The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 985: News from Snake Mother

"This ... I really do n’t know if it is good or bad to turn on the wisdom. The simple, angry claws are gone forever ..." Bai Xiaowen sighed.

Bai Xiaowen learned about Wolf Valley Awakening from Angry Claws again. After a period of communication and experimentation, Bai Xiaowen finally gained a comprehensive understanding of this awakening technique.

The first problem is the growth of the number of wolves in 3 natural months.

Three months will not change, only the amount of each increase can be changed. During these three months, the longer the angry claws stay in Wolf Valley, the more the number of wolves increases, of course, there is an upper limit for the increase.

The exact number is not even clear to Angry Claws.

Secondly, it is the problem of psychic contract.

The awakener who signed a psychic contract with Wolf Valley. Each time he uses the psychic contract to call a wolf pack, the wolves are random.

For example, Li Shuyi, this time I was summoned by Yanbei, the next one may be Steelfang (the name of another elite wolf in Wolf Valley).

This is related to the intimacy of the wolves, and also the mood of the wolves.

For example, Li Shuyi and Yanbei have a high degree of intimacy, so when using a psychic contract, there is a high probability of getting Yanbei's response first.

However, if Yanbei was scolded by the wolf's parents on the day / the stone broke his teeth / oversleep / the aunt came, he would probably not respond to the call, and his attendant would become his brother's steel tooth.

In addition, although the mother of the wolf Harleken also belongs to the wolf group, it is extremely difficult to summon it. Although Angry Claw can force other wolf packs to obey Bai Xiaowen's teammates, this does not include its wife.

As for Bai Xiaowen himself, if he tried, he would have the opportunity to summon the mother of the wolf, but this is meaningless, because the wolf mother is a rare leader of the production type, and the combat effectiveness is definitely not as good as the angry claws who are good at fighting.

In the case that only one can be summoned, Bai Xiaowen must summon the angry claws first. If he abandons his angry claws and summons his wife and wolf mother to kill and die, the angry claws will certainly be unhappy.

Taking a step back, even if the other signing awakeners summoned the wolf mother, it will take a lot of mental energy, and in addition, the physical strength will be severely depleted.

In addition to the fact that Bai Xiaowen has the skill bar factor and does not need to consume additional physical energy, the other awakeners of the Psychic Wolf Valley contract need to consume physical energy.

The magnitude of physical loss is related to the template and level. The weaker the awakener's own template, the lower the level, and the stronger the summoned wolf pack, the greater the loss. As a noble hero class, Li Shuyi summoned the elite wolf rock back of the same level just to feel the physical loss slowly, but changing to a level 8 standard job, if you call back, it can be a problem for a few minutes.


late at night.

Bai Xiaowen, who was meditating, suddenly felt a scorching chest.

There was a scale there, a token of the snake mother Gagella. Because the snake mother may communicate with Bai Xiaowen at any time, this scale and the new magic communication scroll given by Queen Carmelo, Bai Xiaowen are placed next to each other without being placed in the storage space.

"Mother Snake wants to talk to me?"

Without much hesitation, Bai Xiaowen pulled out drowning bones, ghost grass, and other materials from the storage space, and performed the ritual of communicating with the snake mother in accordance with the steps described by the rotten water prophet Gorike.

Soon, a cloud of black smoke emerged from the scales, and the unreal black shadow of the snake mother Gagrila emerged from above the scales.

"You have something to do with me?" Bai Xiaowen asked first.

A smile appeared on Gagrila's face: "The Lord the Prophet is very laid back, and he is meditating."

"Don't go round the corner, Ms. Gagrella." Bai Xiaowen never trusted 100% of Gagrella, and was still prepared for it.

"That's okay. Your Excellency, I regret to tell you bad news ... Sheehan has already acted, and at this moment a large-scale naval battle is erupting in the South China Sea of ​​the dwarven kingdom! Compared to your petty fights in the waters of Bonus, This time it's real. "

"Navy battle?" Bai Xiaowen looked in a stunned expression, glanced at the dark night sky with little starlight outside, and confirmed, "Snakeman Navy launched a night attack?"

"Yeah." Gaggrila shrugged, and the abundance of her chest trembled. "Eradicating the maritime power of the coalition is the first goal of the lord. The strategic significance contained in it, I believe His Excellency is also very clear Right? "

"How do they ... have this strength?" Bai Xiaowen frowned. "Unless the prince takes the initiative, the coalition's fleet will not lose to the Serpent-Man ghost ship."

Compared with the navy in the Bonus Sea area, the coalition fleet in the South China Sea is one level stronger. Now that countries have entered into military alliances, they can gather the most elite forces to cooperate in combat, which is very different from their own policies before the alliance.

In the South China Sea today, the coalition forces are mainly based on the armored ships of the dwarven kingdom, supplemented by the light warships transformed by the ancient trees of the elven kingdom. The black artillery on them is also the latest achievement of the dwarf artisans. The soldiers on the ships are also all Capable of conquering warfare.

Even if the Snakeman has a naval advantage, it is impossible to destroy the South China Sea Fleet in one shot.

Jorge Lala laughed: "Her Prophet, you miscalculated the lord's determination! The lord has carried the construction base of the magic crystal cannon with precious magical craftsmen to the South China Sea, using the high-quality ore resources of the Moya pit, A large number of ghost ghost ships carrying magic crystal cannons have been cast in large numbers! Today in the South China Sea, there are no less than ten ghost giant ships, hundreds of magic crystal cannons ... "

Hearing this, Bai Xiaowen has understood.

No wonder the lord has the confidence to wipe out ~ ~ It turns out that the navy's naval warfare power has expanded to this point.

"Why don't you warn in advance?" Bai Xiaowen frowned. "Now the sea battle has begun, what's the use of telling me again?"

Grigulla shook her head and said, "Sorry, the Prophet. I did n’t know the plan of the battle in advance. Lord Shane was responsible for this battle, and I lost Bo because of my last failure on the Gagour Plateau. The scholar Mr. Halofenson was reprimanded by the prince ... Now I have gradually been squeezed out of the leadership. "

After a pause, Cargella Ramen said sarcastically: "Not to mention, in the minds of the lord, our native snake man is not his sibling at all, Sheen, Vazatas, these reborn snake men, Is most trusted by him. "

Bai Xiaowen exhaled, and Jiagelila so sincerely explained her current situation, to a certain extent, alleviated Bai Xiaowen's suspicion about her.

"Ms. Jiagelila, thank you for your frankness. I hope you can figure out the next plan of the Snake-Man as soon as possible ..." Bai Xiaowen said, "After the coalition ’s South China Sea Fleet has been severely defeated, the Snake-Man must have a backseat. "

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