The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1748: Artifact! Throne of silver

These purple suit attributes and additional skills are quite good, but do not have the equipment of the governing department.

Bai Xiaowen directly assigned five pieces of equipment with large body requirements to the Three Heavenly Kings. Bai Xiaowen temporarily put away that spider demon armor as inventory.

As for Bai Xiaowen, he got a necklace.

【Thinking Shackles】

[Quality: Epic (purple)]

[Equipment location: neck]

[Equipment requirements: 120 points of basic spirit]

[Attribute: None]

[Additional Skill 1: Thinking Amplification: Passive, your spiritual power increase by an additional level. 】

[Additional Skill 2: Thinking Suppression: Injecting mental power into the chain of thinking shackles will open a halo of thinking suppression and passivate the thinking of all living things in a large range. Decreases the effect of creatures higher than your template; cooldown is 1 natural day. 】

[Durability: 100/100]

[Explanation: After the thinker splits his artifact, he gets one of the seven major parts. 】

"Artifact part?"

Bai Xiaowen came to the spirit. It seems that the thinker Rochelle has an artifact, but this lunatic not only divided himself into three, but also divided the artifact he owned into seven! It is estimated that the seven copies are all epic purple costumes, and they will eventually be brought together, maybe they can restore the artifact.

Bai Xiaowen hurriedly looked at the description of other equipment that had been removed from the human spider's body.

The rest of the equipment is not marked with "artifact parts".

Bai Xiaowen slightly regretted. It seems that the incarnation of the human face spider, the thinker Rochelle, only carried one artifact part, this necklace.

Apart from the artifact parts, the properties of the necklace itself are very good.

Don't look at the increase in spiritual power is only level 1, but it is "extra increase"!

What does that mean?

Bai Xiaowen currently possesses a level 4 increase in spiritual power for "One Heart, the Blades of the Prairie Brothers". Each time he uses this dagger to attack, infuse 100 points of true power, 140 points of true power will erupt.

The Prairie Brothers Blade is a one-handed device, and Bai Xiaowen can hold another one in the other hand. But no matter how many hands they hold, when using the "Prairie Brothers Blade" attack, the maximum increase in spiritual power is only 4 levels, and the power bonus obtained is only 40%.

The passive “magnification” of this necklace can make Bai Xiaowen ’s spiritual power increase to a higher level, reaching a level 5 increase!

This alone is not lost, not to mention that it also comes with an active ability of "mind suppression".

When the thinker appeared, Bai Xiaowen felt hesitant to attack Isman's attack. It was because of this "thinking suppression" skill. Well used, this skill also works wonders.

Then, it was the treasure hunt of King Isman, the silver king.

The King of Silver is the body, and there are no extra avatars, so he can search for his full set of equipment.

A total of 12 pieces, all of which are epic-level equipment, including head, chest, legs, feet, hands and other major parts, as well as necklaces, rings, jewelry, cloaks and other small items.

Of course, each of these equipment has its own characteristics, and any one of them will attract the enthusiasm of countless evolutionaries. But Bai Xiaowen didn't care. His attention was attracted by an item.

[Silver Throne]

[Quality: Artifact (Orange)]

[Equipment requirements: divinity]

[Equipment position: seat]

[Attribute: Charm +20]

[Additional skill 1: Dominating seat: Passive, allied morale +20, and no morale will be disrupted; enemy morale -20, and there is a certain probability to escape or defeat before the war starts. 】

[Additional Skill 2: Seat of Dominance: Passive, which increases all attributes of your army by (10-20)%, and increases the maximum spiritual power and recovery speed by (10-20)%. The amount of bonus is related to morale. If you are a dominion evolver, the bonuses your Majesty gains always take the maximum value. 】

[Additional Skill 3: Seat of Origin: Passive, you gain a fixed level of 10 power gain, and your speed of spiritual power is increased by 100%. The above effects do not stack with any other equipment. 】

[Durability: Never Wear]

[Explanation: This throne accompanied by the birth of the King of Silver is the eternal crown of darkness. 】

"The throne of the King of Silver is actually an artifact."

Bai Xiaowen admired the throne of this sterling silver. The throne is engraved with the symbol of the flower demon, which is full of mystery, flashing a soft shimmer, as if it is a work of art.

This is the first time Bai Xiaowen has obtained the full version of the artifact.

At that time, in the grassland of Shaoxing County, the killing of Tiemuzhen got the blessing of longevity. Although it was also an artifact, it was cursed and not very easy to use. This is because although Temujin is the total boss in the world, it is only a king-level template.

This throne artifact is different. It was obtained after Bai Xiaowen hardened Isman in front of him and killed it.

It is right to slay the protoss creatures, and the dropped artifacts do not have any negative curse effects.

As for the special effects of the Silver Throne, it looks very cool.

The seat of dominance and the seat of dominance are both skills applicable to the dominion evolver, and they can be of most use when they are in command.

From these two skills, the Silver Throne should be an artifact of the Dominion.

This artifact is occupied by Ismen, which is a bit wasteful. After all, Ismen is a warrior-like strong-descent strongman, and it is difficult to play the upper limit of the artifact.

Although Ismen likes the fun of war, the gap with Bai Xiaowen is just like the gap between amateur fanciers and professional vocalists.

As for the third skill, the seat of origin, sitting on the throne, you can directly gain a level 10 spiritual increase, which is simply terrifying ~ ~ For Bai Xiaowen's long-range, legal system For the strong, it is equivalent to double the output! And the battery life is doubled.

However, unfortunately, it is difficult for Eastman to play the role of the seat of origin. He is a warrior and is good at close combat. Who has seen a soldier sitting on the throne and fighting with others?

This throne is also very special. Although it is said to be equipped, it belongs to a "seat." Only sitting on the throne can play a variety of functional skills. After leaving the throne, you lose the bonus.

Bai Xiaowen fondly stroked the silver throne. Even with some inconvenient restrictions, this throne is also an excellent artifact, which greatly increased the strength of Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen immediately sat up. At the moment he sat up, his temperament had a sublimation, more majestic, as if the whole body was emitting the light of power, people dare not look straight.

This is the effect of the silver throne adding 20 points of charm.

The Silver Throne cannot be included in the storage appliance, and it is quite heavy. But for the skeleton soldiers, this weight is not a burden. After being placed on the Bone Chariot, it can be dragged freely by the undead servants, and the travel speed is not slow.

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