The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 987: Confluence

"You mean ... send someone to attack the snake man's production base." Yahan and others quickly understood Bai Xiaowen's intention.

"We don't know the location of the snake-man base ..." Gibbs said, and he paused suddenly. "Well, Lord Prophet should have a way to find out the location of the snake-man base. This is not a problem."

"However, this Snake-Man's sneak attack will definitely hurt the coalition fleet. How can the sneak-out troops sent out sail to the sea where the Snake-Man base is located?" Someone questioned.

Bai Xiaowen said: "I don't need to worry about this, just leave this task to me."

Such a major strategic issue, naturally high-level representatives of various countries can not rest assured that Bai Xiaowen is vague.

But Yahan understood Bai Xiaowen's meaning and agreed decisively: "No problem, you need to cooperate with the coalition, you can report it to me, and you don't need to consider the opinions of other people or let them know."

Poingar Greybeard: "Marshal Yahan, what does this mean?"

Quartermaster Felix shrugged: "Obviously-no one can guarantee that there is no traitor among us, so only the Prophet and His Excellency Marshal will know that the details of the plan are correct."

The seniors in the conference room, although feeling a little uncomfortable, also understood the approach of Bai Xiaowen and Yahan.

"The second question will be said next," Bai Xiaowen looked around the field, "the collection of the seven sacred vessels and recognition of the Lord."

Quartermaster Felix said, "Let me report ..."

"Her Prophet made seven predictions three years ago. Now the predictions have basically been revealed ..."

"The first prophecy, Apollo's whisper, a bright bow. It has been found, but no one can get approval."

"The second prophecy, the punishment of Balgra, the bone hammer. Has been found so far, the owner is the barbarian Basaka ..."

"The third prophecy, the authority of Azus, the two-handed staff. It has now been found. The host is the speaker of the Continental Parliament, Her Majesty the Great Queen Camello."

"Fourth prophecy, Velen's justice, a two-handed sword. Has been found, and the owner is the commander of the Continental Alliance, His Excellency Alexei Yahan."

"The fifth prophecy, Mara's wisdom, the renju wand. It has been found so far. The owner is the mainland prophet, His Excellency Dior Skeleboom."

"Sixth prophecy, Akari's anger, flesh axe. It has not been found yet, and it seems to have been taken away."

"Seventh prophecy, Silas's sanctuary, Tibetan sword and shield. It has been found. The owner is the Knight of Altoria, His Excellency Harold Atherton."

Speaking of which, Felix paused: "To sum up, six of the Seven Holy Artifacts have been found, and five of them have already acknowledged the Lord. The previous Lord of the Holy Artifacts has come to the front of the Moya Great Pit, and Harlow The German knight was on his way quickly after he received the Tibetan sword and shield in the orc kingdom. "

Yahan added: "The Elven Kingdom has a lot of strong archers who are good at archery. Now they have come to the front line one after another, and try the Light Longbow in turn. Sooner or later, you can find out who is suitable to use the Light Longbow."

Master Gibbs: "As for the last unknown holy weapon, Her Majesty the Queen has issued a note to all countries and issued an announcement to the Kuroshio continent. But the time is short and there is no valuable news."

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "So the key to the problem is the meat axe. After destroying the magic crystal cannon production base, I will meditate for a while and predict the trace of the last holy artifact."

The crowd then discussed several irrelevant elements, and then declared the meeting adjourned.

Bai Xiaowen returned to the tent. It didn't take long for him to receive a magic communication request. After connecting, it was Qiao Rui.

"Finally, what's the situation?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Qiao Rui in the magic image apparently just experienced a battle, and his face was slightly pale: "Not very good, but not too bad ... In short, the scene is grand enough. The South China Sea Fleet of the Allied Forces is almost extinct. ... I was driving a ghostly giant ship, and fled under the sea with the Liberty Army and several ghost ships, and now the snake-man fleet is still chasing after it. "

"You're fine." Bai Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief. "It's even more fortunate that I can keep the ghost ship. My next action is to use the ghost ship for convenience. Okay, report your position and followers. The general situation. "

Qiao Rui reported a general geographic coordinate and said, "There are more than a dozen ghost ships that have been chased, including two giant ships. It should be noted that both the giant ships and ordinary ghost ships are equipped with magic crystals. Artillery, but the number of magic crystal cannons of ordinary ghost ships is small and less powerful ... "

"According to past experience, the ghost ship should be the lord to be eligible to drive. However, considering the expansion of the snake man, the number of ghost ships is increasing, and at most these two ships have only one lord ..."

Bai Xiaowen pondered for a moment, "I see, you continue to dive, target Silverlight Beach, waiting for support."

Qiao Rui agreed, and ended the communication.

"Shu Yi, ready to go." Bai Xiaowen said.

"Come here, come here," Lee Suk Yee said, "whether you want to call Lao Han."

"No need, he has a rare opportunity to learn how to forge." Bai Xiaowen shook his head. "The time is tight, and he originally wanted him to sign for Wolf Valley ... it's too late. I'll wait until I come back."

"Would you like to call a few coalition strongmen together?" Li Shuyi asked.

"No. Although there are many strong coalition forces, we must take into account the frontal battlefield. Also, the less we know about the things we are going to do this time, the better."

Bai Xiaowen intends to take advantage of this opportunity to achieve the first part of the task of the scavenger, that is, to wipe out the snake crystal magic crystal cannon production base, and kill three magic snake artisans.

When they were ready, they walked out of the tent. Bai Xiaowen made a whistle, and the two white eagles circled down from the air. Then the two turned over and sat up, and the white eagle flew away.


Silverlight Beach ~ ~ is part of the southern coastline of the Dwarf Kingdom.

Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi rode on the white eagle, and soon flew over the beach.

Bai Xiaowen closed his eyes slightly, and extended the scope of mental scanning indefinitely, and soon found the Qiao Rui fleet that had not arrived for a few kilometers. He did not stop at the beach, and continued to drive the white eagle to fly forward, until he was able to conduct the team dialogue, before passing the team channel to let Qiao Rui rise.

Soon, a mast came out on the sea ahead, followed by the second and third ...

In addition to Qiao Rui's ghost ship, three ghost ships survived, but the hulls were mostly tattered, apparently hit by a snake-man naval attack.

The white eagle fluttered its wings and sent Bai Xiaowen to the ghost ship.

Qiao Rui and Cecilia greeted. In addition to Han Xu, the White Phoenix team completed the confluence.

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