The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 805: Zombie City (2 in 1)

"Captain Wu Guangzong, a 9th-level hero class-Penance Fighter!"

On the big screen, Wu Guangzong, two fists against each other, and the metal gloves gave a bang sound: "I use your hands to achieve your dream!"

"It would be perfect if bald and blind ..."

Bai Xiaowen watched this pretense silently. The strong playoff teams in the second division have already consciously started to make stars. The unique POSE on this big screen plus the style of the second and second lines can leave a deep impression on the audience. Of course, it is difficult to say whether it is good or bad.

"Deputy Captain Tan Xiong, a 9th-level elite profession-Shield Armor!"

Tan Xiong was strong and burly, covered in armor, holding a shield in his left hand, holding a sword in his right hand, and striking the shield hard with a hilt. A voice was heard: "Behind my teammates, I will guard!"

"Member Wu Sihao, a 9th-level elite profession-a plasticizer!"

Wu Sihao on the big screen, wearing a red turtleneck robe, and a staff with a long handle behind his back. He put a finger up, and a bunch of elemental energy lingered at his fingertips: "My magic will tear you to pieces!"

"Player Yu, a 9th-level elite class-the hunter!"

Pang Yu was wearing a mix and match of leather armor, and used it as a remote physical output for positioning. There was a bunch of short spears behind him. I saw this goods pick up a short spear, his voice was low: "Hunting, it's started!"

"Team Deng Zhou, a 9th-level elite profession-Knight of Divine Grace!"

Deng Zhou clawed and opened a book—in fact, his deputy equipment—Sacred Deed, cast a spell on himself, and the seal of the eyebrow flashed. He picked up an equally shining hammer in his other hand and carried it on his shoulder: "Accept justice for justice!"

After the five people's individual POSE is finished, there are some personal shows and highlights. Finally, the five members of the Jingwu team appear in a picture at the same time, and they have a family portrait, which are murderous and cruel little eyes. Bai Xiaowen wanted to laugh.

After the applause, the female commentary Alley began to introduce another team, which is a member of the White Phoenix team.

The White Phoenix team did not specially shoot that kind of shame POSE. The screen is the same as the last match, showing only the beautified photos of five people, and the bright performance on the field.

After the introduction, Alley said: "Although the White Phoenix team is a new army, it has been in CADL for the first time, but it has shown a strong impact and has achieved two victories. This time, five newcomers It will face the test of CADL's ace team and Jingwu team. "

The male commentator recalled holding a small card in his hand: "Just received the news, this game has a special meaning for the two teams."

Alley looked at it in amazement. She wasn't holding her hands this time, but she didn't know what to say about her memories.

Memories: "The player Bai Xiaowen, the captain of the White Phoenix team, has made a bet with Mr. Wu Chonglian, the chairman of the Jingwu Guild. This bet has been notarized by the president of the Awakeners Association. As for the content of the bet ..." He spoke clearly and announced the bets on both sides.

In the VIP stands, Yang Yongkang's face was a little gloomy. He whispered, "Fuck! How did this narrator know?"

Secretary Zhao whispered, "It should have been specifically requested by Committee member Wu. Maybe there is an arrangement by Vice President Fu."

Yang Yongkang shook his head and snorted softly. He thought to himself: "Wu Chonglian doesn't believe me, I think I will be partial to Bai Xiaowen, so I made this gambling agreement full of trouble."

The commentators in Jinghai Base City work for the Jinghai City Awakeners Association. As the commentator recalled, it would be difficult to refuse to be announced by big names like Fu Yiping and Wu Chonglian.

Also in the VIP stands are the leaders of the Awakenings Association such as Fu Yiping and Wu Chonglian. Li Beihai is also listed.

They did not choose to watch the live broadcast in the small lounge room, but came to the VIP seats in the gym. Wu Chonglian and Li Beihai, although far apart, seemed to have sparks under their eyes.

Fu Yiping's lips moved, and he whispered, "No problem?"

Wu Chonglian was confident: "Rest assured. All the details of Bai Xiaowen's team are under my control."

Fu Yiping squinted his eyes: "Are you in the Super God Guild, have information channels?"

Wu Chonglian laughed: "Just for the White Phoenix team, there is a special channel." He tilted his head slightly and glanced at the west of the auditorium without any trace. There, a man with a black hood and big sunglasses was watching the game.

Fu Yiping smiled, "I'll wait and see."

When Fu Yiping and Wu Chonglian were talking, the mutual dialogue between the players on both sides was also played on the big screen.

There is nothing to say in this link, after all, it is all the lines designed by the organizer. However, Wu Guangzong, the captain of Jingwu, did his best: "Bai Xiaowen, the captain of the White Phoenix team, has no weaknesses, but no advantages. I will let him understand that the professional league is not a child. Home, their losing streak begins today. "

The first three sentences of the lines are what Bai Xiaowen once said ... After hearing that Wu Guangzong is now learning and selling, he has to curse his own losing streak, and Bai Xiaowen can only shake his head.

After the talk, the first game started the first draw. After Jingwu Guild disabled the defensive mode and the White Phoenix team gave up the right to disable it, the big screen scrolled and finally freezed.

Memories: "Wow, the real killing mode! The first game turned out to be such an explosive mode. It seems that Jinghai Stadium will be very lively tonight."

Alley: "The real killing mode can indeed detect the level of team battle between the two teams. The luck component is relatively small."

Luck is small, but it doesn't mean it doesn't.

The luck component is mainly reflected in the extraction of the map. If the terrain is not suitable for your own team, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted will definitely be affected.

In addition, the professional league map is relatively wide, and the psionic particles have a strong ability to evolve. If it is not a random map such as a fighting arena or arena, it will evolve corresponding monsters according to the terrain characteristics, which will also add variables to the battle.

This time, Bai Xiaowen's turn was first banned, and he directly banned the water battle terrain.

After a short time of thinking, the captain of the Jingwu team Wu Guangzong banned the plain terrain suitable for large army operations. This hand was also aimed at Bai Xiaowen's summoning creature army.

The commentary recalls: "Okay, both teams have been disabled. Let's take a look at the battle terrain ..."

The large screen scrolls the terrain icons one by one, and finally freezes on a high-rise building icon, but the background color of this icon is not a blue sky and white clouds, but a blood red.

"In the first game, the terrain of the real kill mode is ... Zombie City! Now, some players from both sides are invited to enter in batches!" The commentary recalled and raised the voice.


"Zombie? A little fun."

Entering the battlefield where the super large psionic training place evolved, in the preparation area, Bai Xiaowen said with a smile.

The five members of the White Phoenix Squad, surrounded by a layer of light-emitting isolation cover, are like a large transparent bowl with a buckle to isolate them from the outside world. Through the isolation cover, you can vaguely see a high-rise building, as well as colorful logos, lights and so on.

However, the city is obviously abandoned, lacking electricity facilities, neon signs are dim, showing a breath of death.

Following Bai Xiaowen's words, Li Shuyi interfaced: "I knew that you should get some props such as camouflage fluid and inducer fluid from Dr. Zombie."

For zombies, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi are no strangers. Under the circumstances of lack of strength, the reason why the two were able to complete the S-level hero sideline task was to rely on the zombie army.

Bai Xiaowen waved his hands and said, "Although they are all called zombies, their characteristics and habits are not necessarily the same. The props that Dr. Zombie invented for the zombies on the Kane plane may not be easy to use here."

A loud voice sounded.

"The countdown starts, five, four, three, two, one ..."

"The game officially started! Victory goal: Destroy all enemy members (five people)."

With this sound, the shield quickly disappeared.

Five members of the White Phoenix team appeared at a cross street. This scene has a faint fog, and on the street not far away, Yingying Chuo has several staggering shadows.

"Although there is fog, the visibility is OK." Qiao Rui released the spirit of the Falcon.

Bai Xiaowen released his mental strength and included all four teammates and himself in the mental shield. He said at the same time: "Sister Qiao, the first target is to detect the location of the five enemies. In addition, collect information on the terrain and the number of zombies in each area."

The five quickly slipped into a supermarket, and as soon as they entered the door, they heard a muffled roar, and several shadows stumbled over.

Looking at the clothes, they should be employees of this supermarket, all wearing torn and blood-stained uniforms.

Judging from the fluctuations of psionic particles, these employees' zombies are not even ordinary templates. They can be weak. If you find a reference, it is about the same as the old, weak, and sick of the slave soldiers in the world of Ramses.

One of the zombies accelerated a few meters after approaching Han Xu, and hurled towards Han Xu with a lot of speed.

Han Xu struck the shield with his left hand and knocked with his right-handed wrench. He was in the middle of the zombie's forehead, and blood splattered immediately. Hitting the zombies will hit their heads, otherwise they will only lie on the ground temporarily after a while, even if their blood strips are emptied. After a while, they will restore their ability to move.

With Han Xu's attack power, he can smash one down with a smash in his head, and the combat power of a zombie can be imagined. Li Shuyi's double swords were waved, two swords were stabbed, and the other two zombies had their heads cut off.

Finally, there was a zombie. Bai Xiaowen stopped and said, "Old Han, let the zombie hit twice."

Han Xu promised, lowered his shield and took a claw from the zombies.

"There is a DEBUFF (negative effect), but I resisted it." Han Xu sent a reminder of the spirit world rules to the team channel.

"You are affected by the claws of corpse poison, and you are undergoing physical judgment ..."

"Physical judgment passed! You resisted the negative state of the corpse poison claw."

Bai Xiaowen was a little speechless, summoned a skeletal sword shield hand, went up and was scratched with two claws. His insights were passively received, and the employee's zombie claws were launched.

[Dead Claw: Reduces enemy movement speed by 3% after hitting, stacking up to 10 levels. If the corpse's venom stack stacks up to 10, an additional Constitution check will be performed. If it fails, an additional negative status will be added. 】

Bai Xiaowen waved his skull knife and shield hands to cut off the head of the last zombie, and said, "It seems that the zombie in this zombies is mainly a negative state of deceleration. The skull knife and shield hands have just been scratched twice. , But only made a corpse poison check, which means that the same zombie will add up to 1 corpse poison layer to the target. "

"If a large group of zombies is under siege, it will be more troublesome, and it is easy to be hung with 10 layers of corpses." Li Shuyi said.

Five people waited quietly in the supermarket. After a while, Qiao Rui opened his eyes.

"The spirit of the Falcon has flown more than half of the city, and no five of the Jingwu team have been found."

Bai Xiaowen said: "This is normal, the other party should know the skill of the Falcon Spirit. If it is other terrain, they are not easy to hide, but in the waste city, as long as they find a place to cat up, they can escape the sky. Eyes. "

Qiao Rui nodded and said, "In addition, I have explored that the total number of zombies in the waste city is very large, and it is conservatively estimated to be hundreds of thousands. It may be that the background of this map generation ~ ~ Not many people fled. "

Qiao Rui then selected the important parts of the images seen by the Falcon Spirit and transmitted them to Bai Xiaowen through spiritual power.

Bai Xiaowen said: "Too many zombies are more harmful than good for us. Zombie groups will form obstacles on the battlefield, affect the advancement of summoned creature groups, and also affect long-range attacks and spell hits ... so if we choose a battlefield, we must Choose a relatively small number of zombies, preferably an open-plan city square. "

From the picture passed by Qiao Rui, Bai Xiaowen quickly selected a favorable battle site.

"We can't find the position of our opponent now, how should we choose the battlefield?" Li Shuyi asked.

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "I have a solution. Now, Sister Qiao and Shu Yi and Cecilia are in a group, and I are in a group with Lao Han. Everyone breaks up ..." He briefly said his strategic idea. Over and over again.


North of the city, Aurora Square.

The zombies here are relatively sparse. Bai Xiaowen and Han Xu quietly touched them all, their bodies smeared with blood from the zombies, and they were careful not to make a sound, so they did not attract the attention of the zombies.

"Lao Han, look for the topographic map of this city." Bai Xiaowen said, he walked to a bus stop.

"Okay." Han Xu promised, his fingers twisted slightly, and a spell was burning quietly, and the above mantra slowly became clear in the firelight.

"Captain, Qiao Rui, the three of them acted alone, is it okay?" Han Xu said infrequently, "We are so easily separated that we can easily be defeated by each one."

Bai Xiaowen smiled without looking back: "Don't worry, the three of them are not weak enough to hold back the five people in the opposite direction. Once the fighting breaks out, we can quickly rush to the support."

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