The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 908: Ghost Face LV II

The follow-up was simple. The White Phoenix team destroyed the central high altar, found the rune of the Serpent-man base and destroyed it, and led the laborers back to the ghost ship before the rune's effectiveness completely disappeared.

Less than a minute after the Ghost Ship took two Ghost Ships away, the effect of the giant bubble shield's rune completely dissipated, the giant bubbles that once propped up the seawater also disappeared, and tens of thousands of tons of seawater poured into this area again. At the bottom of the sea, a large-scale vortex appeared on the surface of the sea, which dissipated after a few minutes.

In the cabin of the Phantom Ghost Ship, the White Phoenix team once again gathered and described the general process of their respective actions.

Qi Qiaorui and the others all went well along the way. There were not many snake snakes left at the three bases, and there were only one or two leaders guarding them, which was not enough for Qiao Rui and three others to fight.

And every time you hit a base, you can get a lot of human hard work in the mine to join the new force, the strength of the Free Corps will expand a lot, so this base is completely flat, even if Bai Xiaowen does not come, it will not cost too much For a long time.

Qiao Rui also said that it is worth noting that the three bases are a bit different from the previously-occupied Vogata tribal bases. There is no hatching room for heart-eaters, and there is no similar breeding of monsters after the altar is destroyed. Pool.

Bai Xiaowen thought for a moment and said, "Since the snake-man entangled in the Bonus Sea, the human fleet has rarely passed by. The human labors at these three snake-man bases are probably not captured by themselves, but from The Vogata tribal base was transported. For example, these three bases are similar to the frontier military base, and the Vogata tribal base is a rear production base ... "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said: "You don't need to do hard work, of course, you don't need brainwashing of heart-eaters, and you can't raise them. It seems that the big guy we caught at the Vogata tribal base is still quite good. Rare, you have to take out a production snake base to get it. "

A few teammates nodded.

Qi Qiaorui said: "Speaking of hard work, the strength of the Free Army has now expanded to more than 3,000 people. What are you going to do about these people?"

Qiao Rui's meaning is very clear. At the beginning, Bai Xiaowen and the laborers agreed that the war in the Bonus waters was over, and the laborers returned to the mainland.

But for the White Phoenix team, it is still very important to have an army that obeys itself.

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "I already have a plan. I want to streamline these three thousand people, and send the old, the weak and the sick who are weak in fighting will and weak in strength to the mainland. After all, strong twists are not sweet, and the army is weak. Mixed, it will only damage the combat effectiveness. In the end I can leave a thousand elite, and I am satisfied. "

由于 Because most of these three thousand people are of sailor origin, the old, the weak, and the sick are only a few, and certainly more than one thousand are elite. Bai Xiaowen said this number, also considering that sailors may not always be willing to stay under His Prophet and fight for life.

Bai Xiaowen will definitely give a speech to brainwash and promise benefits, but the mouth cannon is not omnipotent. Some people do not want to go to the battlefield and want to go back to the Kuroshio hinterland to be an ostrich ... barely come.

Subsequently, Bai Xiaowen and his teammates took a look at the gains of their separate actions.

Bai Xiaowen and Cecilia harvested a total of four gold treasure chests and a dozen silver treasure chests. Qiao Rui, Li Shuyi, and Han Xu raided the three snake-man bases and gained even more riches. In total, they obtained five gold treasure chests and more than thirty silver treasure chests.

Bai Xiaowen's black soul stone has drawn a lot of soul essence in the previous war. At present, the length has reached 2897/5000, and the soul essence is 2027 points.

淑 Li Shuyi's demon face has also risen to lv2. In addition to the "Wish Shield" that previously absorbed magic damage, new skills have been activated. It is worth mentioning that this time it is one of three choices.

The first skill is called "Body of the Demon Ghost", which is similar to the blurring effect of the Ring of Nothingness. After being turned on, you get 99% dodge effect on physical attacks within 5 seconds.

The second skill is called "The Appearance of the Devil and the Ghost". It is a control skill, similar to Bai Xiaowen's deterrence, but it is limited to the forward cone and faces its own enemies. The priority of control is quite high, with 3 additional points. Counting 4 bases of Li Shuyi's hero career, that is 7 priority.

The third skill is called "Heart of the Demon Ghost". It is a special summoning skill. After use, it can call the spirit of the ancestor warrior enshrined in the Imagawa family temple, and attack all living beings on the spot (except the wearer of the demon face). The duration is 30 seconds.

Li Shuyi naturally sought Bai Xiaowen's opinion on this problem of choosing one of three options.

Bai Xiaowen said: "You already have the ring of nothingness. The effect of blurring is not very useful to you, so the first skill is excluded. In fact, the latter two skills have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you need most. what."

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen thought and said, "As a control technique, the appearance of the demon ghost is more useful when fighting the Awakener, and it is less useful for the horror and resilience of advanced bosses in the spirit world ~ ~ Although it is less useful. A range control, but it is still difficult to control a large number of enemies in actual combat, those elite monsters, you do not need to use this skill to complete the kill. "

"As for the spirit of the demon, it can actually be seen as an aoe skill that doesn't distinguish between friends and enemies ..." Bai Xiaowen said, touching his chin. "You are now focusing on single output, and there is only one shadowless cut when aoe is full of skills. I feel It's good to have such an alternative aoe, after all, your Wuyingzhe wants to awaken, and the road to go is probably a long way to go. "

"However, this skill is to fight with allies." Li Shuyi said weakly.

"This is indeed a negative effect, but we can test it to understand the effective range of the skill, the speed and strength of the samurai soul, and then avoid it to minimize the negative effect." Bai Xiaowen said.

Wu Qiaorui also added: "According to my understanding, the rules of the spirit world are relatively balanced in terms of skills. If a skill has a negative effect, it means that its power will not be weak."

"Well, I'll choose the third one." Li Shuyi lit up the third option of the demon face lv2.

"Can't choose the other two skills?" Bai Xiaowen asked more.

"Well, it's all grayed out," Li Shuyi said.

"Unfortunately, it's not as tough as Captain's Black Soul Stone," Qiao Rui laughed. "Black Soul Stone is really a top-level hero exclusive equipment. It must have an extraordinary origin. Among the hero-specific equipment I have seen, It's the strongest. "

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