The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 969: Stone Gate Puzzle

30 o'clock!

An elite 10th-century British soul brought Bai Xiaowen's black soul stone length and soul essence points up to 30 points, as many as the leader of the same level, three times the normal elite!

Bai Xiaowen looked at the eyes of other ancient British souls, and instantly became much more eager.

But not only that.

Delifa sounded a little surprised: "Master, where did you capture these mutilated souls? It's awesome!"

"In the former guardian sect temples, these heroic souls should be guardian sect fighters during their lifetime." In "The Song of the Forgotten Kings", it was mentioned that the temple was constructed by the "Elia sect", which actually represents the guardian sect.

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen asked again, "Are there any special values ​​for these broken souls, Delifa?"

"It's obvious, master."

Delifa said with some excitement: "These heroic spirits are fundamentally different from ordinary monsters. They no longer have a complete soul consciousness, leaving only the remaining fighting instincts! These fighting instincts are the best battles formed after thousands of refinements. Skill, and most importantly ... they can be absorbed by your summons without limit! "

"Unlimited? You mean that the summoned creatures that have absorbed the souls of other powerful men can absorb the souls of these ancient heroes again?" Bai Xiaowen confirmed.

"I must correct you a little, my beloved master," Delifia's face appeared on the black soul stone with a charming smile. "The black soul stone absorbed it, not the complete soul of the ancient British soul, but a battle. Only the skills. These fighting skills, no matter how many times they are absorbed, will not have a substantial impact on the summoned creatures, and will only make their related combat skills reach level 10. "

After a pause, Delifa said with some regrets: "Unfortunately, the summoned creatures want to exert their strength, not to see their own fighting skills, but to see your master's level of expertise. They are different from me."

In addition to Bai Xiaowen's summoned creatures, in addition to Delifa and Kitts, they have the ability to act independently. All other summoned creatures require Bai Xiaowen's refined control to exert their maximum combat power.

Therefore, no matter how high the other combat creatures call them, the difference is only the size of the numbers. It has no actual impact on the battle. Bai Xiaowen needs to control them to fight with his own combat skills.

"It's okay," Bai Xiaowen exhaled, pressing the surprise in his heart, "I can learn quickly by sharing the combat expertise of summoned creatures ... You should already know this, Delifa."

Delifa suddenly realized: "Yes, when masters practice long-handed weapon specialties, it is through this way of sharing memory ... But then, the master needs to learn more."

"no problem."

Bai Xiaowen counted the types of ancient souls in the field.

The ancient soul of the shield bearer represents the 10th level of shield mastery.

The ancient assassin's heroic spirit has a level 10 advanced one-handed sword skill.

Ancient Spellcaster Heroic Soul has a level 10 meditation feat.

The ancient shooter, Yinghun, has 10 advanced shooting skills ...

In the distance there are new ancient British spirits joining the battle, many of which are heroes holding two-handed swords or even heavy hammers.

Bai Xiaowen saw that excitement.

"Come on ... as many as possible!"

Delifa did not participate in the battle, but stayed in the soul stone and busyly carried out the work of remnant fusion.

It should be noted that the integration of souls is not randomly arranged, depending on the specific nature.

For example, the Skeleton Sword Shield Hand, the most suitable is the ancient soul of the shield bearer, the goal is to improve the advanced equipment: shield mastery. However, the "qualification" of the skeleton sword shield hand itself is generally, feeding one or two shield bearer fragments of the British soul, the increase is not large, it is still difficult to directly reach the 10th level.

Delifa focused on feeding a Skeleton Sword Shielder, and after feeding three pieces of the shield's Heroic Soul fragments, his shield mastery skill rose from the original advanced level 5 to advanced level 6.

In contrast, the Shadow Assassin's qualifications are much better. A assassin's ghost soul fragment has made his one-handed swordsmanship from advanced level 5 to advanced level 7, and the second fragment has broken through level 8. .

The speed of progress of the Deathbone Wizard is similar to that of the Shadow Assassin. As for the Skeleton Warrior, it is much worse, presumably because it has not absorbed the complete strong soul for mutation.

Bai Xiaowen simply made Delifa not to feed the Skull Warrior for the time being, and kept the corresponding fragments of the British soul. He waited until the Skull Warrior absorbed the strong soul's soul to complete the transformation.

As for the strong soul of the skeleton warrior, Bai Xiaowen was originally in no hurry-among his black soul stones, there was a vote of an intermediate knight leader using a two-handed sword. There is no shortage of spare strong souls.

But now, Bai Xiaowen's vision has also broadened a lot. He wants to wait and see if he can get a top-level strong soul using a two-handed sword.

After killing more than a dozen ancient British souls, Bai Xiaowen finally emptied the corridor.

At the end of the corridor is a heavy machine-stone door with many weird patterns inscribed on it. On the side of the stone gate of the institution, there is also a one-man tall stele with some simple lines and letters engraved on it.

Bai Xiaowen pondered for a while at Shimen and Stone Tablet.

"It's a code word, replacing letters with graphics."

Bai Xiaowen said: "You see on the stele, the correspondence between the positions of the same column has been used to indicate the one-to-one correspondence between the figure and the letter ... For example, the triangle corresponds to 'α' and the two crossed crosses correspond to 'β' ... Just a moment. "The red light flickered slightly in his eyes, printing the entire contents of the stele into his mind.

There are five pairs of letters and patterns on the stele. As for the top of the stone gate, all are quirky patterns that are difficult to recognize. There are two lines in total, and there are four figures on the top and bottom.

"What do these eight figures mean? Does it have anything to do with the code words on the stele?" Li Shuyi asked.

Bai Xiaowen examined the eight patterns with his eyes narrowed, and suddenly smiled and said, "No, this is just a graphic reasoning question. Interesting, it seems that the sages of the guardian denominations really like this one."

At the beginning in the latent image maze, each branch road was a different reasoning problem, suggesting the correct path.

"Graphical reasoning?" Li Shuyi repeated.

"Yes, the four graphics in the upper row are considered as questions. The four graphics in the lower row are options. We need to find the correct option by the pattern of the previous row, and then press the pattern ..." Bai Xiaowen gestured For a moment, "Have you noticed that there are cracks around the four patterns in the lower row? This is the active organ, but it is covered by moss and dust, and it is not easy to see."

Li Shuyi looked at Bai Xiaowen for a moment.

"Look at me ..." Even though Bai Xiaowen was solving the problem seriously, she could still see Li Shuyi's eyes.

"Nothing ... Xiaowen, would you like to say something, how did you find out from the eight graphics without hints that this is a graphic reasoning question? There is not even a hint of explanation ..." Li Shuyi was difficult to understand A problem can be seen in the dry eight patterns.

"I just said it." Bai Xiaowen laughed. "There are cracks around the four patterns below, which means they are all organ buttons ... so it is not difficult to associate. If you add another reason, it is the top four. This pattern is too deliberate and contains the same laws. "

"What law?"

"They are both symmetrical figures."

Bai Xiaowen simply said, "From this, you can think of these graphics as folded photocopying, so we can fold them back and cover half of them to see them clearly ... The first graphic looks like three A line of circles ~ ~ What now? What do you think? "

Li Shuyi suddenly realized: "This is ... the Latin letter 'α' ..."

Li Shuyi looked at the second figure in the first row and said, "This one looks like the ancient Chinese traditional word 'door'. It should be 'β' ... followed by 'γ', 'δ' ..."

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "Yes, so our option should be this one." His palm was pressed in the third pattern in the line below.

The rumbling sound sounded, the moss on the stone gates were peeling off, and the dust was flying. The heavy portal slowly sank, exposing the second corridor.

Xiaowen Bai and Shuyi Li stepped in.

After killing a group of ancient British souls again, they encountered a second stone gate and a stele. Like the first door, there are graphics and letters on the stele, and different patterns on the stone door.

This kind of puzzle solving can only be regarded as a rest after the battle for Bai Xiaowen, which allows the super brain to warm up slightly.

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