The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 385: Landmark contract

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Yuan Hongji went out again to call for instructions.

This supposedly easy negotiation talked about six o'clock in the evening.

The two parties finally reached an agreement and signed a landmark share contract.

Bai Xiaowen has seen the contents of the contract, and once again looks at Sister Zheng's ability. To be honest, this contract completely exceeded his expectations.

The two parties agreed that the milestone settlement period will be one quarter after the new version is launched, that is, three months.

The first quarter is also the quarter with the highest "in-station revenue" for new characters, because many players will unlock new characters, and unlocking characters requires payment. The price ranges from 1 yuan to 188 yuan, which varies greatly.

In the following quarters, the revenue of the station will shrink.

However, if the popularity is high enough, the virtual battle company will also launch more skins (that is, a different shape of a character), and the peripheral benefits such as hand-made items will be introduced, so I won't talk much.

The milestones are:

The total revenue in the first quarter exceeded RMB 3 million-Milestone D. Bai Xiaowen received a 10% share of revenue, which is a D-level share contract. The difficulty of earning 3 million yuan is roughly equivalent to the ability of an excellent newcomer to absorb gold.

More than 10 million yuan-Milestone C, Bai Xiaowen received 20% of the share of income, this is a C-level share contract. The difficulty of 10 million income is equivalent to a star role.

More than 30 million yuan-Milestone B, Bai Xiaowen received 30% of the share of revenue, this is a B-level share contract. If the single quarter revenue reaches 30 million, it is a group of quasi-frontline star stars with loyal fans.

More than 100 million-Milestone A, Bai Xiaowen received 40% of the share of revenue, this is a class A share contract. Single quarter revenue of 100 million, a proper star role.

More than three hundred million-milestone S, Bai Xiaowen received 50% of the share of revenue, this is an S-level share contract. The awakeners who can reach this level are almost all superstars, and each person's role is a classic on the player platform.

As for the distribution ratio of peripheral income, it is half that of the station.

This type of gambling contract is most afraid of Party A (virtual battle company) playing tricks, such as not giving promised promotional resources, delaying role BUGs, artificially setting consumption barriers, and so on.

But with sister Zheng, all of this is not a problem. In the contract, the respective rights and obligations of the two parties are described in detail. The entire two pages of the list for Party A are 13 major items and 69 sub-items.

Of course, Yuan Hongji also listed a lot of restricted areas for Bai Xiaowen's "Party B", such as not being able to tarnish the platform image, not being able to authorize role templates to other role-playing game companies, and maintaining his positive image ...

In the event of a breach by a party, heavy punitive compensation will be paid.

The contract is valid for two years. After two years, the two sides will exchange the contract, the virtual battle platform has the priority to sign Bai Xiaowen.

After signing the contract, the two handshake.

"You have a very savvy agent," Yuan Hongji told Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and nodded, "I think so too."

"Please send your character template information to my mailbox as soon as possible," said Yuan Hongji, "I will send you a sample for your reference later."

After a pause, Yuan Hongji said, "Some newcomers awaken, they like to hide some character abilities. The data sent to the company is not complete. Of course, this does not violate the contract, but I still hope you can give a relatively complete template information. . Our aim is: on the basis of reality, the stronger the better. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded.

In fact, Bai Xiaowen has not hidden much strength so far. The grass-roots ancient martial arts previously used as a hole card have been revealed during the CUAA qualifier.

Bai Xiaowen summarized that his current strength can be divided into three parts.

First, the returning skills of the dead soul attached to the Black Soul Stone have four skeleton sword shield hands, a shadow assassin, a dead bone hexist, a suture monster, a vampire, and a total of eight summoned creatures, four Elite template, four standard templates.

Dr. Zombie is not considered to be a five-dregs battle, and the unlit Li Gui option is also not counted. Bai Xiaowen also wants to keep Li Gui as a new hole card.

Second, four combat skill columns, a spell switching skill, a group control, and the ability to summon the angry claws, and the last grasshopper sword-grasshopper sword can be regarded as a grasshopper ancient martial arts, containing a large snake This is a very yellow and violent move.

As for the grasshopper sword in the world of the Jiajing plane, it has devoured the pirate's artifact Cong Yunjian, which is an evolving secret. Bai Xiaowen also intends to use it as a new hole card and will not be announced for the time being.

Third, Bai Xiaowen's talent insight and professional skills, especially the life-saving skills of "life sharing", and Bai Xiaowen's desert eagle headshot special effects, coupled with Yamazaki Ryuji's combat gloves to accumulate critical strike rate equipment skills, can also be regarded as his A part of the strength was also revealed in the CUAA qualifying match, and anyone interested can check it out without having to hide it.

It's just another important function of professional skills-telepathy, the ability to read memory fragments of summoned creatures. Bai Xiaowen does not intend to announce it. Anyway, this ability has nothing to do with the player platform battle.

Finally, there are many superb props in Bai Xiaowen's storage space. Of course, these do not need to be made public, because when customizing the character, all that is needed is Bai Xiaowen's summons, equipment and skill data.

"After hiding some hole cards, my strength is still very strong. I just don't know if ordinary people on the player platform can make good use of my role."

Of course, the above revealed strength of Bai Xiaowen is very strong. In the qualifying match, he used the strength revealed above to defeat Jiangnan University in five outfits, including Qi Ruifeng, a powerful class 6 hero.

The player platform battle is different from the Awakener platform. It is divided into junior field, intermediate field and advanced field. With Bai Xiaowen's current level 5 role, he can only play the intermediate field.

As for the Awakener platform, as long as the strength is strong, the level 4 awakener can match the opponents of level 7 and 8.

This is also for relative fairness. Otherwise, ordinary players will only unlock level 10 characters. No one likes level 5 characters like Bai Xiaowen. No matter how strong the template is, it is not as strong as level suppression. Level 10 heroes are definitely better than level 5. Class heroes have a strong career, no doubt.

Bai Xiaowen turned on the psionic camera ~ ~ to selectively block things that shouldn't appear, and then scanned himself to generate a template. After checking it, he sent the template information to Yuan Hongji's mailbox.

This matter is done.

Next, Bai Xiaowen fulfilled his promise and took a group of fans to go to K song to relax.

On the way, Bai Xiaowen received a message from Bai Yanni.

"Study, where are you? I've arrived. It's good to treat you as a guest, but don't rely on your account." A sweet smiley face was emblazoned on the back.

Bai Xiaowen smiled slightly and responded with a message: "Rest assured that I will treat you for dinner, and I won't lie for it. I've booked the table, and you just call the waiter to serve."

"Okay, come here quickly." Bai Yanni made a shy expression, which made people think.

At this point, Bai Xiaowen had already entered KTV with a group of fans. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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