The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 940: Bai Xiaowen's Provocation

The angry claws' eyes were red and covered with fine blood. After killing Fenrir, it rushed directly to Harlem, the wolf's mother who was watching not far away.

This aggressive look scared Master Ruhr.

Master Luer was originally shocked by Bai Xiaowen's comeback. When he saw the angry claws rushing over, he thought that the angry claws had red eyes and hurriedly said, "Stop it!"

Speaking, Master Luer threw a lasso and accurately wrapped his angry claw's neck. The two orc warriors with large waists and round arms next to each other immediately grabbed a knot and worked with Master Luer. , Ready to hold the angry claws.

However, the strength of the angry claws at this time is really terrifying.

After all, Master Luer is a wolf trainer similar to the summoning profession. Although his strength is not weak, it is not a strong point. It is unrealistic to rely on the help of two elite orc soldiers to grab the existence of a power-like lord.

It was as if a fast-moving locomotive hit a drying rack, and Master Luer and the other three were flown without a doubt and turned into a gourd on the ground.

The angry claws flew in front of Harleken, ignoring the latter's response and holding one of his claws, then pressed impatiently.

Of course, this time the angry claws held Harreken, and just held down Fenrir, both in position and purpose.


"Well ..."

Bai Xiaowen glanced at Ruoer, the wolf-taming master, with a embarrassed smile: "Master Luer, I should have won this duel."

Ruhr looked a little dullly on the ground, Kirgaz was only weakly bloody, and looked at the body of Fenrir ... on the other side of the limestone, nodding silently.

"The Prophet Dior, according to the customs of the Orc Kingdom, as a victor, you have the right to end Kilgaz's life."

Master Ruhr sighed, "Will you give him a final blow, or let him survive? Please decide as soon as possible. As for his condition at this time, if you delay for a period of time, bleeding will also lead to loss of life."

Master Ruhr tried to control himself not to look at the other side, the "atrocities" that the angry claws had done to Harleken-although it seemed that Harleken seemed to enjoy it.

Fortunately, the customs of the orc kingdom are open, and it is common for Master Luer to mate with the beast, but I feel a little bit of spicy eyes and do not go to stop it.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "What do I want his life to do? It all comes from his good words. Now that he has learned his due lesson, let it be."

"I believe Kil'gaz and the Shadowblade clan will thank you for your kindness." Master Ruhr hurriedly approached and bandaged the wound to Kil'gaz. Murkan inserted a healing totem into the ground, and the totem exhaled a pale green mist, slowly recovering Kilgaz's health.

I have to say that the orc's physique is strong, when Kilgaz recovered to about one third of his health, he had sat up. He was still seriously injured at this time, not only halving his full attributes, but even his health could not be restored to full value, at most he was restored to half.

Looking at the corpse of his pet, Fenrir, Kilgaz's heart was burning with anger.

However, the rules of the orc kingdom are like this. The winner of the duel takes all, and the loser has to bear it no matter whether it is justified or not.

"Let's go," Kilgaz said to his guard. The latter helped him up and stepped out of the Chidingshan camp.

Bai Xiaowen's eyes froze slightly, and said, "I have heard that Shadowblade Clan is the most powerful clan in the Orc Kingdom, and there is even a strong one like Shadowblade Sage. Now it seems that Shadowblade Clan is nothing. It's just the name. "


Kilgaz turned his head abruptly, shoved the guard who was supporting him, stared at Bai Xiaowen, his nostrils widened, and he wheezed and gasped.

It's like an angry bull.

Bai Xiaowen tilted his head: "Isn't it?"

"Don't insult my last name!"

Kilgaz's full name is called Kilgaz Shadowblade, and he has always been proud of his birth in the most powerful clan of the orc kingdom.

Bai Xiaowen said, "Well, if my frankness hurts your self-esteem ... then you can bear it."


Kilgaz almost exploded in blood vessels. He clenched his fists with his hands tightly, and the gauze wrapped on his body once again exuded blood.

"Kilgaz!" Said Master Ruhr, "You lost the duel. Whatever the Prophet Dior said, it was his freedom, and only if you and him fight again and win, you can get him back."

Kilgaz forced himself to calm down, he gave Bai Xiaowen a stern glance: "Human, after all, you will pay for your arrogance, you insult the greatest name of the orc kingdom! Someone will come to you!"

"Waiting at any time ... Oh, unfortunately, I may not be long before I have to leave Red Rock City." Bai Xiaowen said.

"You're going to run away? Coward!"

"I'm different from you, Kil'gaz, 'Marshal'. My time is precious. The Allies need me to predict the next move ..." Bai Xiaowen made a shrug.

Kilgaz snorted and turned to leave.

Master Ruhr came to Bai Xiaowen.

"Prophet Dior, what are your special intentions for doing this today?" Ruhr frowned.

What Bai Xiaowen did today is somewhat obvious. Even the orcs of the **** can see this, not to mention that Master Luer, as the high-level of the orc kingdom, must be on the passing line of intelligence.

Bai Xiaowen said: "Do n’t Master Luer want to see this kind of scene? This duel will soon spread through Redstone Valley, and Kilgaz ’s reputation will be severely hit ~ ~ He shook his head and said, "I sympathize with him. I am an orc, after all. "

Ruhr was straightforward. Even though he and Kilgaz had different political opinions, there was a difference between the same orc race and Bai Xiaowen as a human race.

Bai Xiaowen didn't think it was embarrassing, and laughed: "I can understand your thoughts, so I saved Kilgaz's life."

"I thank you for your kindness."

Ruhr said, "But why do you continue to be provocative and say something against the entire Shadowblade clan? This will allow you to be completely involved in the vortex, and the revenge of the Shadowblade will soon come."

"Revenge?" Bai Xiaowen repeated, "Always not assassinate."

Ruhr shook his head and said, "The Shadowblade clan takes the glory of their surname very seriously, so there is such a respectable ancient custom as the ring of glory ... no one will come to assassinate you, but the Shadowblade clan will send them the strongest Big warrior, challenge you not to withdraw. "

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