The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1738: 4 giants vs 2 devils

A demon lord died like this, dead without dignity.

Now, high-level lord enemies are no longer a strong enemy for Bai Xiaowen. If there is the blessing of the nourishing qi method, he will be enough to hit the high-level lord once he sends out the power of the original thunder.

However, heavy damage does not mean killing, and may be flashed by the enemy.

Use two spiritual representations, one of which completes the **** and the other completes the kill, which is more clean and clear, and can also clean up a batch of demons.

In addition, the black whip and black magic spear that have just been formed are the convergence of the spiritual powers of the two skeleton squares. Bai Xiaowen only guided it slightly, and the real power consumed was not as much as the original yuan thunder.

The dominance evolvers, when they have a sufficient number of troops that cooperate with each other, can indeed exert their superpowers and challenge opponents beyond the ranks.

After killing a demon lord, the elite vanguard team he led also died out.

Bai Xiaowen took aim at another demon lord, and then killed it again.

For a while, the momentum of the demon lords was frustrated. In the face of two spiritual figures with king-level combat power, no matter how reckless they are, it is inevitable to be afraid.

"Beep ---"

The tone of the bone horn changed, and the demonic army changed its formation.

The two demon kings are dispatched.

The arrogant king Ali Ganzhang, the king of pain Saffron, and the tall bodies of two secondary demon kings joined the battlefield. Around them, each led a super assault team composed of demon lords and leader-level creatures, and rushed to Bai Xiaowen's army formation.

Because the trapped fairy array has been running, and Bai Xiaowen's army is the only "birth" area.

Bai Xiaowen's target is still the Demon Lord, and the number of Demon Lords must be quickly reduced.


The black whip of spiritual power draws again to a demon lord.

However, this time the black whip did not hit the target.

A phantom flashed, a thin but tall skeleton shadow appeared on the side of the demon lord, the king of pain, Saffron! He erected a skinny bone claw.

The black whip tangled, but only caught one of Saffron's claws, and did not limit his ability to move.

The black gun that was shot shortly afterwards was also waved by Saffron, dispersing it stiffly.

The demon lord escaped and thanked Saffron.

"Hide behind me and help me break the enemy formation!" Saffron's two rows of spider-like claws sprinted forward.

Behind a group of demon lords, they promised in unison.

Looking at the demon rushing over, the militia array revealed a little fear. Although Saffron is not as powerful as Ismen, after all, he is one of the Seven Demon Kings, and in terms of status, he also stands at the top of the entire dark continent.

Bai Xiaowen took a deep breath.

In fact, he was not alarmed, because the black whip and black gun just targeted the lord's attack, and the power did not increase to the maximum.

You know, at this time, the fourteen square arrays were all under the sacrifice of flags and gods. Compared with the army of the arrogant king at that time, the explosive power was more than 40% stronger.

And with Bai Xiaowen's special specialization: mastery of spiritual power has risen to the expert level, the concrete attack method of spiritual power is no longer limited to simple and rough energy bombardment, and has become more concise and efficient.

"Since Suffron's speed is so amazing, there is no way to ignore him. The number one and two undead squares are fired!"

The three heavenly kings were induced and ordered. Suddenly, the first and second squares of undead soldiers raised the burst of spiritual power to the maximum.

The two black spiritual powers swell instantly, and their body shape has been expanded by 40%! The prestige is even more prestigious, and it is completely able to fight against the high-ranking king-level strong chamber.

Bai Xiaowen hit the black whip again. This time, the black whip was about half thicker than before. Under the fine manipulation of Bai Xiaowen, many black chain shadows were formed, which enveloped the king of pain, Saffron.

Although Safron's speed is fast, he can't avoid this range of attacks. The next second, his thin body was wrapped in a black whip.

Like the spirit, the black whip quickly merged into a strong, entangled force to control Saffron's actions.

Over the No. 2 Skull Array, the Spirit Black Gun is condensed and formed, and the power it contains is half stronger than the previous Black Gun.

However, before shooting the black gun, Bai Xiaowen felt dizzy for a while, and the black gun he shot lost his head, and slammed among a group of demons.

In the roar of the sky, the demons were blown up into the sky, flesh and blood fluttered around.

"Spiritual intervention ... is the means of the arrogant king Ali Ganzhang!" With Bai Xiaowen's current strength and at the core of the guardianship of strong walls, the enemy who can perform spiritual intervention on him and succeed must be above the king level.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen has a branch of fairy magic provided by the king-level classics Taixujing-the method of raising mind, which initially strengthened his spirit (resilience), which only made the arrogant king Ali Gan's long-planned attack invalid.


Ali Ganyu saw Bai Xiaowen only slightly stunned, and then returned to normal. She was secretly dissatisfied, and the King of Silver ordered that Bai Xiaowen's complete soul should be retained, which prevented Ali Gan from using many soul-attack-like poisonous methods.

In fact, this also protected Ali Ganyu. If she let go and touched the counter-attack mechanism of the Eye of Evolution, the counter-attack power would be enough for her to drink.

"To deal with two high-ranking king-level powerhouses at the same time ~ ~ It is not enough to rely on the spiritual representation of two square arrays ..."

Bai Xiaowen's true elemental power line emerged, connecting with the other two skeleton squares, "Pattern No. 3 and No. 4! Spiritual power figurines, get up!"

Suddenly, two spiritual powers were created again. The black giant, one holding a black blade and one holding a stick, joined the battle.

The four major spiritual powers deal with two secondary demon kings at the same time, and Bai Xiaowen has the upper hand again. After all, the four spiritual giants are all controlled by Bai Xiaowen, and the two subordinate demon kings have never fought side by side and can only do their own thing.

After being watched by the Black Blade Giant and the Code Giant, the arrogant king Ali Ganzhen did not have time to cast mental interference on Bai Xiaowen. He could only dodge the black blade's chopping and the code's magic spear continuously. She exploded in the demon army, and she didn't care.

Only with that kind of attack that has no room to evade, will Ali Ganyu spend his evil energy to resist it.

The two demon kings are in a fierce battle and naturally they can't control the other demons. One by one, the demon lords and demon leaders were attacked by the four great spiritual giants, and they continued to be killed.

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