The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 931: Deliberations

When Bai Xiaowen arrived, he had only one small boat, but on the return journey he had an extra ghost ship.

With his mental scan, there is no need to worry about encountering with the Serpent-man patrol in this area.

After returning to Musadir, soon the queen of elves, queen of Camelot, and representatives of the countries currently remaining in the elves' kings met with Bai Xiaowen and his party, and heard them tell the information verified by the expedition.

After watching the photo of the crystal and the snake-man captive, no one doubted Bai Xiaowen's words. The Spirit Queen also gave Bai Xiaowen the heart of the crimson oak as promised.

Spirit Rule Rule prompt: "Special Side Mission: The Prophet's Mission has been submitted."

"You have accumulated enough combat experience. The current Spirit Level is detected and meets the upgrade requirements. Does your level increase?"

Bai Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief and finally was able to rise to level 8.

Bai Xiaowen thought about it for a while and was not promoted.

On the one hand, the difficulty of the task associated with the card level is not mentioned.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaowen is the awakening leader of various leaders at this time. The increase of psionic energy brought by direct promotion will bring some unnecessary minor troubles, which will need to be explained at that time.

Xiaowen Bai continued to read the prompt message.

"You have gained the heart of the crimson oak tree, and you have met the 3 steps of the Awakening Quest. Do you submit the quest to complete the Awakening‘ Call of Wrath ’?”

Bai Xiaowen also has a ulcer and will not submit it for the time being. According to his plan, after obtaining the ancient rune armor and the mother of the wolf, submit three items at a time, so that the power of awakening can be maximized.

Even in the worst case, the last two items were not obtained until the Kuroshio plane was unified, and it did not affect Bai Xiaowen's "submit" mission. Because Bai Xiaowen has completed the task at this time and got the heart of the crimson oak tree, the kind of "force majeure that can't complete the task" may no longer exist.

The heart of the crimson oak tree looks like a crystal clear red crystal, and it has a warm touch when touched. It looks nothing special, but Bai Xiaowen can feel the surging life energy contained in it.

At this moment, the leaders of the palace, together with the two queens, looked a little heavy.

"Thank you, Prophet, for finding out the truth about the Amosa Forest Earthquake. The continent is actually supported by multiple earthen pillars. It sounds incredible, but the Prophet has enough evidence to confirm his reasoning, and we must accept this Theory. It seems that the strategic plan of the snake people is to destroy the pillars of the earth one by one to achieve the goal of sinking the continent, "said the elven queen.

"If this continues, even the landlocked countries will not be spared," Queen Carmelo looked serious, "the monsters must be stopped!"

Harold, the representative of the Knight Kingdom Altolia, slowly nodded in agreement.

Bai Xiaowen took the opportunity to guide: "The establishment of a true alliance is imminent." Time will be wasted again. We must concentrate the most elite legions of all countries and unified command! "

The quartermaster Felix, the representative of the most affected Republic of Calchino, nodded for the first time: "We at Calchino strongly support the opinion of Lord Prophet."

Originally Felix saw no hope and was not very keen on the league. But now Bai Xiaowen has let him see the dawn through a series of records, and his attitude has naturally changed.

Another reason is that Calchino's military strength is the weakest. Except for the mercenaries known for their lazy and free style, there is not even a distinctive legion. The words of the league are the best for Calchino.

To this end, Calchino is also ready for major bleeding. As the richest country in the mainland and the strongest in the transportation industry, the logistics of the war is definitely under the responsibility of Calchino.

The representative of the northern kingdom, Jorni, the barbarian Basaka's beloved sledgehammer did not let go, and also supported Bai Xiaowen-the reason is simple, Bai Xiaowen helped him to get the holy weapon and was promoted to the lord level.

Knight Kingdom Altolia, Dwarven Kingdom Torin have stated their support.

The eyes of the crowd turned to the elves and queens of Carmelo.

"I have always been in favor of the alliance, but there is still a problem," said Queen Camello.

The elven queen nodded: "Durga, the orc kingdom, is currently in a state of war with Sistil and Carmelo. Although the battle between the two sides has changed from a fierce battle to a strategic confrontation due to the arrival of the cataclysm, the orc kingdom agreed Before joining the covenant, it is impossible for us to draw the frontline elite. "

Queen Carmelo said: "This will definitely involve our military strength, so how to resolve the threat of the orcs requires everyone to express their views."

Just like during the Second World War, the allied forces and the Axis powers were playing in the dark, and suddenly some areas have experienced natural disasters, which will soon turn into global disasters. Even if the two sides were willing to cease the truce, they did not dare to evacuate the Elite Corps from the front line, exposing their soft heartland to the other side.

"The savage red-skinned monsters will be destroyed if they don't know the current affairs!" Quartermaster Felix waved his arms sharply. "The six powers are jointly seeking to deal with them. It is not easy to clean them up."

"This idea is unwise," Knight Harold frowned. "Most of the Orc Kingdom is a plateau and desert, and the coalition forces have difficulty adapting to the climate there. In addition, the Orc people are fierce, and the entire tribe is a warrior regardless of gender. Unless they are destroyed, the war will never end. "

The barbarian Basaka said dumbly: "Yorny disagrees that the attacking orc tatar is a barbarian's friend."

"Alas." Quartermaster Felix muttered something, but in a very low voice. After Barcelona ascended the lord and became one of the owners of the Seven Hallows, Felix's taunt of the barbarians had already dared to open his mouth.

"Even if the attack goes well ~ ~ this kind of war is not what I want to see," Bai Xiaowen said with a spine on his back, "The war with the snake-man is imminent, and any internal friction should be avoided."

"What is the Prophet intending to do?" The Elven Queen asked.

Bai Xiaowen said: "I plan to go to the orcs' kings and meet their leaders."

The atmosphere in the hall was briefly silent for a moment, and then the argument burst out "coaxing".

"It's too risky."

"The gang of red-skinned monsters never makes sense!"

"Master Prophet cannot go to Z, the beacon of the continent, and the light of prophecy cannot be extinguished."

Bai Xiaowen smiled and shook: "Everyone, don't forget that in any case, the continuation of the ethnic group is the first need, even the orc kingdom."

Read it. (Read it. Read it)

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