The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 906: Heaven

Morken's cold eyes fixed on Bai Xiaowen: "Even if I die, I want you to be buried!"

"Dying with you? Just kidding, how old are you, I'm less than twenty. You old man is bad."

Bai Xiaowen showed a furious smile and added: "Also, it is impossible for you to pull me back."

Xiaowen Bai and Cecilia jumped to the mast in three or two steps.

With a whistling whistle, the White Eagle one fell from the sky. Bai Xiaowen and Cecilia grabbed each of the two claws and flew up into the sky, and soon broke away from the range of bows and arrows and spells.

"You ..." Suddenly, Morken felt his mouth dry.

At this time, the ghost giant ship no longer has the value of continuing to attack. It is not difficult to say that the giant ship is stranded on the beach to return to the sea, but it will take some time after all. It is impossible for the coalition forces of various countries to give Morken this time.

Bai Xiaowen is in the sky, it is impossible to pull this human prophet to be buried, and the sacrifice will be meaningless.

Although there are more than a dozen human wizards in the gunship of the giant ship, is it worth sacrificing the entire tribe's elite life to kill these people?

Not to mention, Bai Xiaowen didn't give up those dozen personal mage. He is at a height of several hundred meters, and can still use the mental power to manipulate summoned creatures and skeleton soldiers to resist the attack of the snake-man army.

"Master Morken, what shall we do?"

The snake men around looked at the old snake man Morken. The battle target was heaven, and their original war-fighting intention disappeared.

The screams of the snake-man compatriots came from Morken. The snake-man army behind had been led by the leaders of the Allied Forces, biting his tail and killing them. Every second a snake-man died.

Taking a deep breath, Morken made his decision.

"Jump into the sea, scatter and escape! Gather at the tribal base!"

Flutter, flutter ...

Every snake man jumped off the assault boat like dumplings.

For the snake-man, the sea is home. They swim fast on the ocean floor and don't have to worry about breathing problems.

However, Bai Xiaowen made every effort to lead the snake man near this desert island, and of course he took this into consideration.

The location where the snakes jumped into the sea. In the shallow waters around the desert island, there was only one or two meters of seawater, and Yingying Chuochuo could see the snake-like soldiers running like fish. It is a very obvious target for the long-range coalition professions who came over, the dwarf musketeers and elven archers.

The arrow rain fell, and the corpses of the snakemen floated up.

Of course, it is unrealistic to count on the arrows and muskets to kill these snakemen. After paying a certain amount of casualties, the snake people escaped the shallow water area.

After entering the sea a few meters deep, the snake people lost their tracks to the bottom of the ocean. And such a depth, whether it is an arrow or a musket, the power is greatly reduced. Even if the bird is hit by luck, the damage caused is difficult to kill the snake.

"Dio, come down! Think of a way ... you can't let these long-tailed monsters run away!" Yahan said loudly.

Bai Xiaowen laughed and said longly: "Dear Commander ... haven't you just seized several ghost ships? The snake man can swim faster than the ghost ship?"

Yahan patted his head: "Yeah, yes! But we won't drive a ghost ship?"

The sound of pedaling sounds, and from the gunboat of the ghost giant ship, more than a dozen human masters ran out and raised their hands: "Take us on board! We will drive a ghost ship!"

Bai Xiaowen asked Bai Diao Yiyi to place him and Cecilia on the mast of the giant ship. After standing firmly, he smiled and said, "These people have gone through my training, and it is OK to sail the boat. Remind you two points: No. First, find the magic conch that can cast underwater breathing in batches in the captain's room of the ghost ship. This should be a must-have item on every ghost ship. Second, it is best to mark the snake-man leader when chasing. Lest they escape too quickly and lose track. "

Catherine, the lieutenant next to Yahan, nodded and said, "No problem, our mage can do some tricks like arcane beacons to mark them."

As more than a dozen trained mages boarded the ghost ship and entered the control room, the magic lines of the ghost ship lighted up and sank quickly.

Bai Xiaowen sat on the horizontal sail, leaning back on the mast, watching a ghost ship disappearing on the surface of the sea, and sighed softly.

"Aren't we going to follow?" Cecilia asked.

"No more. The snake-man must be scattered and flee. No matter which ghost ship we board, the number of snake-man we can kill is limited. And more importantly, the allied forces join the battle, and we are at the snake-man monsters. The gain on your body will be greatly reduced. It is better to get the giant ship out while the Skeleton Legion is still in it. "

Bai Xiaowen manipulated the skeleton soldiers and stood on the bow of the ship, trying to push the giant ship to the sea.

Each skeleton soldier looks very weak, in fact, it is dozens of times the physical quality of ordinary people (the standard of ordinary people is four one), which can be called a humanoid locomotive. Such a huge ship, with the efforts of a large number of skeleton soldiers and summoning creatures, actually moved to the sea inch by inch.

Soon, the Ghost Ship was pushed into the sea and out of the ground.

After working hard, the skeleton soldiers basically reached the time limit, and they scattered on the ground and turned into broken bones.

"It's finally possible to sail, where are we going?" Cecilia asked.

Bai Xiaowen walked into the control room, put his palm on the magic circle of the ship manipulator, and injected spiritual energy to activate it. He thought for a while and said, "To meet Shuyi and Qiao Rui ... I'm a bit worried ~ ~ In formulating today's strategic plan, Bai Xiaowen didn't explain to Yahan at all, in fact, he didn't need to Explanation-that's the bottom.

According to Bai Xiaowen's expectation, the snake people set out to seize the giant ship, and the base must be empty. At this time, as long as you send an elite ride on a ghost ship, you can destroy all three snake-man bases.

Therefore, after predicting the time of the snake-man raid in the Doom Bracelet, Bai Xiaowen arranged for Qiao Rui, Li Shuyi, and Han Xu to take Captain Julian and the Freedom Army to take two captured ghost ships and go directly to the snake in the intelligence People base to carry out raids.

The newly liberated sailor laborers of the Freedom Corps are not high-powered—mainly lacking a leader-level powerhouse, but the three members of the White Phoenix team have the ability to solve the remaining leader. In Bai Xiaowen's plan, sweeping the three bases should be infallible.

But now the plan has gone awry ...

Cecilia nodded and said: "It should be worrying. On the battlefield today, there is only one priest representing a tribe. The snake-man has three tribal bases in the Bonus Sea."

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