The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1750: See you again

After collecting so many precious materials, plus the previous reserves, Bai Xiaowen's "Three Refining Methods" finally worry about materials.

The Three Refining Method is very useful, and it has just begun to emerge in the war with the King of Silver.

Don't look at the basic content, but after all, it is a branch of fairy art.

Alchemy, based on Bai Xiaowen's current basic pharmacology, can develop several basic Danfangs. Large-scale production is like "Dali Pill", which is very useful for improving the overall combat effectiveness of the army.

Refining technique, mainly refining equipment. The output of refining technique is limited. It is good to be able to refining one magic weapon in one day. There is also the possibility of blasting away the white substrate, so it cannot be popularized to the army. It can only be used for Bai Xiaowen himself to enhance his personal combat power.

Of course, even with the magic weapon, the Undead Legion may not be available.

The refinement of refining skills is very significant. Don't look at Bai Xiaowen's original treasure "Seven Devil Souls", which is because the spirit of the divine creature is too powerful. Dealing with enemies of the king level and below will definitely have a good effect.

The last amulet spell is a killer who can use weak wins and strong strikes. The immortal array of multiple immortal amulets has the power to reverse the situation. If it wasn't for the trapping of the Immortal Circle that limited Ismen's ability to move, Bai Xiaowen would not have been able to defeat the opponent.

Compared with the Shangqing school's charms, the fairy branch of Taixujing is a higher grade, and there is a fundamental difference between the two.

If you have to compare it, Bai Xiaowen thinks that only Chen Rong's "Shangqing Bao'an" is also a professional book of the king class, and can fight.

Of course, "Shangqing Treasure" is a classic book dedicated to spell management, but "Taixu Jing" is compatible and inclusive. From this point of view, "Tai Xu Jing" feels higher, and the king-level professional books are also distinguished. The gap is more obvious than the lord-level and hero-level professional books.

Bai Xiaowen feels that even with the six major branches of immortality in the Taixujing, even in the royal books, it should be top-notch.

Of course, "Tai Xu Jing" belongs to the kind of classic books with weak chickens in the early stage and strong in the middle and late stages. The whole primary stage, except for a special specialization: spiritual mastery, did not give any professional classic skills. Evolvers who want to enjoy the benefits of the mid-to-late period of the Taixujing must also pass through the early period safely.

After hacking the inventory of the Silver City, Bai Xiaowen returned to the human settlement.

Human leaders such as Kelvin, Herbart, and others did not preach to other human beings such statements as "Hristos is a badass". Of course, even if they said so, no one would believe.

The reputation of Bai Xiaowen has already surpassed worship in the human camp, if there is still a reputation level.

At this moment, when he appeared, he was pushed to the top by fanatical worshippers.

Humanity is preparing to establish a United Nations nation.

There is no doubt that Bai Xiaowen was elected as the first king.

Bai Xiao didn't want to do it in the text. For him, it doesn't make any difference whether he is a king or not. However, no one else is qualified except him-Herbart is after all only a military leader in Utu, and he is not convinced by the other four military leaders; Kelvin is even more physically fit Weak, and as a witch herself cannot be a political leader.

It is worth mentioning that Kai Luowen and Herbart, two people who knew Bai Xiaowen's "true face", also strongly agreed with Bai Xiaowen as king.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen understood the two abacus, and he did not refuse.

Now that they want a puppet, give them a puppet.

No matter who is sitting on the throne, Bai Xiaowen is the master of this new country.

On the first day of his administration, Bai Xiaowen promoted five military leaders, including the maiden Kelvin and Herbart, to a six-member parliament, collectively known as the "Six Mansions."

The civil affairs of the new kingdom are decided by the six-star star council without having to report it to the king.

The militia group was restructured into the unified army of the new kingdom. When it was necessary to send troops, the six-monger star parliament agreed to produce a draft and signed it into effect for the king.

Bai Xiaowen left an incarnation of wood, sitting in the humble royal palace, and acting as a human figure stamp.

He himself still returned to the Silver City, and transferred the resonance to the Silver City, using it as a new base camp.

The three-day king led the elite army of undead, and rushed to the "blockade line", which is the dividing line between the eastern and western continents.

Bai Xiaowen established the new Silver City, and the hard work of countless servants of the undead transformed it into a city of undead that fit Bai Xiaowen's heart.

Bai Xiaowen still spends a lot of energy on improving his own strength. In addition to studying the classics, in his spare time, he promoted his personal cultivation through the Sanyang method and refined some war utensils through the Sanlian method.

Time passed day by day, and finally one day, a black raven flew to New Silver City.

The raven fell to the ground and turned into an old man wearing a black crow feather wizard robe.

The undead guards brought the old man in front of Bai Xiaowen.

"Roselle, we meet again." Bai Xiaowen smiled.

Thinker Rochelle was not surprised by Bai Xiaowen's recognition of his true body. He watched Bai Xiaowen on the throne and said, "You seem to have expected me to come."

"Actually, I thought that you would send a subordinate to deliver letters or contact items. I didn't expect you to come in person. I want to applaud your courage." Bai Xiaowen said.

Rochelle shook his head and said, "This is just one of my incarnations."

"If I kill you here, you will only have a third of yourself." Bai Xiaowen stared at Rochelle, with an unclear smile.

"You won't do it. I have the knowledge you need here."

Rochelle coughed a little ~ ~ Besides, even if you do, I already know how you deal with the deities, and you won't fall a second time in the same place. "

Rochelle is right.

Now in the new Silver City, there are only about 3,000 undead slaves. Even if they form a battle, Bai Xiaowen uses spiritual power figuration.

In fact, the ability of the god-slayer is very harsh to launch. It needs to hit the same key more than 2 times before it can be launched. With Rochelle's ability, after being prepared, Bai Xiaowen would not be able to easily reach the killing conditions.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaowen needs Rochelle. The two have a common interest claim. That is--

Continue to maintain the existence of demons in this world!

"You have everything in Ismen, and I have been observing in secret. Your ambition is not to be the savior of mankind, but to become the master of darkness and to rule the continent including the devil. The devil has great potential Service, you need it, "Rochelle said.

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "I have the legacy of Ismen in your hands. You need my cooperation to maintain the demon's pollution of this world."

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