The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 896: Snake man traitor?

Seeing the stubborn appearance of the representatives from various countries, Bai Xiaowen shook his head.

In fact, he had long expected that it would not be possible for representatives of various countries to accept his proposal so favorably. If the countries of the mainland are already in a state of sincere cooperation, then the rules of the spirit world will not issue this second main line task to Bai Xiaowen.

On the one hand, countries have not yet realized the pain of the crisis of extinction. Maybe they also think that the tide rise is only temporary, and it will not rise endlessly, there will be a day when the tide will fall.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaowen's personal prestige has not yet reached the point where he can unite the seven nations and put down hatred to form an alliance.

"For your shortsightedness, I won't argue with you for the time being," Bai Xiaowen said after shaking his head. "Let's leave the matter of establishing an alliance for the time being, first talk about what we should do at this stage."

Everyone in the room showed an expression of listening.

Although Bai Xiaowen's proposal to establish an alliance was rejected, the deterrence of the lord's head was deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone. In fact, everyone here attaches great importance to this young prophet.

Bai Xiaowen picked up a wooden baton from the table, pointed to the map and said, "Now that Vazatas has been killed and the snakes of Bonus have no heads, it is a good time to wipe them out, so we must organize a battle. , Clear all the snake-man bases in this area. "

Yahan nodded and said, "Yes, after clearing the snake man in this area, Calchino can regain control of this important material transit place, without detours. For the logistics front of our entire war, it is very Significant."

"The meaning is more than logistics," Bai Xiaowen added, "I believe that everyone already knows that one of the Seven Holy Artifacts, Balgra's punishment, is in this area. Only by clearing the serpent-human remnants can we have more room to find holy Device. "

When it comes to the Seven Sacred Instruments, the leaders of the various countries present at the scene showed a touch of eagerness.

Quartermaster Felix said: "His commander agrees with the Prophet, what else can I say? I am curious as to what method the Prophet intends to use to destroy the Serpent-man at the bottom of the sea-the group Monsters lurk in the sea, and we have no inherent advantage. "

"You can use the mage to perform underwater breathing spells to help soldiers acquire the ability to fight under the sea." Yahan said in a deep voice.

The female mage Catherine next to Yahan also stated: "The underwater breathing spell is just an elementary trick. Our team of mages sent by Cameron Kingdom will guarantee the completion of the task."

Bai Xiaowen moved slightly: "Miss Catherine, how many people are there in the mage team sent by Carmelo Kingdom?"

"Twenty-three people, including eight Archmage." Catherine said.

Bai Xiaowen has read many biographical books on the Kuroshio Plane, knowing that the "Mage" is actually a senior leader. The eight senior bosses and masters are still a very powerful force. As for the other fifteen, they should be legal professions of the elite and rare elite templates. In the Kuroshio level, they are ordinary mages, without the title of master mage.

The wizard of the Kuroshio Plane is limited by the spell field-similar to the Awakener's skill field, which is used to remember and learn powerful spells. As for the primary tricks, such as Arcane Beacons, Illumination, Silence, etc., all come by hand, and no spell field is required.

A mage is often the most proficient in three or four skills. The power shown is equivalent to the Awakener's skill LV training to advanced, with some additional effects.

If you want to learn new spells, you have to start from beginners, the power is certainly not as good as the original spells. The key is that to learn a new spell, you must forget an original spell, so ordinary mages will not do such laborious and unpleasant things.

"Underwater breathing spells are temporarily not needed ..."

Xiaowen Bai thought for a while and said, "Miss Catherine, can I second some casters to your country?"

"Why?" Catherine wondered.

"I seized Vazatas's flagship," said Bai Xiaowen. "There are two rows of magic crystal cannons on the flagship, which require high mental casters to use."

"Capturing the ghost flagship ?!"

"Magic Cannon ?!"

At this moment, everyone's face in the conference room changed.

Lord Vazatas' ghost ship has only appeared twice in this war, but each appearance has made the human coalition in the port of Chacarlo defame itself, compared with the ghost ship of the snakeman, the human coalition Ships are far behind. Even dwarven iron armored ships can be dismantled and sold for scrap iron.

In particular, the black technology lost in ancient times, such as the magic crystal cannon, completely refreshed the three views of Kuroshio mainland mages and craftsmen.

"This ... without Her Majesty's decree, I do not have the authority to loan the Master," Catherine said sharply, "but ... if the Commander is willing to take the initiative and second the Master to the Prophet, there will be no problem Now. "

Yahan smiled bitterly: "Of course I have no opinion."

Catherine said happily, "Well, tonight I will lead the mage to the Prophet's ghost ship."

"Miss Catherine is an aide to His Excellency Yahan, so you don't have to get on the boat?" Bai Xiaowen thought that the blonde female mage was a little eager. Is this a pinch? Is it because the chanting of the leaf peony has been recited before the show?

I really ca n’t use too much force in the future.

Bai Xiaowen felt good for 0.1 seconds, and the super brain quickly gave the answer. His idea was wrong ...

The reason is simple, Catherine has no breakthrough in his favorability, just acquaintance. On the contrary, the favorability of the female elf Dorothy Goldleaf ~ ~ It didn't take long to meet and automatically rose to a friend level ...

Catherine laughed: "I'm the head of the mage regiment. Since the mage regiment is going to report to the ghost ship, my head cannot be absent. Anyway, His Excellency Yahan doesn't have much business, and I can act as an aide to the Prophet of."

Bai Xiaowen began to wonder, could this female mage Catherine have a problem?

People with smart heads think that there are so many things, and Bai Xiaowen also thinks about the problem of treacherous snakes in the port of Chakarlo.

The so-called traitors of the snake-man are not themselves snake-man, but those who yearn for the power of the abyss.

It's like Bai Xiaowen's Silver Star Island in the world of Aaron's plane-now called Northrend-the Psychic Academy created for Goliath is a member of human beings. These human members will surely spread to the provinces of the Lionheart Empire in the future, becoming the "fifth column" of Goliath's establishment of the kingdom of death.

Bai Xiaowen coughed: "Miss Catherine doesn't have to go ... there are several other masters, and they don't need to get on the ship. The operation of artillery is not difficult, and it is enough to give it to ordinary mage."

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