The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 904: Angry Claws vs Abize

A large number of awakened skeleton soldiers engaged in fierce battle with the snake-man army on the ghost ship.

This is bound to be an unfair battle. Skull soldiers will certainly die and die, but it doesn't matter-because Delifa's corpse resuscitation skills are still in progress, every time one person of the snake-man army is killed, another skull soldier will rise up.

Fortunately, the number of leaders sent by the snake-man army is relatively large. Abize and the other two snake-man generals can basically kill a skeleton soldier in one or two attacks, which is barely able to stabilize the situation, of course, their health is also slowly being consumed.

The only thing that gave Abezer and others confidence was that there were also five Serpent-man generals behind, killing the giant ship with the remaining force. And not far behind them, Old Serpent Murken also took the caster to support it, and basic spells across the sky.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen could not let these snake-man leaders bully their own skeleton soldiers, but the butcher and angry claws rushed over.

"Good job!" Abbize snorted, and the heavy halberd suddenly burst, and a wave of air spread out, and the butchers and angry claws at a short distance fell into a severe deceleration state, and the target at a distance was slightly slow down.

Following the flat-handed halberds, Abdize stepped forward and launched a tactical spike! Instead of paying attention to the fleshy butcher at first glance, he aimed his target at Angry Claws.

The Angry Claws had the advantage of agility, but after being slowed down, they were unable to evade the attack, and could only try to deviate from the point. With a click, the blade of the heavy halberd struck the side ribs of the angry claws, and on the side of the angry claws, a deep blood trough was plowed out.

Blood shot!

There was a hint of pleasure in Abbey's eyes, and he lifted his hand to smash the heavy halberd and smashed into the forehead of the angry claws. He has figured out the strength of this giant wolf. Agility is his strength, but his physique is his weakness and his ability to resist crickets is not strong.

In terms of strength, Abize itself, as a 9th-level BOSS, has a power value of 82 points, which is far beyond the angry claws. After the latter was slowed down, it was a dead end to bump into Abdize. If this halberd went down, the angry claws would definitely crack their brains.

However, the angry claw suddenly raised his head, a claw shot.

哐 Dang!

The claws of the angry claws collide with the sides of the heavy halberd. What surprised Abiza was that there was a strong force from the giant claws, and it felt stronger than his own strength!

"How is that possible?" Abize opened her eyes.

What Abiza didn't know was that Bai Xiaowen had used symbiosis to share 50% of his power with Angry Claws.

Bai Xiaowen and Angry Claw have a life-sharing link. During this period of fighting, Angry Claw has suffered hundreds of points of damage, all of which have been shared with Bai Xiaowen, which has inspired Bai Xiaowen's ring skills "dramatic pain potential"!

And just now Abizer ’s blow, as a high-strength BOSS, was really fierce, a spear caused nearly 400 points of damage to the angry claws, and then shared again ...

At this point, Bai Xiaowen's strength value was close to ninety points. Under the sharing of symbiotic effects, the power of the angry claws also increased greatly.

Bai Xiaowen, who has greatly increased his strength, did not replace the desert eagle brush damage, but continued to wave the Winter Wand, the tip of the rod shot a frost shard, and drawn a beautiful arc to hit Abize.

Abizzer's speed suddenly dropped, and at the same time, the angry claws have been released from the deceleration! It jumped lightly to the side, raising its paw.


Critical strike, critical strike!

With two consecutive critical strikes, blood angered, and Abizzer roared. At this time, the angry claws are already a terrible beast with a power of up to ninety points, and a crit rate of more than 60% and a very high attack speed!

Even Lord Vazatas in the second state did not last long. Although the rage claws at this time were not as powerful as they were then, Abize's defensive ability and upper limit of life were far less than Lord Vazatas.

Abize felt that his arms were about to be abolished, and he tried to recover the heavy halberd, trying to use inertia to let the halberd pull the soft crotch of the angry claw and force it away.

The angry claws didn't care a bit, but a side waist was drawn but they were all right, but they found a chance to bite down.


With a click, a sore bone crack sounded, and Abbizer screamed a long time. He was actually bitten off an arm by the angry claws, and a permanent disability appeared!

There are two types of disability. One is the temporary loss of ability (don't want to be crooked). For example, blindness causes blindness, and it will recover after a while. The other is permanent disability, such as eyeballs being pulled out alive ...

Like the second case, it is impossible to recover as before unless there is special treatment.

Abitz used a two-handed halberd, and breaking an arm was a huge blow to him, and almost weakened his strength by half! This is also the skill of Abize's long-handled weapon, which can be used to control the long-handed halberd with one hand. Of course, the sudden reduction in attack power, attack speed, and hit rate is inevitable.

"I'm going to peel your skin!"

Abbey's eyes were red, and the intact one-armed waved the heavy halberd, trying to pierce the throat of the angry claws. However, his halberd is crooked, and his attack power is worse than the original.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. Anyway, it was the person who was about to die. How much difference was it to death or disability? It ’s not going to get into the butcher ’s belly ...

The angry claw bit the halberd with a bite, and the huge wolf's head was shaken. He actually lifted Abize to the ground, suddenly hit the ground, and then the giant claw stepped on it.

Abitz spit out blood, and he felt as if he had been trampled by a split-hoof ... In fact, the size of the angry claws was not much worse.

The key is strength! Ninety-point power kicked down ~ ~ The effect is probably more fierce than that of a pile driver.

The snake people around wanted to come to support, but they were all blocked by Bai Xiaowen's manipulation of the butcher and skeleton soldiers, creating a space for single-brush damage to the angry claws-under the state of high power, Bai Xiaowen did not use the desert eagle, Instead, use the Winter Wand, which is to assist the output of Angry Claw, and can not compete with the Angry Claw for DPS.

It is Bai Xiaowen's advantage to be able to control the army of skeleton soldiers macroscopically so that they can be divided and surrounded and effectively annihilate the enemy. Switching to other commanders, it is still difficult to command a group of skeleton soldiers to block the snake's sharp impact.

Soon, Abezer's last trace of life was emptied and he died completely.

The angry claw's damage accounted for more than 70%, and a well-trained condition was achieved, and the basic strength attribute was increased by 2 points again.

It's a pity that Bai Xiaowen, the spearman Somak just killed, is an agile leader. If he is "brushed" by the angry claws, he will definitely be agile. Up to now, the strength of the angry claw has increased by a dozen points, but the agility has not risen at all, and it is almost becoming a powerful wolf king ...

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