The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 830: Ghost Bride

The bride jumped into the well. As soon as the incident came out, Liu Jiatunzi's welcome team suddenly broke up and everyone was afraid to take responsibility.

Liu Fu discussed with the old gentleman who called the door. From his title, Bai Xiaowen heard that this person was the fourth uncle of Liu Fu, and the villagers all called out one of Liu Siye.

After the two together, they decided to testify in tandem with the villagers. Hua Yurong committed suicide by jumping from the well and had nothing to do with the Liu family. Anyway, the old lady of the flower family had passed away. Let the case be reversed.

The party also scooped up dirt and filled the well.

As an onlooker, Bai Xiaowen kept watching this scene quietly, until the Liu family left, and when night fell, there was a sudden movement in the sealed well.

The soil was loose, and the figure of a woman in a red wedding dress floated out. It was Hua Yurong. There was still blood on her forehead, her body was soaked, her skin was slightly edema, and under her eyes, there were two bloodstains ...

There is no doubt that Hua Yurong at this time has changed into a ghost.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Bai Xiaowen saw Hua Yurong's face and showed a horrible smile.

He instantly understood that the Liu family's robbing of his relatives was only the beginning. Hua Yurong, who has been transformed into a ghost, has officially kicked off the revenge against all Liujiatunzi villagers!

What made Bai Xiaowen even more creepy was that Hua Yurong looked in the direction he was in, and his eyes definitely saw his existence. However, Hua Yurong did not stay long, and left the courtyard.

The surrounding scenery changes.

When the scenery was fixed, Bai Xiaowen found himself in a dry well, with the wellhead at the top, about three or five meters high, and soft sand under his feet.

At the mouth of the mouth, Lao Han's voice came: "Captain, are you there?"

"I'm here," Bai Xiaowen replied.

A sudden inhalation sounded, Li Shuyi said quickly: "Xiaowen, you are too scary, and suddenly disappeared for so long."

Bai Xiaowen said: "There was a little change."

"Come out quickly, we also encountered weird things in the room, you have to come up with ideas." Qiao Rui said.

Bai Xiaowen promised, just wanted to jump up, and suddenly saw a corner of the red cloth buried in the sand. He pulled out the red cloth, only to find it was a dirty red hijab.

"Hua Yurong's red hijab is here, but the bones are not ..." Bai Xiaowen knelt down, rummaged in the sand, found no more, shook his head in disappointment, and chose Shangjing.

Several teammates gathered around, but their faces were not very good.

"I entered a mirrored space downhole, it should be a fantasy, I revisited the process of the Liu family's day of grabbing a relative, and I found a lot ..." Bai Xiaowen said, "The previous speculation was wrong, and the person who became the ghost bride is The second sister of the Zhou family is Hua Yurong mentioned at the beginning of the diary. This is not the Zhou family, but the Hua family. "

Everyone was a bit surprised, but quickly accepted the fact. Qiao Rui then stated:

"In the room, Shuyi and I saw a coffin ... The coffin was nailed with a seven-inch spike. I tried to open the coffin, but a ghost attacked us ... and we escaped. I wanted to discuss it with you, but who knows that Han Xu said that after you go down the well ... we can only wait. "

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes: "Is that ghost a terrible one? You can't beat them?"

"The other party is blessed by Youbai, immune to injury," Qiao Rui said, "Although the moment he attacks, he will no longer be immune to injury, but the other party's strength is so strong that even Shuyi can't catch that momentary opportunity. "

"Let's go and see."

Bai Xiaowen took his teammates to the door and pushed in.

An overcast wind came. The house was hollow and empty, with a vermilion coffin in the middle. As Qiao Rui said, he was crucified with large spikes.

A white shadow appeared, the image of an old man who had to be silver-white, but his eyes turned white, not very kind.

The old man snarled and rushed over.

Li Shuyi stepped forward, and the two swords attacked, but stabbed the old man, but passed across like air, causing no harm. The old man kicked out sideways and kicked Li Shuyi's chin.

Li Shuyi had no time to change, Qiao Rui shot a broken scale. However, the old man seemed to feel something. The kick kicked out a little, but the attack was stopped, and the sonic arrow of the broken scale was lost again.

Alas, with a muffled sound, the old man's raised legs protruded like springs, and Li Shuyi was kicked.

"This old ghost is terrific, but it seems he can't leave the house."

Li Shuyi got up and said. Fortunately, the old man just interrupted the attack midway, and lacked strength. She was not seriously injured and suffered little blood loss.

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes. This old man is much more powerful than the ghosts encountered in the periphery of the village. He seems to be able to consciously use the state of "Youbaishi Blessing", and he is agile and looks like a martial artist.

Seeing the old man rushing over again, Han Xu was about to greet with a shield, and suddenly Bai Xiaowen spoke:

"Hua Yurong!"

These three words seemed to have some magic power. At the moment of shouting, the old man's attack action stopped, and the coffin sealed by the seven-inch spike gave a slight shaking, as if something was flapping inside.

Bai Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the three words of Hua Yurong are the key words of communication. He continued: "We're here to help you. Is there any way to communicate?"

The vibration of the coffin stopped, and the upper part of a figure in a red wedding dress was revealed on the coffin, which was Hua Yurong. It looked like she was sitting up from the coffin.

Hua Yurong stared at the five members of the White Phoenix team. Under his eyes, the marks of blood and tears were palpitating.

"How can I help you?" Bai Xiaowen asked bitingly.

no respond.

Qiao Rui said, "I'll try."

As a soul whisperer, Qiao Rui has the ability to communicate with ghosts, but the ghosts of Huaiwang Village were extremely repellent to her before and could not communicate.

Now Ghost Bride Hua Yurong seems to have the desire to communicate ~ ~ Qiao Rui's ability can come in handy.

Qiao Rui closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be mobilizing his soul with a spirit and talking to Hua Yurong.

Hua Yurong suddenly raised her hand, and a ghost mist surged, condensing Liu Fu's unreal shadow. She grabbed her long ghost claws, tearing Liu Fu's shadow, and then a ghost mist gathered the shadow of Liu Siye.

For Liu Siye's shadow, Hua Yurong obviously hated it much. Her eyes were bleeding, a pair of ghost claws waved, and her mouth was bitten. It seemed that she would eat Liu Siye before she stopped.

The message of the spirit rule came.

"Special branch mission: [You Baishi] has been updated."

"Optional task a: Kill Ghost Matchmaker Liu Siye and Li Gui Liu Fu, and capture You Baishi (fragment)."

"Optional task b: Kill the ghost bride Hua Yurong and the old lady Li Guihua, and seize You Baishi (fragment)."


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