The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 912: The glow that connects the earth to the sky

Although the sea water is extremely hot, the ghost ship has a bubble diaphragm to protect the crew on it from the hot sea water burns.

It's just that over time, the air in the bubble diaphragm will gradually become extremely hot, and it must not be long on the ocean floor.

Bai Xiaowen didn't plan to stay on the sea floor too long.

After sinking into the sea, Bai Xiaowen could see the location of the large vortex. The corresponding bottom was a mountain peak, and the peak was connected to the bottom of the vortex.

"Get closer." Bai Xiaowen said, and then Qiao Rui drove the ghost ship slowly.

A roar sounded faintly through the heavy sea water, the sound of gurgling sounds, and a fiery scorching stream, which fell directly through the sea water, and fell in front of the ghost ship. The bow of the ship was hit by a stream of flames, but it was burnt out of a large black coke scar, almost burning through the ship's board.

"Can't come any closer!" Qiao Rui shouted amid the rumbling noise.

"Okay, stop here!" Bai Xiaowen took a breath and called out the banshee Delifa.

Symbiosis, blessing yourself in the opposite direction, and assigning attributes: spirit!

In an instant, Bai Xiaowen's spirit broke through the 100-point mark! His mental power quickly turned into a light blue curtain of light, covering the seabed hills in front of the large vortex.

"Sure enough ..."

Bai Xiaowen smiled, and after a short powerful scan, he had discovered the actual situation of this submarine hill, including several weak points in the mountain wall!

Bai Xiaowen's super brain quickly activated, and calculated based on the existing terrain, geomorphology, and current and other factors. From several weak points, he found the most efficient blast hole.

Then, Bai Xiaowen ran all the way to the gun cabin, and stuck a magic crystal gun to his palm.

Enter psionic points to inspire and guide your spiritual power!


The magic crystal cannon roared and blasted on the hills in front of the sea.

"Aim in the direction I shot! Volley from one side!" Bai Xiaowen said to more than a dozen mages.

The mages quickly settled in, and the magic crystal cannons issued a series of roars. This time there was no odd or even number, it was a volley, and the targets were all the points that Bai Xiaowen had fired before!

The seawater at the bottom quickly became turbid, and the ground began to rumbling.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?" Said Master Carmelo in a panic.

"Floating!" Bai Xiaowen said loudly after he swept across the sea hill. At this time, the air on the ghost ship was extremely hot, and everyone was basically at the limit, and blood loss began to occur to varying degrees.

After floating on the surface, the state of blood loss finally came to an end.

Above the sea, the various leaders are still attracting the attention of the Lord of the Elements of Steam. Dorocia's arrows, Basaka's short axe throw, Harold's divine magic bombardment ... It was not a great deal for Collorios, but it successfully angered it and made time for Bai Xiaowen And space.

"Diaw! You just came out, what were you just doing?" Yahan asked aloud, he knew that Bai Xiaowen was taking a risky voyage, and it certainly wasn't idle. In addition, everyone on the sea faintly heard the roar of the magic crystal cannon.

Bai Xiaowen wiped his sweat and said with a smile: "Nothing, fire a few shots at this big guy's nest ... Yahan, let everyone pull back, the big scene is about to appear."

Yahan's execution was unquestionable, and he didn't ask why. He directly pierced his chest and shouted to retreat.

The ships of the leaders of various countries retreated, and then Yahan asked: "What big scene ..."

Before he could say a word, Suddenly Yahan was silent. He had already seen a series of dense bubbles appearing on the sea near the big vortex! In some places, there are some small whirlpool currents. Obviously, the ocean floor near the big vortex is in an extremely unstable and violent state!


In the whirlpool, a dark red pillar of fire suddenly burst out, accompanied by billowing smoke, straight into the clouds.

Undersea volcano erupted!

The lord of the steam element, Collorios, roared in horror, and his huge body was evaporated by the volcanic shock wave. Although his body is made of hot sea water vapor and has high flame resistance, it does not represent fire immunity. The hot magma that erupted from the volcano can burn even boiling water.

"Originally, this is 'the glow that connects the earth with the sky' ..."

Looking at the volcano heading towards the sky, the leaders of the various roads flew out of the boat while thinking of the predictions given by Bai Xiaowen. One of the most incomprehensible words was the volcanic eruption.

Yahan said suddenly: "It seems that the formation of the seawater sea eye and the surrounding steam sea is due to the heat of this underwater volcano."

Knight Harold: "So the holy artifact should also be born with the eruption of the underwater volcano, what should we do?"

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Don't worry. Wait until the volcanic eruption is over and the volcanic rocks have cooled down."

A volcanic eruption will be accompanied by a large amount of toxic gases. For the leaders present, these toxic gases are not fatal. But during the volcanic eruption, no one could carry the magma that reached thousands of degrees.

The length of time it takes for volcanic lava to cool down varies from hours to days. However, the time required for the magma of the submarine volcano to cool down is usually the shortest.

After the volcanic eruption was over, Bai Xiaowen took the leaders of other countries to return for another two hours.

The original large vortex has disappeared, and the terrain has risen with the volcanic eruption process. The solidified volcanic rock has actually formed a low "island".

Dark red cracks can be seen on the black-red ground, and a pale white mist is transpiration.

In the middle of the volcanic island, there is a magma pool. Under a beam of white light, a dark red, like a long-handled warhammer dripping with magma, was suspended in midair. This warhammer is very sloppy, with a sharp cone shape ~ ~ and also has a terrible circle of blood spurs, which is especially suitable for bleeding.

There is no doubt that it is one of the seven holy vessels, the punishment of Balgra!

The eyes of the leaders of all countries were very sharp, and the sacred artifact was first discovered. Except for Dorocia Gold Leaf, who is a long-distance professional, shaking her head slightly, the eyes of other leaders showed a hot glow.

Suddenly, a huge wave condensed in the lava pool suddenly emerged.

Colonel Rios, the Elemental Steam Lord, uttered a roar of horror.

"Your swarms of maggots, dregs, lower creatures! You ruined everything!"

Bai Xiaowen shrugged: "It seems that in order to get the sacred artifact, you must first kill this big guy."

Yahan reached out and took off the big sword behind him, his face looked serious. If fighting on land, he will never fear this elemental lord. But here is the lava island that has just erupted, and it is still the home of the steam lord-the latter not only restores life quickly, but also has an additional bonus to skill damage.

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