The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 954: support

Followed quietly all the way, after the three snake men entered a deep cave and disappeared, Bai Xiaowen retracted the Shadow Assassin.

"Can't follow anymore. This cave should be one of the Serpent's strongholds on the Gagullie Plateau ... it might even be connected to the entrance of the Earth's Corridor! If the monitor, Harofinson, was hiding inside, with With his high mental strength and high priority, it is easy to spot the shadow assassin's track, and he will fight against the snake. "

Bai Xiaowen rubbed his forehead and thought about it.

The entrance to the vein corridor of Gagule, he had seen it in the illusion of the prophetic slate. It's not far from the entrance here, that is to say, the snake man is also approaching the vein corridor, which is not good news.

"Let's go in!" Murkan said with a fist. "With the fighting power of Lord Prophet and Miss Charlotte, they must be able to defeat these long-tailed monsters."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "Can't be reckless. For the snake-human scientist Harofenson, I hope to capture him. A living snake-human scientist is more valuable to us."

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said, "And, last time, I met him once near the entrance to the vein corridor in the Amurtha Sea. He could have caught him, but he used a magic spell. Teleport fled. How to deal with this and develop a capture plan needs careful consideration. "

Although the teleportation spell is more precious, it does not rule out that there is a second or even a third teleportation sign on Halofenson.

It's not easy to bump into this guy once, Bai Xiaowen doesn't want to be the same as last time, and make another emptiness.

"Let's call someone to help." Li Shuyi suggested.

"Well, that seems to be the only way. After thinking about it, we don't have the ability to prevent instant transmission ..."

Bai Xiaowen took out a shimmering magic crystal, and after injecting his spiritual power, a blurry picture appeared on the crystal, with a faint figure on it.

Soon, the picture became clear, and the figure above was solidified.

It is the image of Queen Carmelo. This magic communication crystal was also the communication item handed to him by Queen Carmelo before Bai Xiaowen went to the orc kingdom.

As long as you are in the world of the Kuroshio plane, you can inject mental energy and video call with the other party at any time. This magic communication crystal is better than the earth's claw machine. Unfortunately, it cannot bring out the Kuroshio plane.

"Dior, you finally contacted me."

The picture seems to be covered with a mist of water, and you can see the noble queen's white and touching skin, the hair wrapped up with a towel, and the clear spring flowing ...

There was a drop of cold sweat in the back of Bai Xiaowen. I did not expect that Her Majesty had a hobby of taking hot springs in the morning. The timing of this magical communication was really ... awesome.

From down the swan-like neck of Queen Carmelo, there is a delicate collarbone, then the curve rises sharply, and then ... it is invisible.


Li Shuyi's cough sounded in her ears, and Bai Xiaowen quickly turned his eyes back to Queen Camello's face: "That, Her Majesty, I'm sorry to interrupt your rest, but I have one thing and need your help."

Queen Carmelo did not take Bai Xiaowen as an outsider and said cheerfully: "There is something to say, Dior."

Bai Xiaowen briefly explained the situation of the Gagour Plateau to Queen Camelot, and finally made a request for support.

Queen Carmelo thought for a while and said, "That monitor, Harofinson, is it really important to catch him alive?"

"Very important," Bai Xiaowen said without hesitation.

"okay then."

Queen Carmelo quickly made a decision, "I will send three royal mages, led by the mage chief Catherine, and ride the Gryphon of the Altolian Griffin to the Gagule Plateau. These four mages can be arranged together A space interferes with the magic circle, restricting the transmission of magic ... "

"Thank you so much," said Bai Xiaowen, and said again, "Her Majesty, in fact, I have one more request ..."


After the orc kingdom joined the covenant, Camelot had sent his mage to the Red Stone King City to build a teleportation array on the outskirts of the city. It is foreseeable that the occlusion of the orc kingdom will change over time.

Ms. Catherine and three other Archmages arrived over the Gagourie Plateau the afternoon of the second day after Bai Xiaowen sent a call for help.

It has to be said that the speed of manned flight of the Royal Griffon is faster than that of the white eagles No. 1 and 22 maintained by Bai Xiaowen. However, the domestication of griffins is not easy, and the number is scarce. Therefore, even the knight kingdom Altolia can only maintain a formation of griffin knights, which is less than thirty.

But before Master Catherine arrived, the three Bai Xiaowen had been lurking outside the Snakeman stronghold.

The in and out of the snake people are also under Bai Xiaowen's surveillance, but unfortunately, they have not seen the monitor, Halofenson.

After meeting with four archmages, including Catherine, at the scheduled location, Bai Xiaowen began his action plan.

Inside the crisscross snake hole.

A snaky female snake man waving a small leather whip, and the other three of her four arms akimbo said, "Hurry up and work, you guys!"

In front of the female snake man, a group of sand scorpion men waved the giant forceps hard and kept digging. As for the excavated grit and gravel, another slave group, the lobster people, was responsible for transporting and leaving.

The sound of rustle sounded, a tall and thin snake-man with spectacles, wearing several snake-man distortions, came to the little whip snake woman.

"Master Halofenson." The Whip Snake hurriedly saluted.

"Well, how's it going?" Halofenson looked dignified.

"Thirty meters have been dug down, and I am ordering these lower slaves to continue digging."

"At this survey point, 30 meters is enough."

Halofenson pushed his glasses ~ ~ and let them all go away and go to the next target location for survey preparation ... Don't hinder my work. "


The Whip Snake Woman ordered that both the lobster man hard worker and the sand scorpion man digger left the construction site.

A rope was tied to Halofenson's waist, and he cut into the cave section by section.

After a long time, Halofenson got out of the burrow.

"Adjust the survey points. The next survey point is here."

Haruffinson unfolded the map, and his slender fingers with scales pointed at one of the areas on the map. A flash of excitement flashed in his vertical pupil: "I have a hunch, we are already close ..."

"Master Halofenson is really amazing. It is indeed a talented scholar who is valued by the great lords!"


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