The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 822: Ghost

The atmosphere was freezing for a while.

Both Li Shuyi stared at Qiao Rui, waiting for her instructions.

On the team channel, Qiao Rui paused for a few seconds and then said, "Shu Yi, throw away the two swords and do a backflip."

Han Xu: "..."


The soft sound of the blade landing came at the same time, and two Li Shuyi dropped the two swords at the same time, performed a backflip, and then landed steadily.

Han Xu was terrified, he shook his head: "I can't tell which is fake."

Qiao Rui didn't see it either. She said in amazement: "Strange, can the ghost who looks like Shu Yi also detect the communication on the team channel?"

Suddenly, in the team channel, Li Shuyi's voice sounded:

"Sister Joe, watch out for that on your right, it's a ghost ..."

Qiao Rui suddenly knew what she was talking about, that is, Li Shuyi on her left was true. She winked at Han Xu.

Unexpectedly, Han Xu has not moved yet. In the team's channel, another Li Shuyi's voice sounded, a bit of anxiety:

"No! This ghost can enter our team channel! Just now the ghost was talking, it framed me!"

Qiao Rui and Han Xu looked at each other, and the two were in trouble.

Originally, the team channel was a good tool to distinguish between true and false, but now the team channel is actually infiltrated by ghosts, which is troublesome.

"Let's do this ... let's say something we have experienced together to distinguish between true and false." Qiao Rui thought of another way.


"No problem!" Both Li Shuyi were full of ambition, agreed in unison, and quickly stared at each other with an angry glance.

"Did you even imitate your character perfectly?" Qiao Rui shook her head slightly, and she was a little confused.

Qiao Rui asked the first Li Shuyi: "When did I join the team?"

The first Li Shuyi blinked and quickly replied: "Sister Qiao joined the team in the last time Aaron faced the world exploration. At first, she was only a temporary member. Later, the team upgraded to have a new full membership Before becoming a full member ... "

Qiao Rui just nodded, and the second Li Shuyi heard it, but shouted in anger: "No! This ghost knows even this, it must read things like mind ... Sister Joe, I That's true! "

"Then you can answer a question."

Qiao Rui thought about it and asked, "The captain has a younger sister. What's her name?"

The second Li Shuyi said very quickly: "Full name Bai Xiaojun, nickname Xiaojun, now in the second year of Chihuo High School ..."

"Okay, stop, stop ..."

Qiao Rui rubbed his forehead with a headache, "I can't tell the difference. Now, I can only wait until the captain meets, and his insightful talent must be able to distinguish between true and false."

The second Li Shuyi suddenly picked up the two swords on the ground, and said to the first Li Shuyi discourageously: "You ghost is so bad, I will hack you now!"

The first Li Shuyi also picked up the two swords: "Okay, your evil spirit will sue first. I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Both were exactly agile, shot extremely fast, and ping-pong banged into a ball.

"Don't fight! Let's talk when the captain comes!" Qiao Rui said helplessly, "Shu Yi, what if you were hurt by a ghost? Neither Han nor I can protect you."

The second Li Shuyi said loudly: "Don't worry about Sister Qiao, if I really can't fight this ghost, I will use the city roll if I encounter a fatal danger."

"She knows going back to the city?" Qiao Rui moved.

But the first Li Shuyi opened her mouth and scolded angrily: "I just wanted to say that, you grab me! You shameless Lai Pigui!"

Now Qiao Rui can't take it anymore. If that ghost really reads the mind, it is also possible to read Li Shuyi's thoughts and speak out of the city roll first.

Han Xu asked in a low voice: "What to do?"

Qiao Rui watched the two men fighting, and whispered, "Let them go and see if there are any flaws. Anyway, if they are tired, they will naturally stop. Now we can't separate, we must stay in the other's line of sight Inside, because it ’s not ruled out that there are other well-known changes and imitated ghosts. In case one more you come out, who should I trust? "

Han Xushen nodded in anticipation: "I can only wait for the captain to come to the rescue."

Qiao Ruiyou said: "But there is still a problem ... you can be sure that the captain must be the person who comes by the time, isn't it a ghost change?"


Bai Xiaowen turned over a mountain, and in front of him was a valley covered by dense fog.

"In this space, the other areas are all a thin layer of mist. Only here is covered by dense fog, and even to the point where no one is seen opposite. Is there a secret hidden here, or is the Huaiwang Village behind this dense fog?"

It's not strange to have fog, but the fog here is particularly strong and condensed, which is very strange.

Bai Xiaowen tried to move forward, but found that the dense fog was cold and bones, and his vitality and mental strength were slowly falling.

"No, I can't move on."

Bai Xiaowen immediately exited the dense fog area. He looked at the fast-recovering health and mental strength and breathed a sigh of relief. It has to be said that the dark gold equipped with the purple vitality Yunjinpao's passive vitality skills is still very powerful, belonging to the kind of auxiliary ability that does not show the mountains and the water, which can greatly increase the combat life of the awakened.

"The ghost fog here reminds me of the lingering effect of the spirit that I once encountered in the space of the Dead Lake. The lingering effect is a barrier recovery and does not cause damage, so even if it is a living person, it can be within the yin range. Action, just can not fight fiercely. But the ghost fog here directly deducts health and mental power, and feels more sinister. "

Bai Xiaowen flipped his palm and the piece of the ghost appeared.

"It seems that the key to entering the dense fog area lies in the disguise of the ghost spirit. In other words, I must first kill enough ghosts in the mist area to form a disguise."

Bai Xiaowen's thinking divergence ability is very strong. Although it is only two or three hours of exploration, he has already figured out the situation in this space.

Suddenly, in the team channel, a sentence sounded:

"I'm Han Xu, Captain, where are you? I just heard your shout!"

"Is Han Xu ?!" Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised, he immediately launched a mental force scan, and sure enough found Han Xu's position, less than two hundred meters away from his straight line.

With Han Xu's pitiful mental strength, he can send the words in the team's channel to an area less than 200 meters in radius. Fortunately, he and Bai Xiaowen were close enough to allow Bai Xiaowen to receive his team channel secret.

After the players entered the Baodi space, they shouted in the channel regularly to complete the assembly quickly. This is also a collection strategy set by Bai Xiaowen in advance. The last time he shouted five minutes ago, he also reported the approximate landscape near him. It seems that Han Xu heard Bai Xiaowen's shout and came all the way.

"Old Han, your position continues to move forward, turning over the mountain stream, I am in front of you." Bai Xiaowen said through the team channel.

Soon, Han Xu's burly figure emerged from the mountain, and the two finally completed their confluence.

"Captain, finally found you," Han Xu sighed. "This treasure is very weird, and it's not the same as before."

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said with a smile: "After all, this is the first time we have explored this unexplored treasure land space. It is normal for a new situation to appear. What weird incident have you encountered?"

Han Xu said, "I just saw a child-like shadow running over, and I couldn't catch up. After walking for a while, it felt colder and colder. There seemed to be something behind me. Infiltrating. "

Maybe it was the first time that he bumped into this strange space, and Han Xu, who had always been silent, became more talkative.

"Well, you should have encountered a ghost baby and a ghost," Bai Xiaowen looked behind Han Xu, "but the ghost is now gone, have you killed it?"

Han Xu shook his head: "I don't know, I just never looked back. After a while, I heard someone calling my name, because it was not a familiar voice, and I ignored it. After a while, the thing behind it disappeared It's ~ ~ Can you hold back all the time? "Bai Xiaowen curiously said. He turned around for the first time, though he didn't see the ghost.

Han Xu nodded: "Grandpa said when he was young, people have three yang, like three lamps, one on top of the head, and one on each side of the shoulders. The ghost is afraid of the yang, and it will lead back. When you get your head out, the breath will blow out the lights on your shoulders. Exhale one at a time, and two at a time, and then the ghost will come out and hurt you. "

Bai Xiaowen was silent. How many times have I turned back?

Han Xu said a little embarrassedly: "This is a story I heard when I was a kid. I can't count and make you laugh."

Bai Xiaowen said leisurely: "Many fantasy elements in the spirit plane are originally taken from the stories and legends of the civilizations of the earth. Such word-of-mouth stories may not be false in the psionic age."

Afterwards, Bai Xiaowen briefly described his experience and the general speculations on the space of this treasure land, and finally said, "I suspect that the village of Huaiwang is deep in this dense fog. If we want to go in, we must collect the fragments from the ghosts. , Put together a camouflage item. Let's go! Maybe you can also meet Qiao Rui and Shuyi. "

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