The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1754: Divination results

"Boss, Sa Zi is so happy?" Angry claws shook his tail.

"Good thing."

Bai Xiaowen stood up and laughed, "Kelvin, the witch, after all, is still a little level."

This flying crane biography came from the new kingdom of mankind.

The witch Kai Luowen has been struggling to foretell the location of "Devil Skull" for Bai Xiaowen, in order to strive for a greater new space for humanity.

The incentive policy established by Bai Xiaowen still played a great role. The sorceress Kai Luowen was a full six days earlier than the expected half a month, and the location of the storage space corresponding to the dark grid rune of the throne was also divined. It is most likely the space where Isman stores the demon skull.

The ability to predict is able to predict the future trajectory from the traces of the present and the past. This ability is really amazing, and it is very useful in many cases.

But what about the ability to foretell, and if you are weak, you still have to obey the orders of the powerful and spend your life and energy on divination.

This is why Bai Xiaowen was dissatisfied with the unification of the Kuroshio Plan during the awakening stage. If he chooses to be promoted in the Kuroshio plane, of course, he can also get a book of prophetic lords and become a lord, but if the current lord of lords can better use his expertise, it will not be able to develop so quickly.

It is impossible to defeat Isman by divination and prophecy.

Bai Xiaowen immediately summoned the Frost Dragon. He temporarily handed over the affairs of Silver City to the newly-armed King of Arrogance, and then personally took the Frost Dragon to fly to the human kingdom.

It is no longer the case now. The entire western continent is under the rule of Bai Xiaowen. He no longer has to be cautious and ride on air mounts without any problems.

After entering the new kingdom of humankind, Bai Xiaowen directly took the witch Kai Luowen from the spiritual hut.

Herbart wanted to report to Bai Xiaowen about the new kingdom, but Bai Xiaowen was not interested in it. He also didn't think Herbart dared to make any small moves, which was based on his self-confidence in military strength.


On top of the Frost Dragon, Bai Xiaowen stood at the head of the dragon, dancing with a streamer, and a white robe made a hunting wind.

The real power of his body automatically opens, forming a streamlined protective film.

Witch Kai Luowen stood on the neck of the dragon, carefully grasping the side of the Horn of the Frost Dragon. With the opening of Bai Xiaowen's protective film, she was able to avoid the impact of breaking the cold current.

[Why a gentle person, why compromise with darkness? 】

Kai Luowen thought about it, but she didn't ask wisely.


Bai Xiaowen's voice dropped, the Frost Dragon landed, and came to a deep valley.

"This is the coordinate position you said. Where is the demon's bone hidden?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Kai Luowen said softly: "You can rest assured that after Isman's death, that storage space will merge with our world. The entrance to the space may be hidden behind a rock or a leaf. Be patient looking for spatial fluctuations Things will be fine, they will be found. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly.

The Frost Dragon lowered his head meekly, letting his master step down slowly.

Kelvin followed with his hand.

"Master Christos ... have you reached an agreement with the demon?"

"That's right. I talked to an incarnation of Rochelle, who promised that from now on, he would no longer be able to launch earthquakes and other spells that would destroy the city on a large scale. The new kingdom of mankind, as long as it does not leave the safe area, Will not be troubled by demons. "

Hearing here, Kai Luowen hurriedly said, "I six days in advance to help you divination and the results. You promised that the territory of the new kingdom of mankind will be expanded by 600 kilometers."

Bai Xiaowen didn't look back: "It's counted until it's found." He quietly unfolded his consciousness, sensing the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

Due to the existence of the branch of immortality—the method of raising the mind, Bai Xiaowen ’s range of spiritual consciousness has also been expanded, which is five to ten times stronger than the strong at the same level. In the future, as the method of raising the mind is deepened, the gap is still different Will increment.

Kai Luowen thought of another problem, and hurriedly said, "Master Christos, you can rely on a large number of troops to exercise the dominion to defeat the devil, right? You are here alone now, in case ... "

"You can't tell, you are still worried about my safety. I'm dead, don't you want it?" Bai Xiaowen's voice was a little stunned.

Kai Luowen lowered his head and murmured, "You haven't destroyed the core of Ismen, the demons will not be expelled automatically ... This means that for a long time to come, our world will have humans and demons coexist. No At your word, no one can protect our kingdom. "

"That's the case, really a woman."

Bai Xiaowen smiled, "You can rest assured, even if I can't win the Demon King, it's okay to run away. You should be more worried about yourself. If I escape, I won't bring you the burden."

Kelvin hurriedly said, "No, it's okay, Lord Christos. You can escape by yourself, you don't need to worry about me."

Bai Xiaowen turned back in amazement and glanced at Kai Luowen.

With Bai Xiaowen's cleverness, of course, he can understand Kai Luowen's intention.

This is not a self-denial, but an answer in an extremely rational way of thinking.

In view of the importance of Bai Xiaowen to human society, it is ten thousand times more important than Kai Luowen himself, so as long as Bai Xiaowen can escape.

Bringing Kai Luowen to escape together will undoubtedly drag down Bai Xiaowen's chances of survival. According to Kai Luowen, even if it only dragged 1%, it is very unwise behavior, so she said that in advance.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and sighed: "I really don't know what kind of thought your teacher has infused. He is either a pervert or a lunatic."

"Please don't insult my teacher." Kai Luowen was still not angry and said slowly.

"Not a pervert? I remember you undressed as soon as you met ~ ~ to give virginity to my savior."

Bai Xiaowen ridiculed, "Since then, I've been a bit wary of you madmen and disciples ... eh?"

Bai Xiaowen's face moved slightly, and he stepped back quickly, standing in front of Kai Luowen.

"What's wrong?" Kai Luowen was startled.

"A strong breath is approaching."

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes and looked at the sky in the northwest direction, where there was a black spot, zooming in quickly.

"Is it a thinker?" Kelvin said nervously.

"Thinkers are not so reckless."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head. "It is the King of Pain Saffron."

With Bai Xiaowen's voice, a burst of crazy laughter echoed in the sky.

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