The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 925: Li Shuyi's solo kill

Time passed minute by minute.

After Li Shuyi hit the Overlord Python, after the initial few moves, it is getting better and better.

After all, the two passives are stacked, and Li Shuyi's hard power has increased by more than 30%. The acceleration effect period of the shoes has long passed, but at this time Li Shuyi's agility, the running speed and reaction speed are faster than the acceleration at the beginning!

The Overlord Python is fierce, but she can't touch Li Shuyi's clothes.

For example, Li Shuyi is like a Yamaguchi game in the AD era. Players who are stuck with BUG and swipe BOSS are basically harmless. The only uncomfortable thing is that the BOSS blood strips fall too slowly ...

There is no other way, the tyrannosaurus python itself has high damage reduction, and its life recovery speed is fast ... For another elite career of DPS weak chicken, maybe it ’s full of blood for half a day.

Being able to penetrate the defense of this giant python, and then suppress its bloodline, itself represents Li Shuyi's powerful output ability.

Of course, it should be noted that although Li Shuyi is now harmless, every step of the combat process is very thrilling. The Overlord Python is large and clumsy, and it is indeed not easy to hit the deft Li Shuyi, but as long as she hits once, Li Shuyi is basically half disabled After that, she will still be injured and rigid. The ensuing attacks of the python will make her lose her breathing ...

In such a difficult battle, Li Shuyi is also slowly confirming the elven swordsmanship skills she has learned. She has reached the 9th level sword skill proficiency bottleneck and has finally loosened.

Aswan next to him was always staring at Li Shuyi's battle, and occasionally spoke. While Li Shuyi was breathing, she said some sword slayer's melee attack power and pointed out some shortcomings in Li Shuyi's previous battle. .

Li Shuyi listened very carefully and learned very carefully. She actually felt her ascension, and every time she came to know, she was greeted with prompts like "your advanced specialty: one-handed sword skill proficiency ...".

After Li Shuyi gradually entered the state, she simply temporarily blocked the reminder of the rules of the spirit world, and immersed herself in the thrilling battle of the giant python fighting.

Bai Xiaowen and the Dead Bone Demon Summoner summoned aside are also closely watching the progress of the battle-once Li Shuyi is charged, he must immediately control the Dead Bone Demon Speller to use Huang Tian's skills to help Li Shuyi release control.

Although Li Shuyi can also eat some special foods to control the food, but there are times when you eat foods that are not controlled, why not keep eating recovery foods, such as foods that return blood to blue? You know this is a long battle of attrition.

Finally, the Overlord Python couldn't bear it, raised his stout head, and stared at Li Shuyi.

The active effect of the mottled python pattern is activated when looking at the camera.

However, Li Shuyi, immersed in battle, suddenly opened the fury of the monarch with skills attached to the jewelry, and the speed increased again, such as a sharp arrow, jumping directly behind the Overlord Python.

Thanks to Bai Xiaowen's insights, Li Shuyi knew that the active effect of the mottled python pattern was limited to the area in front of the python, and she avoided this skill beautifully.

Bai Xiaowen swallowed "NICE" in his stomach, and he had a long-standing understanding with Li Shuyi, and he could see Li Shuyi's state at this time, it is best to play by herself, don't be disturbed.

Even when Eswan wanted to speak again, Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and shook his head, the former quickly understood and kept silent.

Tyrannosaurus's health and Li Shuyi's physical strength are slowly being consumed.

After hitting it, the pale yellow crystals of the Overlord Python were already mottled, and the body was covered with large and small bleeding spots. And Li Shuyi was also panting, her face was a little pale, this is a manifestation of excessive physical energy consumption.

This is the case where Li Shuyi drank a barrel of wort to recover her energy while she was in the middle of a break.

Now the will is the willpower. The python has maintained five levels of bleeding, depending on whether its health is emptied first or if Li Shuyi's physical fitness is the first problem.

If there is a physical problem, you cannot maintain agile movements and extremely fast movement speeds, which will cause the probability of being hit by the python to be doubled. The danger will definitely increase significantly. By then, Bai Xiaowen will no longer be able to sit idly and ignore it.

In the end, when the Overlord Python fell to the ground, Li Shuyi was desperately outputting, and her two swords continued to stab.

"Okay Shuyi, it's over."

Bai Xiaowen's voice sounded.

Li Shuyi looked up blankly, and saw the huge snake corpse lying in front of her: "I ... I won?"

"Yes, you won."

Bai Xiaowen smiled, "Congratulations, you have accomplished the achievement of killing a rare leader 10th level in a single player ... close to harmless." This sentence was said on the team channel.

Li Shuyi's life value also dropped by about one third. It is unbelievable that these lost lives were accumulated by the accidental damage caused by the python's gravel splash. The python itself did not hit Li Shuyi even if it was ... Of course, the large python and High strength values, really hit more than a third of the health.

Li Shuyi looked at her personal panel and said with joy on the team channel: "My sword skill has finally reached level 10!"

"Awesome, the first step is finally complete."

Bai Xiaowen raised his thumb. "Let's first see what the second step of the awakening task is."

Li Shuyi closed her eyes slightly, then quickly opened her eyes, looking a little weird: "That ... I have completed the second step."

The second step of Li Shuyi's Awakening Mission is to "kill a level 10 rare leader independently" ...

The so-called independent killing means that it is not subject to any outside help ... not to mention the auxiliary help adding blood, not even adding a BUFF.

Bai Xiaowen said in surprise: "No ... awakening task is completed every step ~ ~ will receive a prompt to open the next step. You are not sure, is the spirit world rule will automatically take the next step?"

Li Shuyi wiped the fine sweat on her forehead and said with a smile: "During the battle, I blocked all the hints of the spirit world ... Maybe the hint information of the spirit world rules I agree to it by default? No one will choose this option. Right ... "

"Well, this should be the case. For continuous tasks, if there is no response for a certain period of time, it seems that the next step will be automatically carried out," Bai Xiaowen nodded, "then you should now receive a prompt whether to start the third step, see What is the third step task. "

Li Shuyi closed her eyes again and immediately opened. She and Bai Xiaowen shared the task reminder she received.

"Step III of Awakening: Go to Orc Kingdom Du Erga and defeat Shadowblade Swordmaster in the Circle of Glory."

There are two other notices in the back, which are roughly the same as those obtained by Bai Xiaowen before. One is "If the exploration is not completed, the Kuroshio plane ticket matching priority will rise by 1 level." The other is "force majeure caused the task to be completed. After exploration, regenerate step III of the awakening task. "

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