The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 965: A pale swamp that looks familiar

"What does this mean, a semi-anonymous letter ..." Li Shuyi pondered for a moment, "It doesn't seem to be malicious to us."

Bai Xiaowen gave a hum, and waved to let the thin wolf man go.

This wolf man is not only weak, but also has low intelligence, and basically cannot communicate. Out of respect for the messenger, Bai Xiaowen also had trouble reading the memories with this dreaded werewolf messenger.

"Xiaowen, who do you think it will be?" Li Shuyi asked.

"I don't know, but this person must not be simple," Bai Xiaowen said. "It seems that the other party already knows my target location ... The only people who can know this are Camelot and the Orc executives. But if these are the two There is no need for the top of the country to communicate with me in such a hidden way. "

"Will it be a mysterious organization we don't know?" Li Shuyi asked.

"It's very likely."

Packing up the scales, Bai Xiaowen exclaimed: "Don't care so much ... The difficulty of this mission is only B +. Judging from the difficulty, this mysterious organization should not be too malicious to us, otherwise the difficulty must be at least A +. Of course I It ’s not just about the difficulty. When you get there, be careful. ”

There was no accident during the next journey. The two took the teleportation array to Camelot Kingdom, but declined Camelot's banquet, and set off directly to the north, rushing to the pale swamp.


There was a pale mist in the pale swamp.

This mist is cold and piercing, it seems to be constantly absorbing the body's heat. Walking in the swamp has been unable to replenish physical energy.

"Pale Marsh, the name seems familiar." Li Shuyi said.

"Well, the dead space of the Dead Lake, the core area is called pale mud, but it actually means something." Bai Xiaowen said.

"Will there be any connection between these two places? I remember having this weird mist, it seems to be called Yin."

"Hmm ... it should be the same place," Bai Xiaowen said, "but the space of the Dead Lake Treasure Land should be the fragmented space that collapsed when the Kuroshio Plane was unified the previous time or even earlier, which included paleness. Swamps. The pale swamps we see now are actually places after re-evolution. "

After Li Shuyi and Bai Xiaowen stepped into the pale swamp, they also had a negative state of "smoke". In this state, the two are actually familiar.

"I remember the pale quagmire in Baodi space and a hidden snake-man tribe. I don't know if there is any yet," said Li Shuyi.

"I don't know ..." Bai Xiaowen actually had some doubts in his heart. He recalled that when she met the leader of the Serpent-Man tribe, Eliki, in the pale mire, she seemed to be the priest of Amotava, but her appearance was very different from the ordinary Serpent-man, the most special being that there were many The arm is very similar to the dobby snake man of the mother snake.

According to Bai Xiaowen's judgment, the space of the Dead Lake's treasure land should be the abyss snake-man camp on the Kuroshio Plane after the unification, and the fragment of the plane that collapsed-just because the snake man won, it will appear in the central area of ​​the mainland .

However, how should the eyes of Amotava enshrined at the Serpent Man's Altar be explained?

If the snake people's congress is unified, Amotava should be intact and not cut off his eyes to worship the believers, right?

Bai Xiaowen shook his head, put away those thoughts, and refocused on the surroundings.

Although the thin mist can obscure the sight, Bai Xiaowen's mental scan is not hindered. Soon, he found a trace of anomaly.


A mighty black shadow emerged from the swamp, brought a large mass of mud, and rushed towards Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen was ready and raised his hand to summon the skeleton warrior, who slammed his head and knocked back the shadow in front of him for several steps. Of course, the skeleton warrior was also knocked out of the distance of several meters. The power of both The value gap is not large.

After the black shadow was hit by a slap, the lineup was revealed, a huge crocodile wrapped in mud.

Bai Xiaowen threw insights at his fingertips. This crocodile is called "Dead Giant Crocodile". It is a level 10 elite creature with camouflage, bite and tail sweeping skills, and its strength is not strong.

"You don't do it."

Bai Xiaowen summoned Kitts, along with shadow assassins and other undead species to summon creatures. In this lingering environment, sending an undead creature to the horse is the best choice, and the physical recovery of normal life is too slow.

Under the control of Bai Xiaowen, the summoned creatures cooperated to kill the giant crocodile, but even the root hairs were not lost.

"This abominable ghost mist, if only the disguise of necromancy can be collected here." Li Shuyi said.

"Don't worry. The Ghost Fog itself is part of the difficulty of the B + level task ... there is such a heavy Ghost Fog, indicating that the combat difficulty we will encounter will be very low.

Bai Xiaowen's mental energy was released, and he suddenly frowned and said, "There is something coming again ... the quantity seems to be quite a lot."

Bai Xiaowen glanced at the bracelet of doom, and there was a smile on it.


Before the question mark in Bai Xiaowen's head became "!", He encountered the creatures who came along.

A group of lobster people ...

The big jaws, thick carapace, raised eyes ... familiar formula, familiar taste.

"Who are you ?! How come you broke into this dead domain and don't want to live?"

The front lobster man, the right-handed jaw is a circle larger than the left hand, is a leader-level creature. It waved Da'ao and yelled at Bai Xiaowen: "Get out of here, or there will be only a dead end!"


Bai Xiaowen glanced at the smiley face pattern of the doom bracelet again, and finally slowly took out a scale.

That's right ~ ~ is the mysterious organization named "G", which is given to Bai Xiaowen and let him keep it properly.

The moment he saw the scales, the lobster leader suddenly stunned.

"You ... where did you get this scale?"

"I don't know. There is text on the scales, you can see for yourself." Bai Xiaowen passed the scales.

Unexpectedly, the lobster leader escaped as if he were avoiding a soldering iron. There was a feeling of busyness: "No, don't watch ... humans, come with me!"

Li Shuyi gave Bai Xiaowen a curious look.

"Come on ... these lobsters should not be malicious." Bai Xiaowen exhaled slightly and followed quickly.

Soon, the two men, led by the lobster people, arrived at a lobster village in the mud. A group of lobsters curiously watched along the road and reached the end of the village, in front of a shell-built hut.

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