The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 528: Top 4 list released (2 in 1)

"You also know the broken things in my family ... Zhao Yannian's four wives, my mother is the one that I don't like the most, and I don't even want to see me, just like the old-fashioned children ..."

Zhao Zhilin said softly, "I'm one year older than Zhao Zhixiong, and I've been better than him since childhood. Archery, fighting, fencing, and schoolwork are better than him! If it wasn't for Zhao Yannian's eccentricity, it should be me who changed the hero career."

"According to the family plan, I should have become Zhao Zhixiong's shadow, paving the way for him. Last year, Zhao Yannian approached me, hoping that I could help Zhao Zhixiong get the captain's armband ..."

Cheng Jingwen's face was a bit ugly: "What is your plan at home?"

Zhao Zhixiong is a hero class, but his level is slightly lower, only 5 levels. If you compete for the captain position, Jing Chengwen has no advantage. Although it is a 7-level elite, the strength may not be comparable to a 5-level hero. If Zhao Zhilin were to support his brother again, then Jing Chengwen would have no chance at all.

"I made an excuse to shove it away," Zhao Zhilin shook his head. "Because when I was looking for a contract partner, I insisted on finding you. The family had always had an opinion on me. This was even worse, and Zhao Yannian was more mean to me."

The Zhao family and the Jing family have a good relationship. They are allies and competitions. Zhao Zhilin and Jing Chengwen are playmates who grew up wearing crotch pants together.

When Zhao Zhilin was transferred, he wanted to get that precious hero career transfer item. However, his status in the family was not high, and he was not favored and rejected ruthlessly.

Zhao Yannian had long defined the future of Zhao Zhilin, and became the shadow of his brother Zhao Zhixiong, who assisted him throughout his life. Hero career transfer items, as well as a full set of auxiliary methods for subsequent preparations, are left to Zhao Zhixiong.

Zhao Yannian then gave Zhao Zhilin a "Light and Shadow Contract" and asked him to sign a contract with another Zhao family child (quasi-awakening person), and then transferred to the twins occupation, becoming Zhao Zhixiong's arm in the future.

However, Zhao Zhilin was very rebellious at that time. After getting the contract, he ran directly to Jing Chengwen-the latter was not very favored in Jing family, so the relationship between the two "slave sons" is very iron.

The two "outrunners" signed the light and shadow contract privately and entered the spiritual realm. After learning about it, Zhao Yannian was very angry. According to people familiar with the matter, during the period when the two men broke through the spiritual realm and worked hard to complete the transfer task, Zhao Yannian even made a ruthless word to expel this villain.

However, Zhao Zhilin and Jing Chengwen were still struggling. With a lot of energy, they directly chose a + difficulty, which is also the highest difficulty among the three transfer tasks, and successfully transferred to the rare elite professions-Holy Light Archer and Shadow Warrior.

After returning to the family, there was disagreement about how to deal with Zhao Zhilin. What Zhao Zhilin said were all from the Zhao family, and they were rare elites. It was impossible to get out of the house.

And after negotiating with the Jing family, the two can only accept this settled situation. From an optimistic point of view, the twin careers from two, can also play a role similar to the marriage, even more stable than the marriage, is not entirely meaningless.

In the end, Zhao Yannian could only recognize it by pinching his nose, but his attitude towards Zhao Zhilin was even more indifferent. This indifference and disregard came from the bones, and he showed it vividly from the allocation of resources-to put it bluntly, the two were just maintaining It seems that the father and son are just harmonious. In front of Jing Chengwen, Zhao Zhilin mentioned Zhao Yannian by his first name, and the resentment in his heart can be imagined.

For several years, Zhao Zhilin has been very upset. If Jing Chengwen's treatment at the Jing family has improved, and he often uses psionics to help his brothers, can Zhao Zhilin be promoted to level 7, it is difficult to tell with such a piece of equipment.

Zhao Zhixiong is dead.

After hearing this news and confirming that it was true, Zhao Zhilin felt inexplicably relaxed. The huge shadow finally dissipated.

However, Zhao Zhilin didn't show any cheerfulness. The cold treatment and dangerous spiritual world experience in the past few years have turned him from a rebellious boy into a young man of the city.

At the funeral of Zhao Zhixiong, Zhao Zhilin cried a lot, and the tears were like springs, the depth of brotherhood was amazing. Later, Zhao Zhilin vowed in front of the family, and one day he will avenge his brother Zhao Zhixiong ...

However, something changed later, Qiao Gong spoke, and special operations were launched, and even Zhao Yannian ended up in jail. The Zhao family was hit hard, and on the cusp of the storm, naturally no one mentioned the topic of revenge.

This time against Jinghai University, to be exact against Bai Xiaowen, Zhao Zhilin was indeed very, very eager to win. This has nothing to do with revenge, just to get the attention of the family-to be able to defeat Bai Xiaowen on the playing field and let out a bad breath, the elders of the family must also be happy to see it.

To this end, Zhao Zhilin and Jing Chengwen colluded with team leader Chen Baola and directed a scene of scolding Bai Xiaowen on the day of the game, hoping to make Jinghai University team behave abnormally-no matter the other party is afraid to fight, or angry Shi Lezhi, they are all right The University of Taiwan Island is favorable.

This set of boxing punches is put on the average person, most of them are aggressive, even if they want to justify it, they are powerless. However, Zhao Zhilin didn't expect that Bai Xiaowen's "crisis handling ability" was so strong, and in the shortest possible time, he had figured out the means to clarify the truth and implemented it. As a result, the Taiwan Island University team was "back-phased" and morale plummeted.

Is Bai Xiaowen angry? Most of them are angry, but Zhao Zhilin also did not expect that the angry Bai Xiaowen was not stunned, but still fully promoted strengths, avoided weaknesses, and calmly fought, completely dissolving Gemini's proud cooperation ...

In general, Bai Xiaowen caused Zhao Zhixiong's death, and Zhao Yannian's imprisonment greatly damaged the interests of the Zhao family. Is Zhao Zhilin hostile to Bai Xiaowen? Sure there is, but in terms of it, he must be the one in the entire Zhao family who has the least hostility towards Bai Xiaowen, even if he is even more grateful and hostile, it is hard to say.

Jing Chengwen also knew that Zhao Zhilin had always been in the Zhao family, and naturally understood the mentality of his friends.

"This time did not defeat Bai Xiaowen, your situation at the Zhao family ..."

Zhao Zhilin shook his head and said, "It's never worse than before, right?"

"This is also true."

"Chengwen, now is a rare opportunity ... Zhao Zhixiong has fallen as the benchmark for the new generation of the Zhao family. None of the other Zhao family members who are of the same generation as me are comparable to me! I want to get the maximum degree of resource tilt within the Zhao family. In the future, it is possible to take over the power of the Zhao family! I need you to help me. "

Jing Chengwen laughed: "Are you nonsense, who can I help if you don't help me ... hey, I still feel sorry, if you can defeat Bai Xiaowen, your master plan will be much smoother."

Zhao Zhilin shook his head again: "Bai Xiaowen ... is a terrible guy. If I can choose, I don't want to be hostile to him. Unfortunately, to get the cultivation of Zhao's family, I must put on a posture that is incompatible with him ... at least the surface must in this way."

After a pause, Zhao Zhilin whispered again: "Although the family of the Zhao family is large, if the iron heart and Bai Xiaowen are on the bar, the prospects are really worrying."

"This is an exaggeration. Bai Xiaowen's background has been investigated by both of us. It has nothing to do with Qiao Gong. He has no background and can only be a strong person. The supernatural guild in which he is located is not very good and impossible Shake the status of the Zhao family. "Jing Chengwen said.

"No, he is too young, two years younger than us, but he has already achieved this achievement ..." Zhao Zhilin sighed. "When I argued with Zhao Yannian, I said the phrase" mo bully the poor " In fact, Bai Xiaowen said to the Zhao family that it was more suitable ... "


"A sneeze!"

Bai Xiaowen sneezed.

"What's wrong?" Li Shuyi sitting opposite asked.

"I don't know, I always feel that someone is cursing me, saying something terribly ..." Bai Xiaowen rubbed his face and looked around, "Then come on ... three, eight, eight! Three! Right, three ten to five! One king is over, Shuyi catches the wind! "

"Don't play, it's boring for you to win all the time." Xianghui threw a handful of straights and a small king in his hand and said boringly.

"Is there a perspective, it always feels what cards we have in hand, and the captain knows clearly." Feng Ziang also threw away the pair of cards in his hand and said depressed.

"Lao Bai, don't you apply your spirit to playing cards ..." Xiang Hui said.

"Don't pull it, the telepathy isn't long-distance eyes, and you can't see your cards. Is this all my skill?" Bai Xiaowen said with a lip.

Feng Ziang froze around: "So, I think the captain has cheated too much ... What about the shadow assassin?"

Bai Xiaowen spread his hands and looked at Xianghui and Feng Ziang with contempt: "The wisdom of mortals ..."

The shuddering sound of the small leather shoes sounded, and Yan Xiaoxin came in.

"Don't play, the semi-finals are all out ... come and see."

Including Han Xu, who was silently looking at the card, five people embraced Yan Xiaoxin.

"Yan, three rounds and six battles, 6-0."

"Jinghai, three rounds and six battles, 6-0."

"Qingda University, three rounds and seven battles, 6-1."

"Yunnan University, three rounds and seven battles, 6-1."

"It's pretty strong, it's tight." Xiang Hui commented.

"At least we won't meet Yanda in the semi-finals. I don't know who will be drawn next week's draw? I hope it is South Yunnan University." Feng Ziang said.

Compared to the old strong team Tsingda, Feng Ziang feels that Dianda is better at dealing with it.

"The semi-final will be broadcast live nationwide and will start in two weeks. During this time, everyone can take a break, but not be too relaxed," Yan Xiaoxin looked at Bai Xiaowen. "You are the captain. If you have any comments, you can say something first."

"Ms. Yan directly collects the materials and video of Yanda, especially the video of them playing against Qingda in the qualifiers," said Bai Xiaowen. "In the finals, Yanda is most likely to be our opponent and be prepared for this ... "

Just then, a worker came over: "Hello, the teleport array has been debugged and is ready for use."

The Jinghai University team followed the staff and stepped into the teleportation array. There was a feeling of weightlessness, and it didn't take long for them to return to Jinghai.


Yanda's data is easy to collect. After all, it is a well-known cuaa overlord in the country, and Ouyang Heng is very well-known in the world. This means that it is very easy to collect his fighting videos and fighting data.

Yan Xiaoxin's enthusiasm for the work is quite high. She not only collected the information of Yanda University, but also compiled the information of the other two teams-Qingda University and Yunnan University.

On the day of his return, Bai Xiaowen had seen all the video materials.

That evening, the school team met.

"Yanda's strength is really very strong. Compared with Qingda and Dianda, it is mainly strong in one more hero professional assistance ..."

Bai Xiaowen wrote a name on the tactic board: Qiao Rui. On the big screen, many photos and brief information of this girl were released.

This is a beautiful-looking girl. The ordinary transfiguration dress is the most common and generous school uniform. In addition, she always reads with her head down and reads books. She is drowned in the sea instantly, and she ca n’t even turn a spray. That kind of girl with a very low sense of existence ...

"Don't be deceived by this girl's innocuous appearance," Bai Xiaowen clapped her hands and let everyone focus. "You have also read her skills and information. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a strategic aid. Belonging to the type with more teammates, she can strengthen the strength of everyone in a team ... "

"Others of Yan University, Ouyang Heng will not mention for a moment. The real strength of the other three elite professions is actually not much stronger than those elite professions we have encountered. But they give people the feeling that they are very powerful and everyone pulls them out. They can all be on their own ... There is a lot of this, which is the improvement brought by this assistant. "

Feng Ziang lowered his head deeply. People must die than others.

"It seems she has to set her priorities first." Xiang Hui said.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head again: "This idea is right, but her survivability is not weak, it is still difficult to get rid of her quickly."

"What should I do?" Yan Xiaoxin said with some worries ~ ~ Yanda's two heroic professions are indeed very strong. Ouyang Heng and this Qiao Rui are both very difficult to deal with ... It ’s really impossible. It's okay to be in runner-up. "

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "It's not necessarily ... In fact, in our eyes, Yanda is very strong, but Yanda is probably very panic when she sees our information ... not to mention I have kept a few cards in my hand It ’s never been played out, and then we can let Ouyang Heng have a good time. ”

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said, "Shu Yi and I plan to go to the spirit world."

"Ah? Recently?" They were a little surprised.

"Yes, leave as soon as you get the tickets," Bai Xiaowen explained. "Shu Yi and I are all full of experience slots, ready to upgrade to level 6."

Yan Xiaoxin understood it, and instantly became supportive: "Okay, this is great. You go, pay attention to safety."

It is certainly a good thing that the two main players in the team need to upgrade. In particular, Bai Xiaowen was upgraded to level 6, and all the summoned creatures will be upgraded to level 6, which brings the strength increase that can be imagined.

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