The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 484: Butcher (2 in 1)

"Your city building: The blacksmith shop has been upgraded. The current store level: level 3, the daily production capacity is increased to 300 points."

"You can already unlock and produce elite-grade gear."

"The Blacksmith's Shop has added elaborate elite equipment (blue): Refined Iron Bow, Refined Iron Armor, Refined Iron Sword, Refined Great Sword."

After seeing this prompt message on the lord console, Bai Xiaowen gave a little sting, and then a surprise.

Mass production of blue gear!

It turned out that the third-level blacksmith shop can mass-produce blue clothes! In this case, the mid-range market of the Earth Awakeners will also be occupied by Bai Xiaowen. Bai Xiaowen has discovered a new profit growth point for his own shop, and the profit of blue equipment is much higher than that of whiteboard and rough equipment.

Bai Xiaowen made an inquiry, and the blue capacity of each system required a daily output of 50 points, which was ten times higher than that of whiteboard equipment! This is also normal, because the value of blue equipment itself is more than ten times higher than that of whiteboard equipment.

With a capacity of 300 points per day, it can produce 6 pieces of blue equipment or 60 pieces of whiteboard equipment. But the problem is that in view of the increasingly saturated market, the demand for low-end equipment such as rough gray and ordinary white is gradually shrinking. As long as the price of blue equipment is reasonable, supply is definitely in short supply.

Rough, ordinary-quality equipment is a novice equipment, aimed at the quasi-awakened, the new and successful just awakened.

The blue suit is for all awakenings! You know, even Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi, who are luxuriously equipped awakeners, have blue clothes that have not been replaced.

However, the mass production of these blue suits has low additional attributes, generally at 12 o'clock. The standard blue suit, without any equipment requirements or level restrictions, could not have been too high.

And Cecilia is also very happy. What she values ​​is not the addition of elite blue suits, but some additional whiteboard equipment, standard iron bows, standard swords, etc.

With these equipment, Cecilia can train strong archers, and the defense force of White Rock will be more powerful.

Upgrades are not only for smithy, but also for jewellery shops, mills, and other production buildings.

It is worth mentioning that the mill has been upgraded to level 2 after a junior dim sum chef, and the daily production capacity has reached 100 points, and the product is no longer just ordinary rye bread, and a new food has been added:

Rye snacks: food, restore 25 health within 5 seconds after consumption. Food can only be used once in a battle.

Compared to rye bread, rye snacks have 10 points more health recovery, almost doubled! Due to the limitation of the number of times of food and recovery items in each battle, the food that can restore more health in a single time is not as simple as double the value.

It can also be seen from the energy consumption cost that each piece of rye snack consumes 5 points of production capacity, which is five times that of rye bread.

"Then, in terms of price, rye dim sum must also be appropriately raised. After all, this is a relatively high-end product. The crowd is awakened above the intermediate and elite levels. These people will definitely pay a good price for rye dim sum. "

Bai Xiaowen touched his chin: "On the basis of rye bread, it shouldn't be too much to double the price? Alas, it would sell 1,000 psionic points, which is a bit excessive. It is better to subtract two points and sell only 998! Hey Hey"

The upgrade of the smithy and the mill added two more fist products to Bai Xiaowen's virtual shop. He was very satisfied.

Other production buildings have been upgraded with the entry of various professionals. For example, the jewellery store has risen to Level 2 and can produce ordinary quality whiteboard jewelry, but it is still useless. The awakening person will not buy this type of whiteboard jewelry without any additional attributes and only decoration.

Only after the jewelry store has risen to level 3, blue elite rings, necklaces or accessories can appear to sell for a good price.

Bai Xiaowen was visiting White Rock City with Cecilia, and time was passing.

The three-day period has expired, and finally the news comes from Dr. Zombie, please Bai Xiaowen Institute.

In the research institute, Bai Xiaowen saw a zombie doctor wearing a pair of dark circles and bloodshot eyes.

"How's things going?" Bai Xiaowen asked. He murmured secretly if he was too much, in case Dr. Zombie was exhausted, nobody replaced him. However, thinking of Dr. Zombie's undead constitution, Bai Xiaowen was relieved.

"Dear boss, after a long period of research and verification, I finally mastered it. I finally completely mastered this brand-new technology! Although I am now limited by materials and craftsmanship, I can't make the same voodoo core. But I can make some fine-tuning on the basis of the original product to make it more suitable for this stitching monster! Let me talk about a few specific parameters I changed "

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and interrupted Dr. Zombie's mouth: "Directly speaking the effect of the change."

Dr. Zombie was stung for a while, and he could only turn the experimental report in the back page: "Effectiveness, the effect is to reduce the negative effects of the voodoo core, enhance the autonomy of the suture monster, and make it compatible with foreign Psionic equipment resonates to some extent! "

"speak English."

"This, in fact, is that the Stitch Monster can wear psionic equipment and exert its power." Dr. Zombie said with his head down. "Of course, at this stage, he can only use the head, jacket, and main and deputy weapons. Equipment, but this is a good start, boss "

Bai Xiaowen's eyes narrowed slightly, and after understanding what Dr. Zombie meant, he widened again: "Can I really use the equipment?"

"Yes!" Dr. Zombie didn't quite understand where Bai Xiaowen was excited.

Bai Xiaowen suppressed his excitement and sat on the chair: "No word of mouth, you first fuse the voodoo core and let the fat boy resurrect."

After a lapse of three days, the fat man who had been in a dormant state had a slight rotten smell on his body. Dr. Zombie wielded the scalpel skillfully to operate, and the adjusted voodoo core was sutured again into the cranial cavity of the fat man.

Bai Xiaowen held his breath and waited for the result. Whether Fatty can wake up or not, whether he will permanently lose this summoned creature depends on this.

The delusion of Delifa, who did not know when it appeared from the surface of the Black Soul Stone. She is also waiting for the result.

The zombie doctor finished stitching, and patted the fat brain of the fat boy lying on the experimental table: "Hey, hey! Can you hear me!"

The fat man did not move at all.

"Master, it seems that Dr. Zombie lives up to your trust, and it is necessary to punish him accordingly." Delifa smiled.

"It's impossible. My professionalism can never go wrong. Even if I can't reach the strengthening standards, at least I can wake up." Dr. Zombie whispered, holding his head.

Delifa: "Don't struggle, Black Soul Stone!"

"Wait a minute, Delifa."

Bai Xiaowen suddenly stopped the banshee's action. He closed his eyes slightly, activated the telepathy ability, and connected the fat conscious stars.

The fat conscious star, who had been silent and could not communicate, actually responded. It's like awakening a person who is sleeping, this should be a process of gradually increasing from weak to strong.


With a confused humming, Fatty's eyes opened slowly. With his arms on his back, his huge body sat up.

A flash of light flashed through the fat boy's body, and this big fat man who had a rotten flavor finally recovered with blood.

"I succeeded! Let me just say, my research will never be a problem!" Dr. Zombie exclaimed excitedly, and finally no longer needed the dark room.

Bai Xiaowen was informed by the rules of the spirit world.

"Your summoned creature: Stitching Fatty has a new evolutionary effect due to the implantation of a modified voodoo core."

"Your summoned creature: Stitched Fatty evolved into: Butcher."

Butcher (Elite 5)

Race: Undead / Dead Race

Attributes: Strength 23, Dexterity 13, Constitution 30, Spirit 7

Skill 1: Slaughterhouse: Passive. Whenever a hostile target dies nearby, the butcher's health limit is permanently increased by 130 points (depending on the target level and template). The butcher's maximum health is increased to a maximum of 200% of the initial health. If the maximum is reached, the passive effect is restored to the current health.

Skill 2: Rot: The butcher emits a rotten breath, inflicting toxin damage of 1% based on the maximum health value to itself every second. Enemies in the melee range will receive the same amount of poison damage and bear a 5% deceleration effect. The number of layers of decay will increase during the continuous opening of the skill, stacking one layer every 3 seconds, and a maximum of 5 layers.

Skill 3: Meat Hook: Slightly.

Compared with before, the flesh of the fat body has become firmer, with a muscular outline, reminding Bai Xiaowen of the classic boss butcher image in the Diablo series.

In terms of attributes, the butcher has not changed much compared to the period of stitching monsters.

However, the change of skills is a kind of earth-shaking feeling.

Skill 1 "Slaughterhouse", compared with the bloated body during the suture period and the edema during the voodoo suture period, it is stronger. This is a growth skill. As long as Bai Xiaowen is diligent, he can grow to a full body in no time, and the upper limit of life is doubled! Moreover, there is no swollen defense reduction effect.

What's more, when the upper limit of the health value is increased to the full value, the effect of the slaughterhouse will be transformed into restoring the health value, which greatly improves the butcher's endurance ability. It is combined with the second skill to complement each other.

Skill 2 "Rotten" is similar to "Corrupted Blood" in the Voodoo suture period. It is a mobile aoe skill. The difference is that rot is actively initiated, while the blood of corruption is activated by passive beatings. Although the corrupted blood skill can be stimulated by the forced damage of other summons, after all, it is not as flexible as the butcher's own initiative.

One layer every 3 seconds, the stacking speed is still very fast. Once superimposed on 5 levels, it will cause 30 theoretical poison damage to each enemy in the melee range every second, and there will be a 25% slowdown. The effect is extraordinary.

And after the surrounding enemies die, Fatty can still pass the first skill slaughterhouse blood, it should not be too shameless.

Needless to say the meat hook skills, housekeeping skills.

The strength of these three skills can already be compared with the skills of some leaders. Fatty today is at least the level of a rare elite.

As for the equipment field, Bai Xiaowen took a look. As Dr. Zombie said, at present, fat people can wear helmets, breastplates, and weapons.

"Summoning creatures can also wear equipment?" Bai Xiaowen felt a little incredible.

As a general rule, summoned creatures cannot use psionic gear. This is why the summoned creatures of the same level and template have weaker attributes than the Awakener or Spirit Monster.

For example, a level 5 elite template spirit figure has a total attribute of about 8090 points (including the total attribute of the equipment bonus). The basic attribute increase of elite creatures is 79 points.

The level 6 elite template spirit figure can reach a maximum of 105 points. How did this extra 6-point attribute come from?

The answer is four words, equipment bonus.

If the spirit figure is conquered by the summoner and becomes a summoned creature, without the autonomous consciousness, the psionic equipment cannot be activated (resulting in psionic particle resonance), and of course, the attribute bonus of psionic equipment cannot be exerted.

As for the mutant beast that has been subdued and becomes a summoned beast, it will be weakened equally. The reason for this is about the reason that the wild beast has become a domestic breed. Domestic dogs cannot fight wild dogs. This is common sense.

Of course, instead of believing that this is common sense, Bai Xiaowen is more convinced that this is an automatic constraint of the rules of the spirit world, so that there is no obvious difference in attributes between summoning beasts and humanoid creatures at the same level.

If the summoned beast after taming ~ ~ is as powerful as the wild mutant beast, it is equivalent to wearing the same level of psionic characters as all psionic equipment, then the summoner will choose the beast Summoning creatures instead of humanoids.

However, although the attributes are weakened, the skills are not weakened, which is why the leader-level summons can still play a role.

To sum up, summoning creatures is equivalent to the attributes of the same level spirit creature without wearing equipment.

Of course, the spiritual power of the summoner can provide attribute bonuses to the summoned creatures, but these attribute bonuses are not enough to make up for the lack of equipment.

Bai Xiaowen is a little better. In addition to the spiritual power bonus, his psychic mentor is passive and can add 20% to all attributes, which makes up for the equipment gap to a certain extent. This is why Bai Xiaowen's summoned creatures can fight against monsters at the same level and even beat them repeatedly.

Now, Dr. Zombie has told Bai Xiaowen that his summoned creatures can wear equipment!

"If my summoned creatures can make up for the lack of equipment, plus my psychic mentor and spiritual power, aren't they all going to fly?" This is the only thought circling in Bai Xiaowen's mind.

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