The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 949: So scary

"So, you have tried it." Bai Xiaowen said.

Li Shuyi nodded fiercely.

"Then let's talk about it. See if I understand it correctly." Bai Xiaowen has developed his own understanding after reading the hint information and skill description, but it is certainly not as good as Li Shuyi's personal experience.

"Well, it's not difficult to understand item A and B, just say item C," said Li Shuyi. "Now I use Shadowless Chop, there is no cool-down time, but after each cast, my limbs will feel a brief fatigue. .If you use Wakeless Awakening again in a short period of time, your limbs will be sore, like countless fine needles are poking. "

"This should be the body load ... Have you ever tested it, and how long can you put the second shadowless cut?" Bai Xiaowen is still used to quantification.

"About ten seconds, a few breaths," Li Shuyi said. "This is the limit. If you want to maximize the power of the second shadowless awakening technique, you must at least interval more than 30 seconds."

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "I remember your original shadowless cut cooldown was 5 minutes?"

"Well, the initial cooling is 5 minutes, and the cooling time is reduced by 5% for each level. I previously trained to level 7, and the cooling time became 3 minutes and 30 seconds." Li Shuyi said.

"It seems that the improvement is huge. It just consumes physical energy, but it can't be cast with impunity," Bai Xiaowen said. "The only way we know to supplement physical energy is only food such as wheat wine. Can be used once. "

As a melee agile warrior with skill flow, Li Shuyi's physical fitness is very valuable. If there is a serious lack of physical fitness, it will result in deformation of the action and a reduction in combat effectiveness.

Li Shuyi said: "I have a feeling that as the progress of mastery increases, the load on Wuying will be less and less."

"You are a cultivator of skills. Of course, you feel reliable."

Bai Xiaowen touched his chin and said, "For the specific description of the skill, you can choose any coordinate within 33 meters? Does it mean that when you cast Shadowless Slash, you can move anywhere within 33 meters ... It is like a teleportation. same?"

"In fact, it is not a teleportation," Li Shuyi said with a smile. "It's just very fast, very fast."

"Is it okay to chop the air?"

"Well," Li Shuyi said, "There is one more thing that needs to be corrected. This is the 33-meter range ... It's based on my coordinates, and it changes in real time."

"Coordinates centered on you, change in real time?" Bai Xiaowen tilted his head.

Li Shuyi pulled out the Chixiao sword: "If I cast Shadowless Chop now, choose the 12 o'clock direction and the 33-meter distance as the first coordinate, then the first chop will flash quickly ..."

After Li Shuyi stood at a position of 33 meters in front, she continued: "And in the second stage of the slash, it was centered on my current position, and a coordinate within 33 meters was flashed to launch the slash. You can also continue to choose At 12 o'clock ... "

Speaking, Li Shuyi moved another 33 meters forward, saying: "This is the same for the third and subsequent slashes."

"Cool," Bai Xiaowen gave a thumbs up. "In this way, the Shadowless Awakening Awakening Technique can also be used as a escape skill. Within a limited 2.5 seconds, how many slashes can you launch?"

Li Shuyi said: "If the enemy is not moving, the number of slashes is related to my shooting speed. The limit is 7 knives. After passive stacking, it can reach 9 knives. If the enemy moves quickly, I need to follow it and it will waste some. Time, the number of slashes will be reduced accordingly ... "

Don't think that it is too slow to shoot 7 knives in 2.5 seconds. What Li Shuyi said is to ensure that each knives have enough strength, under the premise of cutting out standard damage-this is called effective attack.

If you do n’t pursue harm and be quick, with Li Shuyi ’s agility, it ’s OK to brush twenty or thirty knives in 2.5 seconds, but what ’s the point?

Dexterity's bonus to attack speed is gradually attenuated. The faster the attack speed, the more severe the attenuation. Suppose that a person with agile 10 points can effectively attack 1 per second, a person with agile 20 points can effectively attack 1.5 times per second, a person with agile 30 points may only be able to attack 1.7 times per second ...

In the same way, agility also gradually decreases the movement speed bonus. The faster the movement speed, the more severe the attenuation.

For agile awakeners, in addition to attack speed and moving speed, the biggest benefits brought by agile are the crit rate bonus for low agile people, and the hidden bonus to flexibility (evasion ability), etc. Success is still the most important first attribute.

Bai Xiaowen said: "That is to say, if someone can escape 33 meters away between your two attacks, your Shadowless Awakening will have no way to hit him."

"Yes, but that's basically impossible. Even if the soldiers charge, it's impossible to escape so far within my attack interval. I can still follow him and continue to chop him. Unless it is a skill such as the flash of a mage, only Run away. "Li Shuyi said. As an agile awakener, she also has accelerating jewelry, and has the most say on the moving speed.

Bai Xiaowen nodded with satisfaction: "It's worth another flash. The flash cooldown time of the other party is definitely not as fast as you ... Well, since Shadowless Cut only requires coordinates and does not limit the target, it seems to be a means of escape."

"Yeah, I can escape 33 meters with one slash, and continuously slash in one direction. In 2.5 seconds, I can escape more than 150 meters!" Li Shuyi's eyebrows fluttered, and the ponytail in the back of her head was shaking. She has apparently tried it.

"Don't be too excited, there will be a pause every time you cut ~ ~ a total of 150 meters per second, which is not as efficient as the soldier's charge," Bai Xiaowen smiled and touched Li Shuyi's ponytail, "run away in a straight line It's too wasteful for Shadowless Awakening. You should develop it and use it to avoid enemy range skills. "

Think about it, if a large snake struck across the street, Li Shuyi launched the Awakening Awakening Technique and flashed behind the target ... Well, horror, horror.

Li Shuyi nodded fiercely.

Bai Xiaowen also said: "The data in the description, 2.5 seconds, 33 meters with parentheses, meaning that these two values ​​change based on your own attributes." Bai Xiaowen is no stranger to such description data.

Li Shuyi nodded: "I do n’t know what this 2.5 seconds is based on, but the 33-meter limit is based on my agility value ... my current agility is 66 points, which is 50% of agility. If I put the bone-tooth necklace All of the free attributes are added to Agile. If the two passives are fully stacked, Agility can reach 102, and the maximum distance will be 51 meters. "

Bai Xiaowen glanced at the shared information and pointed at the last one and said, "Hey, here's a reminder to name your awakening technique. Why are you still not sure?"

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