't sit still, found Bai Xiaowen, and said, "Master Christos, the investigative work you said has lasted for two days. Now the Silver City is not guarded by the main force of the magic army, and an empty city Almost. IMHO, you seem to be too cautious. "

Bai Xiaowen's expression was exhausted. He rubbed his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Well, what you said makes sense. Then attack."


Herbart thought he was going to be educated again, but did not expect to move Bai Xiaowen so smoothly.

The militiamen and slaves of the undead immediately marched forward, and soon entered the first line of defense posts in the Silver City.

The shrill screams rang out in the demon sentry, and suddenly a group of demons rushed out.

These demons are all troops left in the Silver City, depending on the number, about one or two thousand.

This is already quite a lot. You should know that the King of Silver went on a march, but took most of the troops.

Of course, one or two thousand demons can't stop Bai Xiaowen's army. Even the magical combo was not used. The Undead Legion led by the Three Heavenly Kings broke through the first line of defense and attacked the main city of Silver City.

It is worth mentioning that these demons encountered were a little irritated, and they were not as brave as the games that saw death.

Upon contact, the demons retreated.

In fact, this is for a reason-between the demons of His Majesty the Silver King, a small news has been circulating recently that a savior has appeared in the human race, and the demons that he led the army to kill on the battlefield cannot be resurrected.

The reason for this gossip is of course related to the "trafficking" of that ancient denomination.

"Wait for this bunch of waste! Aren't you afraid of the great master's sin?"

A twisted monster appeared, and the whole body was like a magnified version of a beetle. It had a huge sarcoma on its back and appeared in the city. There was a twisted tyrannical smell in his body, no doubt the lord.

The demons were hesitant. Rushing to face the battle may be killed and unable to resurrect. But if he flinches and retreats, he is caught dead by the typical punishment of the King of Silver.

The beetle-like twisted monster gave a sharp roar, and continued to encourage: "Don't panic! The great master will soon lead the army back. These enemies will throw themselves into the net, and there will be no place for burial!"

"It's kind of idiom. It looks like IQ is not low." Bai Xiaowen stood on the bone-bone chariot and looked at the monster on the city head and said with sigh.

"Roar! Alien humans, you will surely die here! There is no end to the ancient gods!" The twisted monster roared, but it was not a demon language, but a universal language for humans.

"Ancient **** ... sect?"

Bai Xiaowen quickly realized, "You are the traitor, right? Traitor? What's your name?"

"Well, the great Lord has given me a new name. I am now Angolese, Twisted Bone!"

The new demon lord Angulesh shouted, "I am the man who wants to be the demon king! My lord has promised that after I remove you, let me take the place of the evil demon king!"


A bolt of lightning slashed down, rushing in through Angules' top door.

Angolesh's worm trembled and fell from the city's head, emitting fuming smoke.

"What king are you talking about?"

Bai Xiaowen dug out his ears.

In this round, the super capital mine released by the method of "breathing energy" ~ ~ did not directly kill Angolesh, but also caused him severe damage.

The morale of the militia surged, and the offensive was tide. The left-behind demons, of course, were all cold-hearted and scattered.

Soon, the vanguard rushed into the Silver City, the gates of the Silver Palaces were knocked open, the walls were pushed down, and the demon corpses lay on the ground.

Angoulesh climbed up strenuously, and was caught alive by the Three Heavenly Kings.

"You can't wait! The great master will be here soon!"

Angules shouted.

At the top of the four minarets of the Silver City, they suddenly emitted a green ray, meeting in the air.

Lu Mang suddenly projected down and landed on the ice field behind Bai Xiaowen's army. Terrible spatial fluctuations surged, and an illusory portal spreading with green fire quickly formed.

Then, batch by batch of demon army, led by the demon lords, stepped out from the green fire portal.

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