The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 861: Storm Prayer Porba

The White Phoenix team did not meet.

After the battle in the southeast altar, Bai Xiaowen had figured out the defensive force of the small altar. Generally, there was only one student of Naturu, the leader-level prince, who cooperated with a group of elite snake men and a group of slave soldiers.

The appearance of General Rodek was an accident.

The most precious thing about this kind of flash strike is time. Before the enemy does not respond, before they assemble, they will be destroyed.

In this case, it ’s too slow to converge all the members and focus on one area.

Li Shuyi and Qiao Rui, two heroic occupations, attacked a small altar and were able to take it down steadily. In other words, there are many enemy soldiers, but there are liberated human laborers who can cope with it.

As for Bai Xiaowen and Han Xu ... not to worry. Even without any external help, Bai Xiaowen alone can join the army. The reason why Han Xu was with him and did not bring the sailors to support Li Shuyi together was just to let him protect the angry claws and let the angry claws have a relatively good output environment.

As a result, the White Phoenix team had two divisions. Both Bai Xiaowen and Han Xu headed north to attack the altar in the northern section of the sacrifice area; Qiao Rui and Li Shuyi led the hardworking army all the way to the west and attacked the southwest altar.

Meet two passers-by, and make a simple password contact through Qiao Rui's Falcon Spirit flight track.

After all three altars were removed, the two men and women would converge and head to the central high altar to fight against the priests of Natulu.

In such a situation where there are two sides to the enemy, there is also a high probability that the priest Natulu will throw a ratchet and not dare to leave the central high altar rashly to support other areas. If Naturu kills and supports one of the small altars, and then plows directly on the large altar, it will destroy the foundation of the entire Vogata tribe.

The number of snake-men in the sacrifice sacrifice area is indeed relatively large. Along the way, Bai Xiaowen and Han Xu killed many snake-man warriors. Of course, more snake-man escaped, and Bai Xiaowen was unwilling to waste time hunting down.

Xun moved all the way, Bai Xiaowen and Han Xu had already seen the steeple of the altar on the north side and the reef platform where it stood.

"Arrogant humans, this is the end of your journey! I am talking about your journey in life." A deep voice sounded.

声音 The sound was strange, as if it sounded in all directions, but the figure was invisible.

"Hidden BOSS." Bai Xiaowen is also experienced in dealing with this type of BOSS. He immediately reduced the scope of the mental scan to improve the accuracy and avoid being attacked, and then moved closer to Han Xu and guarded each other.

Sasha's face was pale, but fortunately, there were scales on most side faces, which didn't look very real. She said in panic: "It is General Kearney who guards the hatchery. He is the brightest assassin of the Vogata tribe ..."

The voice of the stealthy BOSS sounded again: "Shameful betrayer. After killing these alien humans, I will let you taste the taste of death!"

Sasha's face was whiter, and even the scales couldn't hide this time ...

I was close, Bai Xiaowen could see that in front of the reef platform, there were a group of snake men and slave warriors, about hundreds of them, and they were already waiting.

Before the formation, there was another snake man with a staff.

Bai Xiaowen first gave this snake man insight.

【Bolba (Boss Level 9)】

种族 [Race: Humanoid / Snake Terran]

职业 [Occupation: Storm Prayer]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 33, Dexterity 41, Constitution 50, Spirit 75]

技能 [Skill 1: Eve of the Storm: Passive. Every 3 seconds, the closest enemy within the range of Polba's melee will bear a lightning strike from the sky, while Pollba accumulates a layer of electrode energy. With five layers of electrode energy, Porbba can actively cast this skill to form a large-scale thunderstorm, causing severe lightning damage to all enemies within a radius of 100 meters, while consuming all electrode energy layers. 】

技能 [Skill 2: Thunderstorm: Basic Spell. After a short chant, Polba casts a lightning strike from the sky to attack the target enemy and inflicts magical damage equal to 60% of the thunderstorm to other enemies within the target's melee range. Thunderstorm accumulates a layer of electrode energy. 】

技能 [Skill 3: Lightning Surge: Polba incarnates a pure lightning energy polymer sprints forward, inflicting lightning damage to every enemy passing along the way. Each time an electro-optical surge hits an enemy, it accumulates a layer of electrode energy for Polba, up to no more than 3 layers. 】

技能 [Skill 4 :? ? ? 】

技能 [Skill 5: Vogata War Mark LV2: Slightly. 】

Seeing Polba's information, even Han Xu was a little moved, and whispered: "It's strong."

Whether it is this Porma or Napa before, the skills are very powerful.

This is also normal. Advanced awakeners have special effects bonuses such as combat skills LV4, LV7, etc. Although the skill strength of the corresponding senior leader is not so obvious, it is definitely stronger than similar skills of lower and intermediate leaders.

However, although Polba's skills are strong, but for the White Phoenix team after the baptism of various perverted BOSS in the sword song plane, it is not so scary. After all, he is not the strength of a rare leader.

"The main skill is the active effect on the eve of the storm. It needs to accumulate five layers of energy. All other skills serve this skill ..."

After Bai Xiaowen's analysis, he quickly formulated the tactics in his heart. He only needed to tell the part that Han Xu was responsible for: "Lao Han went to fight this BOSS, he did n’t need to hit a lot of output, he was self-protected, and he could give BOSS A smother is best ... pay attention to the movement of General Assassin's boss Kearney ~ ~ ready to help. "

Han Xu nodded. Bai Xiaowen added: "If the first kill target of the Assassin BOSS is me, there is no need to help."

The storm prayer Porma, compared with the frost prayer Napa, although they are both princes, but very different.

Napa's damage output ability is slightly weaker, but the defense has ice armor and a control skill, which can slowly torture the enemy to death.

Polba is attacking the strong and defending the weak, relying on a large range of thunderstorms to produce tons of AOE output, but he has no decent defense skills-he kills the enemy before he dies and wins.

"Come on." Bai Xiaowen sighed, the battle kicked off.

"Human, you disturbed my ritual," Storm Prayer Porma was dressed in a strong breath, he just glanced at Bai Xiaowen, "I'm in a hurry."

"Go to the rebirth?" Bai Xiaowen smiled, waved his hand, the butcher suddenly fell into the crowd of snake people, slave soldiers, and the rotting poisonous mist suddenly spread.

Polba: "?????"

The "born", which is roughly an ancient Latin translation, doesn't taste right.

However, Polba didn't care about these details, he responded for the first time, his staff waved, and strong lightning energy gathered.

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